Reducing the risk of feeding through a misplaced nasogastric tube How to analyse check X-rays accurately to detect correct tube placement
Background The NPSA has published a list of ‘never events’ which are specific serious untoward incidents that can cause serious harm but should be avoidable if national guidance is followed(1) One Never Event relates to: ‘Naso or orogastric tubes placed in the respiratory tract rather than the gastrointestinal tract and not detected prior to commencing feeding or other use’ The Quarterly Data Summary estimates 271,000 nasogastric tubes are purchased by the NHS annually(2) Since the 2005 NPSA alert, the NRLS has received reports of a further 21 deaths and 79 cases of harm due to feeding into the lungs through misplaced nasogastric tubes. The main causal factor leading to harm was misinterpretation of X-rays. This was found in 45 incidents, 12 of which resulted in the death of the patient. This e-Learning module as been recommended in the March 2011 Alert(3)
Background Subjectively, from information gathered as part of an audit following a nasogastric feeding tube ‘never event’ at their Trust the authors concluded that formal instruction particularly to F1 and F2 medical practitioners regarding the interpretation of tube siting on check X-ray images is not wide spread [last accessed 21.10.10] National Patient Safety Agency. Incidents related to nasogastric tubes. August 2008. Quarterly Data Summary:9 National Patient Safety Agency Alert March 2011. [Last accessed 16.03.11]
Contraindications to blind nasogastric tube insertion Fluoroscopically guided intubation should be considered in the following cases: Base of skull fracture Nasal injuries Deviation of the nasal septum Hiatus hernia and gastro-oesophageal reflux - if severe the risk of aspiration may be high Functional problems such as loss of swallow or gag reflex Oesophageal or gastric abnormalities e.g. stricture, pharangeal pouch, pharangeal compression, perforation, fistula - may require fluoroscopically guided intubation Known oesophageal varices, ulceration or haemangioma (due to possibility of causing trauma) Postoperative patients who have had upper GI surgery, with or without an anastamotic leak Many contraindications are relative and a decision to place an NG tube in these patients and the mode of intubation may still be taken by more senior members of the team In some of these situations use of fluoroscopic guidance can make intubation safer
Using fine bore feeding tubes Acutely unwell patients are preferably fed through fine bore nasogastric tubes, provided they do not require gastric decompression with a larger Ryle’s tube This is because fine bore tubes are more easily tolerated Large bore tubes are associated with rhinitis, oesophageal reflux and strictures1 However, this tolerance comes at a price - patients may tolerate accidental intubation of the trachea and bronchi without obvious distress2 If the tube misplacement is not spotted, and feeding is commenced, the consequences can be serious, including3 Pneumothorax Severe pneumonia Empyema Pulmonary haemorrhage Death, depending on response to the above Pearce CB, Duncan HD. Postgrad Med J 2002;78(918):198-204 de Aguilar-Nascimento JE, Kudsk KA. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2007 May;10(3):291-6 Kawati R, Rubertsson S. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2005; 49(1):58-61
Problems with fine bore nasogastric tube insertion – a case example A seventy five year old woman with a past history of chronic obstructive airways disease and hiatus hernia was admitted under the care of the general surgeons with peritonitis secondary to a perforated sigmoid diverticula She underwent a Hartmanns procedure with an end colostomy, but unfortunately her abdominal wound dehisced She returned to theatre several times and was managed with an abdominal VAC dressing She then developed pneumonia and was managed on the High Dependency Unit (HDU) She had poor oral intake for a variety of reasons and her progress was slow Therefore, after a review by the dieticians, it was decided during the evening ward round that she ought to commence nasogastric feeding
Problems with fine bore nasogastric tube insertion – a case example Later on in that shift the nurse inserted the fine bore NG tube and asked the evening Senior House Officer (SHO) to order a portable X-ray to check its position The X-ray was reviewed by the night HDU SHO at 0100 It was thought the X-ray was a little rotated, but that the position was probably slightly altered due to the hiatus hernia Feeding was commenced The patient’s respiratory function deteriorated overnight When the patient was reviewed on the morning ward round, the X-ray was reviewed again and the team felt that the tube might be misplaced The tube was removed and the patient treated for aspiration of feed with bronchial lavage (which confirmed feed in the bronchi) and adjustment of her antibiotic regime
Problems with fine bore nasogastric tube insertion – a case example There are several factors within this scenario which contributed to the patient being fed via a misplaced tube They fall into five main categories: Human factors (e.g. difficulty interpreting X ray) Equipment factors (e.g. use of less radiopaque tubes rather than ones that are completely radiopaque) System factors (e.g. limited access to out-of-hours specialist radiology help) Environmental factors (e.g. workload issues leading to delays) Communication factors (e.g. documentation in the notes is often poor - when re-siting tubes it is important to know if there have been previous difficulties placing the tube)
Incidence of tube misplacements Difficult to determine due to limited number of studies in this area Has been variously reported as being between 1.3% and 50%1 The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) reported 11 known deaths and 1 case of serious harm due to misplaced NG feeding tubes over a two year period (2003-2005)2 Led to the issue of a safety alert in 2005 on how to ensure feeding tubes are placed correctly2 Since the release of the alert, there have been a further 79 reported cases of feeding through misplaced nasogastric tubes3 21 of these are thought to have directly contributed to the death of a patient Ellett ML. Online J Knowl Synth Nurs 1997;4:5 National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA). Patient Safety Alert 05 Fayaz A. BMJ Careers;doi: 10.1136/bmj.c3850.
NPSA ‘never events’ Given the potential catastrophic consequences of tube misplacement, the NPSA designated feeding after NG tube misplacement as one of 8 ‘never events’1 This means there needs to be a system in place to help avoid the never event taking place This training package is part of that safety system 4. Misplaced naso or orogastric tube not detected prior to use Definition: Naso or orogastric tube placed in the respiratory tract rather than the intestinal tract and not detected prior to commencing feeding or other use Main care setting: All care settings [last accessed 10.08.10]
Developing your own protocol to avoid tube misplacement ‘never events’
Ask yourself Are you 100% sure which patients need to have check X-rays and which you can confidently feed without? Are you confident you have a reliable system in place for reviewing X-rays after NG tube placement?
Protocol for using pH strips to check NG tube position pH testing pH testing of aspirate is the initial method of choice for checking tube position Ideally, use pH indicator strips that are CE marked, and have increments of measurement marked on NICE guidelines state that if the aspirate has a pH of 5.5 or less using pH indicator strips, then feeding can be commenced as the tube is in the stomach Litmus paper should never be used1 Checks should be carried out: Following initial insertion Before starting each feed or giving medication As well as misplacement upon insertion, NG tubes that were inserted correctly initially can move out of the stomach at a later stage if the tube is dislodged Once-daily, during continuous feed Following vomiting, retching or coughing in case of displacement If the tape around the nose is loose, or the visible tube appears longer than previously documented MHRA medical device alert. 14 June 2004
When to proceed to check X-ray? Elevated pH If pH is >5.5, repeat after one hour with nothing running through NG tube during this time If pH is still >5.5 proceed to check position with X-ray Reasons for an elevated pH in a correctly placed tube include use of antacid medication or feed raising the pH by diluting gastric secretions (this is more common with continuous feed when checks are done during the period of feeding - in this case the feed should be switched off for one hour and the aspirate rechecked) However, never assume that an elevated pH is acceptable whatever the cause Always proceed to check X-ray Difficulty obtaining aspirate Turn patient onto side if possible Try injecting 10-20ml of air into tube and wait for 15 minutes then try again THIS IS NOT THE "WHOOSH" TEST. DO NOT USE THE "WHOOSH" TEST AT ANY TIME The Whoosh test is an old test, where air is injected into the tube and auscultation performed to listen for exit sound The NPSA issued an alert in 2005, stating this test should no longer be used, as it is not an accurate method of checking tube placement1 Advance tube 10-20cm and try again If no aspirate is obtained in any of these situations – proceed to X-ray National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA). Patient Safety Alert 05
Interpretation of check x-rays The following slides will help you answer the important questions below Can you interpret an image that is tilted or rotated? Can you identify the carina? Can you see the tube bisect the carina? Can you identify the diaphragm and see the tube passing below it? Which way does the tube deviate below the diaphragm? Can you see the tip of the tube? Please note, this training package has been developed using X-ray images that have been anonymised Some of these images would be easier to interpret using the PACS viewing system due to the ability to change the density of the image - this function is not available on this training tracker
Taking rotation into account This diagram illustrates the orientation of the clavicles, 1st ribs and thoracic spine in a non rotated chest X-ray NG Tube central Equal distance from clavicles Non rotated film
Taking rotation into account This X-ray demonstrates a non-rotated film Look for the relationship of the clavicles, 1st ribs and spine
Taking rotation into account This diagram illustrates how to identify rotation from the relationship of the clavicles, first ribs and spine. A film demonstrating this appears on the next slide. The right shoulder is rotated forward and the left shoulder is rotated away from the observer This makes the thoracic spinal processes visible to the right The oesophagus lies slightly to the left therefore the NG tube can be seen more to the left of the vertebral bodies in a film rotated in this orientation
Taking rotation into account This film demonstrates the features illustrated in the previous diagram. Look for: Asymmetry in the clavicles and 1st ribs Spinous processes projecting to the right Note: this tube deviates to the left at the level of the carina and is likely to be in the base of the left lung 1 2 3 Feeding should not occur and this tube should be removed
Identifying the carina The carina (the point at which the trachea divides into the right and left main bronchi) usually lies at the level of the 4th or 5th thoracic vertebrae, although it can vary Sometimes the angle of the carina can be very acute and in other patients the carina may be splayed wider apart. The carina can usually be seen on a standard chest X-ray The image to the right is taken from a CT scan (in a patient without an NG tube) but it illustrates the x-ray appearance of the carina very clearly When checking NG tube position the tube should be seen to pass into the area underneath the carina thereby "bisecting" it This does not mean the tube has to pass precisely in the midline or divide the carina into equal halves The diagram on the next slide illustrates this
Identifying the carina This diagram illustrates how the carina appears to be bisected by the NG tube
Identifying the carina Can you identify the carina and whether the NG tube bisects it in this X-ray?
Identifying the carina This annotated diagram of the previous film highlights the carina The tube does bisect the carina. It passes over the left main bronchus
Identifying the carina This tube deviates at the level of the carina The trachea lies slightly to the right of the spine as the film is rotated The carina can be seen and the tube deviates to the right at this level – it does not bisect the carina From review of this X-ray it appears that this tube is likely to be in the right lung base In fact this patient has a right sided pneumothorax caused by forcing the NG tube against resistance through the lung parenchyma and into the pleural space 1 2 Feeding should not occur and this tube should be removed
It would be acceptable to feed this patient nasogastrically Beyond the carina Sometimes the carina can be a little unclear, particularly if there are other artefacts on X-rays that can cause confusion as in this example If you are unsure whether the tube bisects the carina or deviates to either side follow the tube further down Does it pass down the midline to the level of the diaphragm? When passing below the diaphragm does it deviate immediately to the left? If the answer to these questions is YES, the tube can be assumed to be in the stomach In this film the carina is not particularly clear It is also a little difficult to see the tube more inferiorly However, it does appear to pass down the midline, below the diaphragm and then deviates to the left It would be acceptable to feed this patient nasogastrically
Beyond the carina If the tube does not pass below the diaphragm feeding should not occur It may be possible to advance the tube if it is felt to be in the oesophagus In this situation aspirate may then be obtained meaning a further X-ray would be unnecessary Obviously sometimes tubes do not pass below the diaphragm due to being coiled higher up as in this example In this situation the tube should be removed and resited If there is a suspicion of any abnormal anatomy causing this (e.g. pharyngeal pouch) then fluoroscopic intubation should be considered
Beyond the carina If the tip of the tube cannot be seen because it passes further below the diaphragm than can be seen on the X-ray, there are three options It may be that the X-ray does not cover enough of the area below the diaphragm to see the tube and a further image is required Sometimes the body of the stomach extends quite inferiorly in the abdominal cavity, but the duodenum is relatively fixed. Therefore, if the tube is in the duodenum it can usually be seen to loop back superiorly and to the right before turning inferiorly and tracking back towards the midline again A tube that does not do this may well still be in the stomach. In this situation it is useful to use measurements The length of NG tube to be inserted as a minimum is the same as the distance from the nasal septum to the tragus of the ear and then to the xiphisternum If the tip of the tube cannot be seen but the length of tube in situ is this distance plus up to 15cm then it is acceptable to feed
Interpreting check X-rays – flow chart system To increase accuracy in determining position of feeding tube, use a feeding tube that is fully radiopaque In some cases, use of fluoroscopic guidance can make intubation safer Remember, if in doubt regarding tube position for any reason, do not feed The flow chart on the next slide demonstrates a system to increase accuracy when checking X-rays for correct NG tube position
Misplaced tube This tube appears to be below the level of the diaphragm therefore it could be incorrectly interpreted as being in the stomach However: The base of the lungs extend much more inferiorly posteriorly The tube deviates at the level of the carina 2
Misplaced tube And on this x-ray of the same patient a lateral film demonstrates that the NG tube is indeed in the base of the right lung
Would you feed this patient? This NG tube bisects the carina, passes down the midline and below the diaphragm to the left and is in a suitable position for feeding It would be acceptable to feed this patient nasogastrically
Would you feed this patient? This is another correctly sited tube It bisects the carina, passes down the midline and below the diaphragm deviating initially to the left (although it then curves round to the right following the curve of the stomach as would be expected) It would be acceptable to feed this patient nasogastrically
Would you feed this patient? This tube is in the stomach, but only just and it would be advisable to advance it slightly prior to feeding After advancing an aspirate might be more easily obtained, otherwise it could be reimaged
Would you feed this patient? This film is interesting. Sometimes NG tubes can have this appearance when they are in a hiatus hernia - particularly if it is incarcerated. This is uncommon The tube is in a hiatus hernia. The deviation is quite low, near the diaphragm. However, any deviation in the chest – particularly if extreme like this – should raise the question: Could this tube be in the lung? Be very wary of attributing any deviation in the thorax to a hiatus hernia and get a senior opinion. "If in doubt, take it out" is the bottom line
Summary Not everyone needs a check X-ray However if they do, it is important that the person interpreting it has a system of reading the X-ray in place as feeding down a misplaced tube can be catastrophic Use the flowchart demonstrated earlier in these teaching slides to decrease the likelihood of misinterpreting an X-ray (Flow Chart)
Multiple Choice Questions Welcome to the multiple choice questionnaire for healthcare professionals who have completed the E-learning module: Reducing the risk of feeding through a misplaced nasogastric tube: How to analyse check X-rays accurately to detect tube placement. To complete the questionnaire please click here (insert link to 2.2)
• This is a multiple choice questionnaire Instructions • This is a multiple choice questionnaire • Please tick the answer you think is correct • You will be told after each answer if you are right • If you complete 17 out of 17 questions correctly, you will be issued a pass. Note:Within the questionnaire there are several images to review sometimes you have to scroll down to see the bottom of the image, just beware of this as the bottom of the film sometimes contains very important information!
Question 1 Which of the following qualities in a feeding tube can help you detect a misplaced nasogastric tube? A. Fully radiopaque B. Colour C. Centimeter markings
Answer to Question 1..Yes A and C Which of the following qualities are preferable in a nasogastric feeding tube? Fully radiopaque - yes, it is easier to track the path of fully radio-opaque tubes on check X-rays • Colour – no, makes no difference to tube placement • Centimetre markings – yes, can measure how far down the tube has gone, and once placed, allows the nurses to check if the tube has moved
Question 2 Which of the following could result from a misplaced feeding tube? A. Pneumothorax B. Severe pneumonia C. Pulmonary haemorrhage D. Death
Answer to Question 2 Yes A,B,C,D Which of the following could result from a misplaced feeding tube? (you can tick more than one answer) A. Pneumothorax - YES B. Pneumonia - YES C. Pulmonary haemorrhage - YES D. Death - YES
Question 3 What should you do if the patient’s pH strip aspirate test measures 6? A. Commence feeding B. Send the patient for a check X-ray C. Wait an hour and gain new aspirate D. Conduct the ‘whoosh’ test
Answer to Question 3 Yes C What should you do if the patient’s pH strip aspirate test measures 6? A. Commence feeding – NO, the tube may be in the lungs; pH should be ≤ 5.5 B. Send the patient for a check X-ray – NO, high pH could be due to bronchial secretions, but could also be due to medication or dilution by previous enteral feed. Should only send for check X-ray if pH test definitive – see answer C C. Wait an hour and gain new aspirate – YES, this will rule out dilution by stomach contents as a cause of the high pH. If pH is still high, then send for check X-ray D. Conduct the ‘whoosh’ test – NO, this is an old test where air is injected into the tube and auscultation performed to listen for exit sounds. The NPSA issued an alert in 2005, stating this test should no longer be used, as it is not an accurate method of checking tube placement
Question 4 • Choose the single statement that represents the best answer In this film, A. The tube deviates to the left at the carina and is in the left lung B. The tube bisects the carina C. The tube is likely to be in a hiatus hernia D. The tube passes below the diaphragm and can be used for
Answer Question 4: A = correct (B, C and D incorrect) A. The tube deviates to the left at the carina and is in the left lung Explanation • The tube does not bisect the carina • The tube can be seen to deviate at the level of the carina at the level of T4/T5 indicating it is in the lung, and should therefore be removed • A tube that passes below the diaphragm may still be in the posterior part of the lung - remove tube
Question 5: • Choose the statement that represents the best answer In this film, A. The tube is in the GI tract but is unsafe for feeding B. The tube is positioned in the stomach and feeding can commence safely C. The tube is not in the GI tract and needs to be removed
Answer Question 5:B = correct (A and C – incorrect) B. This tube is in the stomach and is safe to feed Explanation • It does not deviate at the carina • It crosses the diaphragm midline and deviates immediately to the left • It does not enter the duodenum • Incidentally, this tube has a tungsten weighted tip, which is used in some Trusts as there is an argument that it helps the tube to be swallowed
Question 6 • Identify all the correct statements in the list below I n this film, A. The tube crosses the carina B. The tip of the tube is in the stomach C. The tube deviates to the left at the level of the carina which has quite an acute angle in this patient D. The tube is likely to be in the base of the left lung
Answer Question 6 A and B = correct (C and D incorrect – The tube crosses the carina – The tip of the tube is in the stomach Explanation • The carina is not easy to see on this image, but the tube does not deviate here and it is in the stomach • Even if you are unsure about the carina the tube appears to pass down the midline and deviates to the left just above the diaphragm which in this case is a normal variation • However, if you are ever unsure, remember, DO NOT FEED!
Question 7 • Choose the correct answer from the list below In this film, A. The tube is in the GI tract but is unsafe for feeding in its current position B. The tube is in the GI tract and feeding can commence C. The tube is not in the GI tract and needs to be removed
Answer Question 7 A = correct (B and C incorrect A. The tube is in the GI tract but is unsafe for feeding in its current position Explanation • The tube is in the GI tract • However, although the tube does bisect the carina, it lies in the distal oesophagus and if feeding occurs here there is a high risk of problematic reflux • If advanced, it should be possible to obtain aspirate this time.
Question 8 • Choose the correct answer from the list below In this film A. The tube should be removed as the tip cannot be seen B. The tube is in the GI tract but its distal position is unclear and measurements would help to decide whether to feed C. The tube is in the GI tract and feeding can commence
Question 8: B = correct (A, C and D = incorrect B. The tube is in the GI tract but its distal position is unclear and measurements would help to decide whether to feed Explanation • The tube is clearly in the GI tract, however there is not enough of the abdomen visible to see if it curves up towards the duodenum • It may well be in the body of the stomach and measurements help to verify this • This patient has lower zone shadowing in both lungs – make sure the whole chest has been radiologically reviewed
Question 9 Choose the single best answer from the list below In this film, A. This tube bisects the carina, crosses the diaphragm in the midline and could be used for feeding if measurements are appropriate B. This tube should be withdrawn a few centimetres before commencing feed C. This tube is in a suitable position for feeding
Question 9: Answer A = correct (B and C = incorrect) A. This tube bisects the carina, crosses the diaphragm in the midline and could be used for feeding if measurements are appropriate Explanation • The tube is most likely to be in the stomach and measurements are the best way to verify this when the tube travels more inferiorly than the bottom of the film in this way • Never withdraw a tube and start feeding without re-aspirating or reimaging.
Question 10 Choose the correct answer from the list below • In this film, A. The tube is not in the GI tract and should be removed B. The tube is in the GI tract and feeding can commence if measurements are appropriate
Question 10: B = correct (A = incorrect) B. The tube is in the GI tract and feeding can commence if measurements are appropriate Explanation • This tube is in the stomach and can be used for feeding if the • Although this tube deviates in the chest, it passes under the left main bronchus thereby bisecting the carina • This patient may have a dilated oesophagus eg. secondary to achalasia
Question 11 Choose all the correct answers from the list below In this film, A. The tube needs to be withdrawn as it may be in the duodenum B. The tube deviates to the right at the level of the carina C. The tube passes below the diaphragm and is likely to be in the gastrointestinal tract D. The tube is likely to be in the base of the right lung
Question 11: B and D = correct (A and C = incorrect) B. The tube deviates to the right at the level of the carina D. The tube is in the right lung and should be removed Explanation • The tube is in the right lung and needs to be removed • Passage below the diaphragm does not guarantee that the tube is in the GI tract, particularly if it does not cross the diaphragm in the midline and most importantly if it does not bisect the carina
Question 12 Choose the correct answer from the list below • In this film, A. This tube needs to be withdrawn as it is likely to be in the small bowel and dumping syndrome may result B. The tip of the tube can be seen and it is in the stomach C. This tube deviates to the left at the level of the carina and may be in the base of the left lung
Question 12: B = correct (A and C = incorrect) B.The tip of the tube can be seen and it is in the stomach Explanation • This tube is in the stomach • It bisects the carina and crosses the diaphragm at the midline and then runs down the greater curve of the stomach • This tube does not turn superiorly and to the right, therefore is unlikely to be in the duodenum
Question 13 Choose the correct answer from the list below • In this film, A. The tube is in the GI tract and may safely be used for feeding B. This tube is in the GI tract but the position is unsafe for feeding due to the risk of reflux C. This tube is likely to be in the base of the left lung D. This tube should be removed and re-sited
Question 13: B = correct (A, C and D = incorrect) B. This tube is in the GI tract but the position is unsafe for feeding due to the risk of reflux Explanation • This tube passes down the midline and deviates immediately to the left below the diaphragm and is in the stomach - but only just • Advancing it would reduce the risk of displacement into the lower oesophagus and make aspirate easier to obtain
Question 14 Choose the best answer from the list below • In this film A. The tube is in the GI tract and may safely be used for feeding B. This tube is in the GI tract but the position is unsafe for feeding and it should be removed C. This tube is in the respiratory tract
Question 14: B = correct (A and C = incorrect) B. This tube is in the GI tract but the position is unsafe for feeding and it should be removed Explanation • The NG tube loops in the oesophagus - the tip cannot be seen as it is up in the pharynx or mouth
Question 15 from the list below • In this film A. The tube is in the right lung and should be removed B. The tube is in the GI tract but needs to be advanced as it is above the diaphragm C. The tube is in the GI tract and may be used for feeding
Question 15: A = correct (B and D = incorrect) A.The tube is in the right lung and should be removed Explanation • The tube deviates at the level of the carina • A lateral film is not required to identify the tube’s position, it
Question 16 answer from the list below • In this film, A. The tube is most likely to be in a hiatus hernia B. The tube is most likely to be in the left lung C. The tube should be advanced
Question 16: B = correct (A and C = incorrect) answer from the list below • In this film, A. The tube is most likely to be in a hiatus hernia B. The tube is most likely to be in the left lung C. The tube should be advanced
Question 17 Choose all the correct answers from the list below • In this film A. The tube bisects the carina and passes down the midline B. This tube can be used for feeding C. This film is inadequate D. This tube deviates to the right at the carina
Question 17: A and C = correct (B and D = incorrect) A. The tube bisects the carina and passes down the midline C. This film is inadequate as the diaphragmatic hiatus has not been included in the film and you cannot say what is happening at this site Explanation • The tube bisects the carina and is midline, but because the film is inadequate, feeding cannot be authorised
Questionnaire scores • You have scored 17/17 questions correctly Please click here to complete the evaluation form and to print off your RCP accredited certificate • You have scored score to be inserted /17 questions Correctly. Only 100% is acceptable as a pass mark.
Evaluation Please complete the following evaluation by clicking on the appropriate number where 1 = No and 5 = Yes As a result of completing this training module, I now have a greater overall understanding of how to analyse check Xrays for the misplacement of nasogastric tubes 1 2 3 4 5 The training module has provided me with the information to identify the site of a fine bore feeding tube and has provided me with the knowledge to: Determine if the tube is in a safe site for nasogastric feeding Determine the tube is not in a safe site for nasogastric feeding Help minimise the risk of future intubation related never events by reducing misinterpretation errors