You may be wondering, “If this is an art class, then why are we spending so much time looking at Advertising? What do Art and Advertising have in common?” Art is used in advertising. Advertising is analyzed using many of the same criteria as art. Shape & Visual Direction are Design elements that are used to analyze web sites, statues, almost any artwork. And just like regular art, advertising is intended to provoke a reaction. Advertising is designed to do 3 things: 1. Be aware of a product. 2. Make you do (or refrain from doing) something.. 3. Make you spend money.
Shapes & Visual Direction are related. 3 main shapes Triangles – Squares – Circles
Combine the shapes to see how they create visual direction. Shapes & Visual Direction are related. Shapes are used to direct your eye to the product being advertised:
Combine the shapes to see how they create visual direction. Shapes & Visual Direction are related. Shapes are used to direct your eye to the product being advertised:
Basic Square Shapes: Squares are familiar & comforting. Squares are self contained shapes, stable & solid.
Basic Square Shapes: Squares are complete. They have a beginning and an end.
Basic Square Shapes: Power, Safety, Security, Stability.
Triangle Shapes: Display Direction and Movement. Triangle Shapes are dynamic & show energy.
Triangle Shapes: Point to things. They force your eye to move.
Triangle Shapes: Direct you. Move you.
Where are your eyes led by shapes in this ad?
Circles are comforting. They surround you like the womb. They form a protective boundary around the product.
Circle Shapes Go around and around keeping the viewers’ eye trapped.
Circle shapes act like targets for your eyes. The viewers eye Zeros in on the object.
Circle shapes act like targets for your eyes.
Circle Shapes act like a “Bulls Eye.” Circular shapes keep you looking at the ad longer.
Your eye tries to escape but it has nowhere to go. Advertisers know that Circular shapes lock your eye on the product and wont let you go.
REMEMBER: All Shapes in advertising are used to direct your eye to the product being sold.
Most ads combine at least two of the three basic shapes somehow.
Circles, Squares & Triangle Shapes can all be used in the same ad!
Remember: Shapes are used to direct your eye to toward what is being advertised: Shapes can be combined: