1 Dr. Ali Mistarihi Employee Training & Development
2 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Globalization The Need for Leadership Increased Value Placed on Intangible Assets Focus on Link to Business Strategy Attracting & Retaining Talent Customer Service & quality Employees
3 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Changing Demographics & Diversity of Work New Technology High Performance Models of Work Systems Economic Changes
4 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Globalization small / large orgs + info tech/ internet outsourcing/ off-shoring / alliances e-commerce / e-gvt competition cross-cultural trg immigration issues
5 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development The Need for Leadership to compete globally leadership vs Mgt skills related to: communication collaborative mgrs internationalization culturally oriented mgrs
6 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Increased Value placed on Intangible Assets for competitiveness 3 types of assets financial physical intangible
7 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Increased Value placed on Intangible Assets Intangible assets are: human capital (experiences, knowledge, energy..) customer capital (external relationships, customer loyalty..) social capital (internal relations, org culture, mgt philosophy, practices..) intellectual capital (codified knowledge, patents, trade secrets, intellectual property..)
8 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Increased Value placed on Intangible Assets Ways to increase intangible assets are: attracting & retaining knowledge workers empowering employees opportunities for change & creativity learning orgs (life-long learning / applying knowledge)
9 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Focus on Link to Business Strategy to support org’s business goals (profitability / growth / market share / Quality) to think across the org
10 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Attracting & Retaining Talent demand on certain skills economy shifts – different skill requirements increased need for: cognitive skills inter-personal skills creators & problem solvers
11 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Customer Service & Quality Employees who judges org’s quality? approaches to improve quality: customer-driven excellence total quality mgt (TQM) – an org’s-wide effort to contentiously improve: product people/work process /systems) prevention of errors all employees trained on quality
12 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Customer Service & Quality Employees ISO (International Org for Standardization) Malcolm Bridge Award (pg. 19) GE & reducing errors (from 35’000 to 6 / mil) using the 6-Sigma ISO for training (ISO 10’015): ROI & ISD
13 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Changing Demographics & Diversity of the Workplace orgs face challenges: - size & composition of labour-force - cultural diversity - the aging labour-force - people with disabilities employees have to accept working with others
14 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development New Technology has changed the way work is done - e-commerce / e-gvt - the internet- reducing costs has changed the way training is delivered - virtual class-rooms/ artificial intelligence/ virtual reality/ virtual sensations - blended learning approach - use of contingent workforce - change in skill requirement
15 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development High Performance Models of Work Systems new tech re-design work use of work-teams use of cross-training use of virtual teams (different in culture/ location/etc.. need for ‘soft skills’
16 The Forces Influencing WORK & LEARNING Employee Training & Development Economic Changes uncertain economic future economic recession impact on training is unclear
18 Question Time ? Thank You