ARCASIA Report For Green Architecture Committee The 32 nd ARCASIA Council Meeting August 15~20, 2011 Da Nang, Vietnam “Architects leading the Culture of Green Architecture” Korea Institute of Registered Architects (KIRA) ARCASIA Report For Green Architecture Committee The 32 nd ARCASIA Council Meeting August 15~20, 2011 Da Nang, Vietnam “Architects leading the Culture of Green Architecture” Korea Institute of Registered Architects (KIRA)
Implementation Strategy of activating the Green Building out lined government plan
Table of contents Ⅰ. Background Ⅱ. Current Strategy & Policy Ⅲ. Activation Plan for Green Building
Ⅰ. Background
Rise in the mean temperature of the earth resulted from the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to the increment of using the fossil fuel after the Industrial Revolution - The world’s temperature has increased by 0.74˚C during last 100 years (while it has increased by 1.7˚C on the average of 6 biggest cities in Korea) Extensive effect on the whole ecosystem, industry, economy and life due to the increase of anomaly climate phenomenon such as heat wave, drought, flood and heavy snowfall - Loss of approximately 35,000 lives due to the heat wave in Europe in 2003 Approximately 11,000 billion KRW of damage due to the hurricane, Katrina in Increase of damage due to the domestic meteorological disasters Increase of anomaly climate /meteorological disasters due to the global warming
Overview of domestic discharge of greenhouse gases Total Amount of discharge: 591 million TCO 2 eq -> World’s 10 th (2005) - Increase rate: 12% for previous five years (2000~2005) -> 4 th among OECD member countries (The average increase rate of OECD member countries is 5.6%) Weak economical structure against the energy crisis Sensitivity in change of supply, demand and price because of 96% dependence on imports - Korea 96.4%, Japan 83.9%, Spain 83.7%, France 50.1%, [2008, IEA] - Domestic penetration rate of new regeneration energy is 2.4%, the lowest among OECD member countries (2008) Low energy efficiency - Measure of energy source (TOE/GDP) : Korea 0.29, Japan 0.09, Germany 0.15, USA 0.18[OECD average 0.17]
The area of building plays the core role of reducing the discharge amount of domestic greenhouse gases * Relative importance of discharging the greenhouse gases (2007) Transport 14.3% Conversion to green transport system More advancement leads more discharge of greenhouse gases (The discharge amount is expected to increase by 40%) USA 45%, England 41%(OECD average 31%) Building 24.5% Industry 61.2% Elevation of energy efficiency through the improvement of industrial process, etc. Need of maximizing the reduction of discharge amount of greenhouse gases by the intensive management of building area
Advanced countries’ quick actions by defining the reduction target of greenhouse gases Announcing the EPBD(Energy Performance of Building Directive), EU set the target of zero energy of all buildings by 2020(2010)
Korea is promoting various measures in the area of building under the vision of Green Growth Activation Measures of green building after the 6 th Meeting of the PCGG(Presidential Committee on Green Growth) in 2009 Intensification of energy standard on new buildings Improvement of energy efficiency of existing buildings Implementation of the technology development of green building Checking the current result and implementing various active policies for the future
Ⅱ. Current Stratege & Policy
1. Leading all new buildings to the energy saving building Current Results Obligation of Green Certification of public buildings → Intensification of leading role of public sectors Obligation of certifications such as Green Building & Building Energy Efficiency in ‘Amendment of Energy Use Rationalization Guide for Public Institutions’ (2010) Grant of incentive to Green-Certified private buildings →Leading to voluntary participation Exemption from acquisition tax, exemption from environment improvement charge, relax restrictions on building standard, etc. - Building Energy Efficiency 680 certifications, Green Building 2,235 certifications Intensification of building permit standard→Leading to reduction of energy use Intensification of insulation standard of window by 20%, Obligation of using energy saving equipment billion KRW saving of energy cost yearly
2. Implementation of demonstration project for improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings Implementation of greenhouse gas·energy target management system → Elevation of energy recognition across the society Implementation of demonstration project on 37 bodies in Conclusion of MOU with KITA, Lotte World, COEX, etc. Implementation in 2012 after setting the goal in the second half of 2011 Demonstration project of green home on existing houses →Spread of green home Implementation of improving houses for the lower-income group in related with the welfare of green house - Replacement of heating facilities on dilapidated permanent rental houses Installation of balcony sash, external window, etc. (10,000 houses, 2010)
3. Preparation of the foundation for activating the green building Nurture of environment-friendly specialized man powers →Spread of green building technology Education support by designating the specialized institution (Korea Institute of Registered Architects·Korea Institute of construction Technology Education)(Targeting approx. 1,500 educatees for 2009~2013) - 12-week curriculum, 259 educatees in 2009, 381 educatees in 2010 Current Results Demonstration construction of building energy integrated management system →Establishment of the characterization DB of energy consumption Establishment of integrated management system for building and energy information(electricity, gas, heat, etc.) - Implementation of effective policy by using the information as the basic data for reducing the greenhouse gases
Ⅲ. Activation Plan for Green Building
1. Birth of green building Project 1-1. Intensification of plan·construction standard Intensification of energy saving standard from the stage of building permit (Approval of building business) Public institutions lead the green building Government office buildings that move to the innovative city secure the more intensified energy efficiency - Application of more intensified standard than the current energy efficiency ratio grade 1(energy 에 consumption 300kwh/m 2 per year) Intensification of obligated energy savings rate on apartment houses Like other advanced countries, the obligated energy savings rate will be intensified in stages by 2025 for achieving the goal of zero energy - 30% of reduction compared to that of 2009(2012)→60% of reduction(2017)→100% of reduction(2025) Construction of 2 million green homes by 2020(0.2~0.25million houses per year)
Intensification of deliberating the energy savings for the building permit Extension of presenting the energy savings plan to all building types and intensification of permit standard(2012) - Medical·cultural·assembly facilities(more than 2,000m 2 ~10,000m 2 )→All other types or purposes(more than 500m 2 ) - Increase of energy efficiency score, 60→65 for the building permit Thoroughgoing checking of complying to the energy savings plan during the building permit and construction 1. Birth of green building Project 1-1. Intensification of plan·construction standard Thoroughgoing checking of complying to the energy savings plan during the building permit and construction Amendment of standard from each part of building (window, wall, floor, etc.) to overall energy consumption (July, 2011) - The implementing priority is given to the large-sized building → Spread to all buildings by 2020
2. Maintenance of green building Project 2-1. Activation of environment-friendly·energy certification system Extension of energy certification on existing buildings by stages Leading the active participation of private sectors through the various incentives like exemption from tax, financial support, etc. - Demonstration project of business buildings·detached houses(2011)→apartment houses(2013)→small-sized buildings(2015)→extension to all buildings(2020) Building of infrastructure for certification system preparing for the increase of certification demand Creation of green building jobs through the nurture of specialist like a building energy assessor(2012~) Integration of similar certification systems & Branding Extension and Nurture of specialized bodies in environment-friendly·energy building - Example: Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea Infrastructure Safety & Technology Corporation, Korea Energy Management Corporation, etc.
2. Maintenance of green building Project 2-2. Share of building energy information Introduction of energy consumption proof system Introduction of energy consumption proof system by stages on the real estate transaction (2012~) - Linkage with the real estate appraisal system for the system activation Support to existing buildings[6.6 million buildings] through establishing the energy integrated management system Completion of nationwide system building by Seoul(2011)→Gyeonggi·Incheon(2013)→Chungcheong·Gangwon(2015) →Gyeongsang·Jeolla(2020) Support of green policy sharing the comprehensive information of building energy - Building energy consumption proof system, energy target management system, etc.
3. Re-birth of green building Project 3-1. Preparation of green remodeling standard Presentation of guideline for green remodeling by each purpose of building [2011~] - Businesses, sales, accommodations, schools, apartment & detached houses, combined Presentation of energy efficiency standard required for remodeling the apartment house(2011), guideline for using the high efficient energy equipment(boiler, LED, etc.) Preparation of guideline for the green remodeling of public government offices(2012), Implementation of demonstration project(government departments & offices) - Presentation of comprehensive and overall guidelines such as materials and construction methods considering the environment-friendly·energy efficiency without damaging the surrounding environment during the new construction and remodeling
3. Re-birth of green building Project 3-2. Extension of financial support for the green remodeling Support of green home business in related with the house remodeling Extension of green home business for public rental houses - Completion of 0.28 million public rental houses which are more than 15 year old by 2016(50,000 houses in 2011) In case of general apartment houses, Additional security of ‘long-term allowance for repair’, which can be used for the energy saving remodeling (Preparation of minimum accumulation standard, September, 2011) Support of national housing fund to the dilapidated houses which is remodeled in energy saving type - Within 14 million KRW per house, 3% of interest rate per year, one-time redemption after 3 years - Expansion of urban regeneration business by leading the improvement of existing dilapidated residences in energy efficiency such as replacement with the composite wall·block form, etc. - Support to the dilapidated Korean-style houses for remodeling in energy savings type → Creation of jobs in local society through the remodeling business of dilapidated houses
3. Re-birth of green building Project 3-2. Extension of financial support for the green remodeling Deliberation of support plan for green remodeling 30% of existing dilapidated houses(approx million houses) are completed in green remodeling by Examination of plan for financing the loan principle from the financial institution and budget support for low interest loan Activation of remodeling in inhabited condition for promoting the green remodeling, examination of additional incentives like partial permission of purpose change of underground parking lots in the congested downtown area
4. Intensification of green building environment foundation Information sharing & extension of technology development Information sharing between public, private and academic sectors by periodically holding the ’Green & Human Architecture’ - Plan to hold the ’1 st Green & Human Architecture’ in June 24 th, 2011 Improvement of manufacturers & consumers’ accessibility by systematizing the environment friendly material information system - Research on establishing the infrastructure of environment friendly building material standardization and information system (2011~2012) Technology development actively using the new renewable energy through the research of ’Active Green Building’ - Recycling technology such as construction method of energy savings, new renewable energy technology, water saving facility of wastewater reclamation & reusing system, etc.