or... Just what do we do when the money runs out? 3
This presentation is not an endorsement or recommendation by The Kansas State Department of Education for any of the following programs or activities. 4
m m At one time, school bullying may have been viewed as a "rite of passage" which built "character." Today, however, it's no longer regarded as just something that happens during playground routines. Educators, health and mental health practitioners, parents, and community members are realizing that bullying is a serious problem that can lead to more severe long-term problems for individuals and communities. Some experts believe that bullying should be considered a special form of child abuse-sometimes called "peer abuse," the cruelty of children to each other. This course examines the causes and effects of bullying, prevention techniques and programs, screening, treatment options, and legal/ethical issues surrounding bullying. 10
ng.asp ng.asp Every day in our schools and communities, children are teased, threatened, or tormented by bullies. About Bullying, part of the 15+ Make Time to Listen… Take Time to Talk initiative, provides parents and caregivers with information about bullying and methods for communicating with children about the climate of fear created by bullying. The messages exchanged between children and their caregivers in just 15 minutes or more a day can be instrumental in building a healthier and safer environment for children. 13
is a comprehensive Internet safety website, brought to you by the National Education Association Health Information Network (NEAHIN) in partnership with Sprint, and with editorial review by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. provides up-to- date information about online trends and behavior, and offers practical cyber safety tools for use in the home and the classroom. 15
Natural High 4 is a combination of musicians, extreme sports figures, and traditional sports athletes featuring Paul Rodriguez Jr., Lisa Leslie, Relient K., Mike Conley Jr., Anna Rawson, and Timmy Curran. New this year is the inclusion of Natural High 3 & 2 on the disc; three Natural High films in one!! Also included is closed captioning, Spanish subtitles, and a video discussion guide! Be on the look out for your school's copy near the end of September. Check out our mailing list to see who the film was addressed to or visit our F.A.Q. page for further mailing details.mailing listF.A.Q. 19
Whether you are a parent, relative or just someone who cares about kids in Kansas, it’s important to address underage drinking. It’s the #1 substance abuse problem facing our youth. It’s not a rite of passage or “kids being kids” despite what you might have done when you were a teen – times are different now. Teens who drink can have big problems at home, at school... even with the law. But there is help. Help for parents and adults to talk to kids about the pressures they face and to urge them to think first before making bad decisions. Adults have more influence than they realize to keep kids away from alcohol. 21
USED’s OSDFS’ Student Drug-Testing Institute Web Site The Student Drug-Testing Institute (SDTI) provides timely information on many aspects of student drug- testing (SDT) programs, including the necessary components of developing an SDT program, implementing a confidential and effective program, and sustaining a program to promote drug-free students for the future. 27
Vol2No2/tabid/184/Default.aspx Vol2No2/tabid/184/Default.aspx Have you wondered about the buzz surrounding Facebook, blogs, YouTube, and Twitter? These and other online technologies represent the Internet’s next generation—known as Web 2.0—and the next generation is here! These platforms offer exciting potential to raise awareness, and most importantly, engage many of your audiences in an online conversation around youth violence and substance abuse prevention. Best of all, most of these tools are free, accessible, and easy to use. 32
Dummy poster - Just Think Twice - Above the Influence - NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse - Teen Thinking: Teach them to Think not Drink - Family Guide: Keeping Youth mentally Healthy and Drug Free Too Smart to Start - Stop Bullying Now! - Stop Cyberbullying - Internet Safety - The ABCs of Bullying: Addressing, Blocking, and Curbing School Aggression Student Drug Testing - About Bullying – Links Teens and Technology
SADD: Students Against Destructive Decisions - Over the Counter Drugs Posters Videos - Natural High Program The Challenge Newsletter - OSDFS Prevention News Bulletin Parents: The Anti-Drug - - Communication Coach