Escola Secundária de Viriato Viseu, PORTUGAL COMENIUS We are not mad, we are making a difference! Grottaglie, Italy, 11-15th April, 2011
The north of Portugal is mountainous and wetter and colder than the south. PORTUGUESE LANDSCAPES
The north of Portugal is mountainous and wetter and colder than the south.
The landscapes have deciduous trees like oaks, but the area of pine and eucalyptus trees has increased a lot the last years. PORTUGUESE LANDSCAPES
The south of the country is flatter and arid. Evergreen species such as cork oaks and holm oaks are the predominant ones. In the image, the montado with cork oaks (trees where the cork is taken from), a landscape built by humans with livestock and agricultural purposes. PORTUGUESE LANDSCAPES
CARQUEJA Pterospartum tridentatum (L.) willk. Its branches are much appreciated in the preparation of infusions and in cuisine for the manufacture, for example, of the Arroz de Carqueja.
CASTANHEIRO Castanea sativa Miller Its seed, the chestnut, matures in October-November and before the Discovery Age (15th century) it was used as a main meal accompaniment that was later replaced by potatoes. Nowadays the chestnut is used as a garnish or in desserts (baked or boiled) or in beverages (liquors). Sweet chestnut - Edelkastanie - Szelídgesztenyefa - Castagno europeo - Kasztan jadalny
GASTRONOMIC PLANTS (CARQUEJA E CASTANHEIRO) This bush typical of the areas of shrubs is common in the mountains of northern Portugal and it is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. Abundant tree within northern and central Portugal.
MENTA Mentha sp. Mint is an herb easily identified by its odour. Its healing effects have been known for a long time. Used in toothpaste and candies, mint helps in digestion, in asthma attacks and in the cure of colds and flu. It is a native plant of the Mediterranean regions and is commonly found throughout the country. Mint – Minze – Münt - Mieta
DEDALEIRA Digitalis purpurea L. This plant is very poisonous but it has long been used as a medicine in Europe. The leaves contain substances that affect the heart muscle and are thus used to treat heart diseases. Sometimes children play with its flowers without realizing the danger they face. Foxglove - Roter fingerhut - Verev sõrmkübar – Gyűszűvirág - Digitale purpúrea - Naparstnica purpurowa
MEDICINAL PLANTS (DEDALEIRA) Herbaceous plant very abundant in Portugal.
TEIXO Taxus baccata L. The male and female reproductive parts are in different individuals. The intervention of birds is needed to germinate the seeds. It has had many uses, from the use of its wood (the oldest wooden object found in Europe was made of this tree) to the abortion purposes (because of being toxic). It is at risk of extinction, mainly due to its cut. It was discovered that it contains a very effective substance in treating different kinds of cancer. Common Yew – Eibe – Jugapuu –Tiszafa - Tasso - Cis pospolity
NARCISO DO MONDEGO Narcissus scaberulus Henriq. It is a bulbous plant which lives in poor, rocky soils and flowers in February. This plant exists only in Portugal (Lusitanian endemism) in a small area of the Mondego River basin. Like many other species of daffodils, they are in danger of extinction due to ornamental motives and the spread of pine and eucalyptus woods as well as the high genetic similarity of populations. Mondego daffodil
ENDANGERED PLANTS (TEIXO E NARCISO DO MONDEGO) In Portugal this tree exists only in the mountains of “Gerês” and in “Serra da Estrela”. This plant exists only in Portugal (Lusitanian endemism) in a small area of the Mondego River basin.
Escola Secundária de Viriato Viseu, PORTUGAL COMENIUS We are not mad, we are making a difference! Grottaglie, Italy, 11-15th April, 2011