10 to 15 mm 1 to 3 mm
DIFF. SLIDING BEARINGS Common materials being used and their co- efficient of friction are Material a)Mild steel over mild steel 0.2 to 0.3 b)Mild steel over phosphor bronze 0.15 c)PTFE over stainless steelLess than 0.08 (With Greasing)
MAINTENANCE – GREASING Equipments required for greasing of sliding bearings : Jacks (appropriate capacity) 1/2 nos + 1 standby Hard wooden packing (below and above jack) Grease graphite grade 3 conforming to IS 508 Kerosene or released black oil for cleaning 6 mm thick steel scrapers Mortar pan Cotton waste.
Greasing – Care to be taken To be done after duly informing P-Way, OHE departments P Way/ OHE departments shall be available Proper train protection must be ensured Girder shall not be lifted excessively Tested equipment/ standby equipment shall be there Girder shall be handled from nominated locations only
MAINTENANCE ASPECTS Guide strips and Location strips breakage Holding down bolts corrosion Bed block shaking and cracking – Loose holding down bolts Sinking of bed plates into bed block Crack in wed/ flange near the bearing Corrosion in bearing/ bed plate BACK ADV