Activities of Kaliningrad Center in the context of Environmental Education Dmitry Filippenko, PhD (Biol), project manager, Kaliningrad Regional Center for Environment and Tourism /
O UR OBJECTIVES AND GOALS Ecological Education of the Children and Youth Trainings for Schools and Teachers; Methodological Support International cooperation in the various fields of environmental challenges Development and increase of ecological culture and civil activity of the local community
M AJOR S UBJECTS AND T ARGET G ROUPS Baltic Sea Studies Energy and Climate Biodiversity Our target groups: - School environmental teachers - Students, pupils and kids - Volunteers and youth
P UBLISHING RESULTS More than 15 manuals and editions were published over last 10 years Annuals content reports on the Environmental program ‘Nature Keepers” Annual proceedings books of the children conferences
D IRECTIONS OF THE WORK Regional project of the environmental education “Nature Keepers” since 2004 year Local ecological network combining the schools; teachers; children and volunteers Annual ecological summer camps Involving to environmental protection Competitions for children and pupils Simple research projects
N ATURE K EEPERS : 11 YEAR ’ S TOWARDS TO ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Environmental program since 2004 The single program of the environmental education in the region Addressed to all the children ages since kids till students Section “Discovering of the Nature” for kids of preschool age Section “Biodiversity and its conservation” for school pupils Direction “Life Style and Environment” for pupils and students
S EMINARS FOR TEACHERS Seminars and trainings for teachers on major topics of the programm (biodiversity, school agriculture, energy saving and climate) Practices and field trips for teachers – trainings to be environmental educator
A NNUAL S UMMER C AMP “B ALTIC I NVESTIGATORS ” Available as a summer camp since 2012 year at the field bio-station in the Primorje village, at the Baltic Coats; Practically-oriented educational approaches Particular study of the English (via various activities such as lessons, games, projects etc)
I NFORMATIONAL C AMPAIGN ON E NERGY E FFICIENCY Started in 2013 in schools actively involved in energy projects Regional conference on energy conservation issues in Kaliningrad 15 th April 2014 Flash-mob “Energy Ribbon” and visit to Wind-Energy Park
W ASTE SEPARATION IN S CHOOLS Interaction with Regional Union of Waste Management All the schools, colleges and universities are provided by the special containers to collect used batteries Some of schools have boxes with separate collection of PET and papers Regular collection of paper trash up to 3-4 tons
R EGIONAL A WARD “G REEN P ENNANT ” Has been established in 2007 as a regional award for those schools providing various ecological activities Previous step to get the Green Flag Annually until 20 schools and kinder- gardens in Kaliningrad region awarded by the Green Pennant
I NTERNATIONAL P ARTNERSHIP Project «Educational Landscapes for Sustainable Development» (DBU) in гг. Project «P - stop» (Nordic Council), in ; Project “SPARE” (Norges Naturverfornbund) since 2010 year Project «Ecological Educaiton and Green Solutions» (Nordic Council) in
P ARTICIPATION IN PROJECTS EcoSchools/Green Flag Climate Changes Spring Alive! March of the Parks SPARE / School project on Energy and Climate
T HANK YOU FOR ATTENTION ! Kaliningrad Rivers NGO Development Project: Networking & Information Sharing