Ekaterina P. Forrester, Ph.D.
Table of Contents Purpose Procedure Sample Sample Characteristics Percentage of Students Scoring High in External and Internal Assets by Grade (Table) Percentage of Students Scoring High in External Assets by Grade (Graph) Percentage of Students Scoring High in Internal Assets by Grade (Graph) Summary by Grade Level Percentage of Students Scoring High in External and Internal Assets by Ethnicity (Table) Percentage of Students Scoring High in External Assets by Ethnicity (Graph) Percentage of Students Scoring High in Internal Assets by Ethnicity (Graph) Summary by Ethnicity * California Healthy Kids survey is developed by WestEd under contract from the California Department of Education, Safe and Healthy Kids Program Office. 1 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Purpose This report provides the results from administration of the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) Data are aggregated between three districts to generate a county report. The purpose of the Resilience and Youth Development module of the California Healthy Kids survey is to assess the external supports and opportunities (external factors) and personal resilience strengths (internal factors) associated with positive youth development. The three principal external protective factors were as follows: 1.Caring Relationships 2.Meaningful Participation 3.High Expectations The survey also measures 6 personal resilience strengths (internal factors) including: 1.Goals and Aspirations 2.Problem-Solving 3.Self-Efficacy 4.Cooperation and Communication 5.Empathy 6.Self-Awareness The purpose of the School Climate Module of the California Healthy Kids Surveys is to assess school-related attitudes, behaviors and experiences associated with student success in school. The seven principal school climate factors assessed by the survey were as follows: 1.Academic Mindset and Learning Engagement 2.Support for Learning and Academic Rigor 3.Discipline and Order 4.Positive Peer Relationships 5.Social and Emotional Supports 6.Bullying Prevention 7.Respect for Diversity 2 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Procedure A 42-item Risk and Youth Development module and a 56-item School Climate was administered to participating students. Data from three Riverside county districts were included in the report and aggregated. Sample A total of 3,052 of 5 th, 7 th, 9 th and 11 th – grade students completed the Resilience and Youth Development Module and 3,086 students completed School Climate Module. 3 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
4 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems Sample Characteristics Ethnicity Number of respondents All ethnicities African- American American Indian Asian Hispanic or Latino Pacific Islander White 3, Sample Characteristics Grades Number of respondents All grades 5 th 7 th 9 th 11 th 3,
Percentage of Students Scoring High in External and Internal Assets by Grade Level 5 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems All grades (n=3,007~3,029) 5th (n=561~572) 7th (n=1438~1440) 9th (n=556~560) 11 th (n=450~459) External Assets Home Caring Relationships Home High Expectations Home Meaningful Participation Community Caring Relationships Community High Expectations Community Meaningful Participation Peer Caring Relationships Peer High Expectations Internal Assets Cooperation and Communication Self-Efficacy Empathy Problem-Solving Self-Awareness Goals and Aspirations
Home Caring Relationships Home High Expectations Home Meaningful Participation Community Caring Relationships Community High Expectations Community Meaningful Participation Peer Caring Relationships Peer High Expectations Percent of Students Scoring High in External Assets: Home, Community, Peers by Grade All grades (n=3,007~3,029)5th (n=561~572)7th (n=1438~1440)9th (n=556~560)11th (n=450~459) 6 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Cooperation and Communication Self-EfficacyEmpathyProblem-SolvingSelf-AwarenessGoals and Aspirations Percent of Students Scoring High in Internal Assets by Grade All grades (n=3,007~3,029)5th (n=561~572)7th (n=1438~1440)9th (n=556~560)11th (n=450~459) 7 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Summary of External Assets by Grade Level Students in 5 th grade (elementary school) scored higher than students on most of the key external protective factors in most of the environments with the exception of Peer Caring Relationships. Students in 7 th grade (middle school) had the second highest scores (higher than students in 9 th and 11 th grade) on most of the key external protective factors in most of the environments with the exception of Peer Caring Relationships. Students in 9 th grade scored the lowest on all of the key external protective factors in all of the environments, suggesting that this group feels the least amount of support from home, community and peers and might need additional support from caring adults at school. Home High Expectations was the highest overall external protective factor for all grade levels. An avearge of 82.2% of students among all four grade levels reported high levels of High Expectations at home. 8 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Summary of Internal Assets by Grade Level Students in 5 th grade (elementary school) scored higher than students in all other grades on 3 out of 6 personal resilience strengths (internal assets): Cooperation and Communication, Problem-Solving and Self-Awareness. Students in 7 th grade (middle school) scored higher than students in all other grades on the other 3 out of 6 personal resilience strengths (internal assets): Self-Efficacy, Empathy and Goals and Aspirations Students in 9 th grade scored the lowest on all of the 6 personal resilience strengths. Goals and Aspirations was the highest overall personal resilience strength for all grade levels. An avearge of 83.3% of students among all four grade levels reported high levels of Goals and Aspirations. Problem-solving was the lowest overall personal resilience strength for all grade levels. An avearge of 44.1% of students 9 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Percentage of Students Scoring High in External and Internal Assets by Ethnicity 10 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems All ethnicities (n=2990~3010) African- American (n=300~301) American Indian (n=59) Asian (n=89) Hispanic (n=1664~1680) Pacific Islander (n=138) White (n=738~744) External Assets Home Caring Relationships Home High Expectations Home Meaningful Participation Community Caring Relationships Community High Expectations Community Meaningful Participation Peer Caring Relationships Peer High Expectations Internal Assets Cooperation and Communication Self-Efficacy Empathy Problem-Solving Self-Awareness Goals and Aspirations
Home Caring Relationships Home High Expectations Home Meaningful Participation Community Caring Relationships Community High Expectations Community Meaningful Participation Peer Caring Relationships Peer High Expectations Percentage of students scoring high in External Assets by Ethnicity All ethnicities (n=2990~3010)African-American (n=300~301)American Indian (n=59)Asian (n=89)Hispanic (n=1664~1680)Pacific Islander (n=138)White (n=738~744) 11 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Cooperation and Coomunication Self-efficacyEmpathyProblem-solvingSelf-awarenessGoals and Aspirations Percentage of students scoring high in internal assets by ethnicity All (n=2990~3010)African-American (300~301)American Indian (n=59)Asian (n=89)Hispanic (1664~1680)Pacific Islander (n=138)White (n=738~744) 12 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Summary of External Assets by Ethnicity African American students scored higher than students of other ethnicities on Home Caring Relationships, Home Meaningful Participation and Community Meaningful Participation. More African American students reported that they have a parent or other adult at home who listens to them and who talks to them about their problems and that they help make decisions with their family. Additionally, more African American students reported that, outside of their home and school, they are part of clubs, sports teams and/or church. Conversely, Pacific Islanders and American Indian students reported less Caring Relationships and Meaningful Participation at Home compared to other ethnicities. The lowest external protective factors for Asian students were related to the Community. Compared to other ethnicities, fewer Asian students reported high levels of Community Caring Realtionships and Meaningful Participation. White students reported higher levels of external protective factor related to Peer Groups, compared to any other ethnic group. More White students reported that they have a friend who really cares about them and talks to them about their problems. Higher number of White students also reported that their friends do well in school. 13 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Summary of Internal Assets by Ethnicity Goals and Aspirations was the highest overall personal resilience strength for all ethnicities. An avearge of 80.5% of students among all ethnicities reported high levels of Goals and Aspirations. Problem-solving was the lowest overall personal resilience strength for all ethnicities. An avearge of 66.4% of students among all ethnicities reported high levels of Problem- Solving. More African American students (74%) reported high levels of Problem Solving ability (ability to plan, to be resourceful, to think critically and reflectively, compared to any other ethnicity. More American Indian students (compared to other ethnicities), reported high levels of Goals and Aspirations (having dreams, visions and plans that focus the future). However, American Indian students was the group that had the lowest percentage of students reporting high levels of Problem Solving ability. Hispanic students had the lowest percentage of studnets among other ethnicities to report high levels of Goals and Aspirations, while they had the highest percentage of students who reported high levels of Cooperation and Communication. Pacific Islander students had the lowest percentage of students reporting high levels of Communication and Cooperation but the highest percentage of students reporting high levels of Empathy (ability to understand and care about another’s feelings). 14 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
School Climate Module Percentage of Students Answering Agree/Strongly Agree by Grade Level 15 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems All (n=3,031~3,086)5th (n=552~581)7th (n=1463~1472)9th (n=556~564)11th (n=460~469) Academic Mindset and Leaning Engagement Support for Learning and Academic Rigor Discipline and Order Positive Peer Relationship Social and Emotional Supports Bullying Prevention Respect for Diversity
Academic Mindset andSupport for Learning Leaning Engagement and Academic Rigor Discipline and Order Positive Peer Relationship Social and EmotionalBullying Prevention Supports 9th (n=556~564)11th (n=460~469) Respect for Diversity Percent of students scoring Agree/Strongly Agree by grade All (n=3,031~3,086)5th (n=552~581)7th (n=1463~1472) 16 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Summary by Grade Level The percentage of students answering agree or strongly agree was the highest in 5 th grade (elementary school) for all seven school climate factors: Academic Mindset and Learning Engagement, Support for Learning and Academic Rigor, Discipline and Order, Positive Peer Relationships, Social and Emotional Supports, Bullying Prevention, and Respect for Diversity. Students in 7 th grade had the second highest scores on all seven school climate factors, followed by students in 9 th and 11 th grade. Students perceptions of school climate steadily declined throughout their school years. Support for Learning and Academic Rigor was the highest overall school climate factor for all grades (5th,7 th, 9 th, and 11 th ). An avearge of 46.8% of students among all three grades agreed to the items related to Support for Learning and Academic Rigor. Examples of questions related to Support for Learning and Academic Rigor: 1.My teachers work hard to help me with my school work, 2.Teachers show how classroom lessons are helpful in real life 3.Teachers give students a chance to take part in classroom discussions. Social and Emotional Supports was the lowest overall school climate factor for students in high school 9 th and 11 th grade). Examples of questions assessing students’ perception of Social and Emotional Supports at their school: 1.This school encourages students to understand how they think and feel 2.Students are taught that they can control their own behavior 3.This school helps students solve conflicts with one another 17 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Summary by Grade Level (cont.) For 7 th grade, factor related to Positive Peer Relationships was the lowest school climate factor. Examples of questions related to Positive Peer Relationships: 1.Students care about each other 2.Students treat each other with respect 3.Students get along well with each other For 5 th grade, factor related to Respect for Diversity was the lowest school climate factor. About 48% of 5 th graders agreed or strongly agreed with the following statement: “My class lessons include examples of my racial, ethnic, or cultural background”. 18 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Percentage of Students Answering Agree/Strongly Agree by Ethnicity 19 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems All (n=3014~3067) African- American (n=301~305) American Indian (n=59~60) Asian (n=89) Hispanic (n=1692~1721) Pacific Islander (n=139~141) White (n=734~753) Academic Mindset and Leaning Engagement Support for Learning and Academic Rigor Discipline and Order Positive Peer Relationship Social and Emotional Supports Bullying Prevention Respect for Diversity
Academic Mindset andSupport for Learning Leaning Engagement and Academic Rigor All (n=3014~3067) Hispanic (n=1692~1721) Discipline and Order Positive Peer Relationship Social and Emotional Supports Bullying PreventionRespect for Diversity Percentage of students scoring Agree/Strongly Agree by Ethnicity African-American (n=301~305)American Indian (n=59~60) Pacific Islander (n=139~141)White (n=734~753) Asian (n=89) 20 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems
Summary by Ethnicity Support for Learning and Academic Rigor was the highest overall school climate factor for most ethnicities (African-American, Hispanic, and White), but not for American Indian students. An average of 46.6% of students among all ethnicities agreed to the items related to Support for Learning and Academic Rigor. Discipline and Order was the highest school climate factor for American Indian students with 53.3% of American Indian students agreeing to the items related to Discipline and Order at their schools. Examples of questions assessing students’ perception of Discipline and Order at their school: 4.Students at this school are well-behaved 5.The school rules are fair 6.The rules in this school are too strict 7.This school makes it clear how students are expected to act Social and Emotional Supports was the lowest overall school climate factor for students of most ethnicities (African- American, Asian, Hispanic, White and Pacific Islander), but not for American Indian students. An avearge of 31.5% of students among all ethnicities agreed to the items related to Social and Emotional Supports. For American Indian students, Respect for Diversity was the lowest school climate factor. 23.7% of American Indian students agreed or strongly agreed with the following statement: “My class lessons include examples of my racial, ethnic, or cultural background. Two of the school climate factors with the lowest % of agreement among African American students were Positive Peer Relationships and Social and Emotional Supports, suggesting that compared to other ethnicities African American students feel less connected to their peers at school and think that schools don’t provide high levels of social and emotional supports. 21 Prepared for Riverside County Office of Education by Key Data Systems