IRE Verbs in Italian
How are IRE verbs different from ARE and ERE Verbs? ARE and ERE verbs follow a regular pattern of endings. IRE verbs can be classified into two different groups: Those which add an isc to the stem when conjugating, and those that do not.
The ISC Group Define the following verbs in your notes this evening: capirecostruire finireguarire preferiresostituire spediresuggerire
The Non ISC Group Define the following verbs in your notes this evening: ApplaudireAprire FuggireInghiottire MentireOffrire PartireSeguire SentireServire Soffrire
Conjugation of ISC Verbs As previously learned with ARE and ERE verbs, take off the last three letters to find the stem, as seen below: Finire – IRE = Fin
Conjugation of ISC Verbs The difference lies in adding the isc before the ending as seen below: io finisco*noi finiamo tu finisci*voi finite lui, lei, Lei finisceLoro, loro finiscono * Noi and voi do not change!
Conjugation of non-ISC Verbs io apronoi apriamo tu aprivoi aprite lui, lei, Lei apreLoro, loro aprono