[NewJobs] How to get new jobs? Innovative guidance and counselling Kick off Meeting Van, Turkey | 30 th – 31 st October 2013 Mr. Raftopoulos Dimitrios Head – Strategic Leadership Unit
The Group Reinforce Implement Design
Life Long Learning Research Institute NGO Private Non Profit ICT Ideas Projects Concepts S.E.G. Silver Economy Women & ICT Unemployed
Priority Axis ICT Silver Economy Women
Areas of Interest Reports – Studies – Methodological Guides Employment, Management Strategies, Knowledge Management, Strategic Leadership Training (authorised Vocational Training Centre) Basic Skills, Advanced Skills, Personal Development, Specific Areas ILT, MLT, E-learning European Dimension INTERREG – Interact – Life Long Learning – Article 6 – FP
Cooperation Government Ministry of Education Ministry of Economics Ministry of Exterior Ministry of Health Public Sector Municipalities Regions Private Sector Small Medium Big
Expectations 1/2
Expectations 2/2 Promote the attractiveness of VET Conduct a study on guidance out of school life in the lifelong learning community ICT Tools for knowledge and innovative methods for guidance services Get acquainted with innovative guidance methodologies and new technologies used for new guidance service Conduct a study on new job possibilities at National level Improve our knowledge and our experience at an European level
Main Projects 1 Project Title DescriptionURL LIKEThe project examines how innovative approaches can generate Management Concepts and theories based on the use of ICT. Develops and tests innovative teaching & learning approaches with the use of well-adapted and designed multimedia tools like.lllprojects.eu AMaPThe key aims of the project are to: a) Improve access to VET/CVET for older workers with a focus on identifying the key challenges faced by this client group in participating in lifelong learning activity b) Investigate and (positively) influence the attitudes of employers towards older workers across Europe c) Disseminate findings through a variety of European networks and engage with key policy makers, such as Cedefop and the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network to ensure maximum impact is achieved LISTLIST aims to address women that for age, level of education or participation to economic life, lack sound digital competencies & skills necessary to benefit from the services of the ICT Society nowadays. LIST challenges the possibility to leverage the current ICT skills set through a new approach in learning absorption practices so to meet the future needs of the digital era approaching fast. N/A CaMEOCaMEO project aims to develop a new strategy for mobility that is inclusive of older workers by: 1. Improving the knowledge base for policy makers of attitudes to the mobility of older workers among employers in the Public, Private and SME sectors. 2. Building an e-Academy for older workers to improve engagement with ICT and benchmark and validate skills and experience against the EQF, thus improving mobility opportunities. 3. Creating a pan-European Strategic Advisory Group to ensure effective dissemination and valorization of project results and enhance awareness of mobility opportunities for older workers. N/A
Main Projects 2 Project Title DescriptionURL FarmsUP!At a period with very limited jobs, agriculture can be a way out of unemployment, by offering green jobs. More importantly, those new opportunities, if combined with entrepreneurship approaches and practices that take effectiveness and efficiency into account, can become a source of high incomes for farmers especially when considering that the EU27 real agricultural income per worker has increased by 1.0% in 2012, after an increase of 8.0% in To this end, FarmsUP! Project encourages farmers to think more as entrepreneurs, by strengthening their entrepreneurial skills and competencies through taking advantage of the training and educational material from 22 EU Lifelong Learning Programme projects. ee-WiseEnergy Efficiency (EE) in construction sector is nowadays the best chance to boost green economy in Europe, generating new business opportunities that will foster high quality employment creation helping to recover a strategic sector ruined by crisis. There is a fundamental barrier that is preventing this from happening: SMEs presence in the construction sector is remarkable with a fundamental impact on sector’s performance. Continuous progress in technologies and solutions to improve energy efficiency in buildings do not reach companies in order to implement them. For this, the current main problem must be solved: Knowledge Transfer isn’t flowing effectively among agents in the value chain of the EE market (particularly SMEs), thus knowledge sharing is needed to overcome technological and economic barriers. ee-WiSE aims to develop an EE Knowledge Transfer Framework (KTF) in building retrofitting with especial attention to SMEs, applied to a specific geographic area, the Mediterranean. Regional Projects for Employment The aim of the Regional Projects for Employment (TOPSA) is to create jobs for the unemployed, through the activation and mobilization of the local organizations, as well as to prepare effectively the benefited, participating unemployed to: Start their own business, which will take advantage of the specific characteristics of their region, Meet the requirements so as to be funded by other funding programmes Acquire the skills that cover the determined needs of the local businesses that will employ them. The Work packages include activities such as: Consulting-information- support (provision of consulting services to the relevant Target Groups for the promotion to employment, enterprise consulting, special consulting services to employers, etc.) N/A
Main Projects 3 Project Title DescriptionURL e-Gender Equality - The upgrading of the employmen t position of self - employed women This project aims at the upgrading/retention of the employment position of women via the provision of personalized information, consulting, training, mentoring, support and promotion of the adaptability and career progress of the benefited women. Indicative Activities: Personalized consulting to employed women for the upgrading of their employment position Mentoring Self-assessment of problems and intervention methods relating to the information, support and empowerment of women, with the presentation of management techniques and the provision of practical advice, communication policy, at national and international level, in order to combat more effectively the challenges and to minimize the negative impact of the economic crisis. Upgrading of vocational skills of the employed women through participation in vocational training and learning courses depending on their needs Raising awareness activities targeted to women-as described above- and the regional organizations for participation in the project Participation in thematic workshops, exhibitions and fora, of informative or other character. N/A European Women Interactive Learning (EWIL) Development of an innovative e-learning methodology aiming to increase the participation of women in lifelong learning activities throughout the EU ewil.llprojects.eu Corporate Restructure Corporate Restructure of workers and businesses due to the financial crisis, for companies with 50 employees or more N/A