Amy, Cassie, Miranda, and Nicole
Location Savannas cover half of Africa, most of Australia, India, and South America. Savannas are affected by climate changes, soil conditions, and animal behavior. Savannas are created by humans. We do this by burning grasslands and cutting down trees, so they can plant crops. Savannas are also created by large animals, like elephants. They do this by knocking down trees and stripping bark from the trees.
Winter Very long dry season Usually only four inches a rain on average. December through February no rain will fall Cooler during the dry season Lightning strikes the ground which then strikes the grass on fire. This season usually lasts four to six months.
WEATHER SUMMER Very wet season Monsoons begin in May 15 to 25 inches of rain falls during this season Hot and very humid Last six to eight months
Savanna Animals
Savannah Elephant Long trunk used to pick up food and water and carry it to it's mouth Their thick skin protects them from deadly predator bites
Black Mamba The deadliest snake in the world Can grow to 14 feet long and travel as fast as 12mph Feed on small mammals and birds, like voles, rats, squirrels, mice, rats, or bush babies No animal can actually kill them Their venom can kill just about anything They are threaten by habitat destruction
Zebra Has short legs and a large head They have up to 17 members in each family When being attacked they huddle tight in a group and the predator see a “maze of strips” and can’t tell the zebras apart They are not endangered yet but could be soon if not helped
Plants The savanna plants consist of… Rhodes grass Red oats grass Star grass lemon grass The savanna grass… Coarse Grows in patches Savanna trees… There aren't many because of the little rainfall, but sometimes there are small groves of trees. There are many Acacia trees The giraffes like them because of their high branches There are also Baobab trees They store water in the bark of the trees
Endangered species Giraffe Cheetah Spotted hyena Lion Dama gazelle Zebras Rhinoceros
How to preserve the Savanna.. Some environmental concerns with savannas include poaching or hunting, overgrazing, and destruction of land for commercial crops. Many animals in the savanna, such as the rhinoceros and zebra, are endangered and threatened with extinction due to hunting, poaching, and habitat loss. The savanna is often damaged when it is used as pastureland for non- native domestic cattle. Cattle grazing also limits the amount of food available for wildlife.
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