Nutrients Main Functions Give Energy Build and Repair Body 6 Basic Nutrients Fats Carbohydrates Proteins Vitamins Minerals Keep Body Processes Going Amount need depends on Age Guidelines RDA Daily Values Food Guide Pyramid Weight Activity Level Getting too much Can lead to Getting too few can lead to Health Problems Energy Calories Basel Metabolic Rate Water Gender Malnutrition Nutrient Deficiency Amount used for body functions Measured in
Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates: Starches, insoluble fiber and Soluble fiber Simple Carbohydrates: Sugars: Fructose, Maltose, Lactose Refined Sugars: Sugars extracted from plants used as sweetener “Sucrose”, Corn Syrup, honey, maple syrup, molasses.
“RDA” RECOMMENDED DIETARY ALLOWANCE RDAs are the amounts of a nutrient needed by 98% of the people in a given age and gender group.
ENERGY AND CALORIE NEEDS Factors affect your energy and calories needs. Activity Level (exercise) Age Weight Gender
Recommended Sources of Calories Fats 9 calories per gram Proteins 4 calories per gram Carbohydrates 4 calories per gram Daily recommendations: 10% of calorie intake from Fats 30% of calorie intake from Protein 60% of calorie intake from Carbohydrates
To estimate calorie need, multiply your body weight in pounds by 10. Example: 140 X 10 = 1,400 calories each day just to keep your body going. Activity Level: Not activity Multiply your BMR by 20% or.20 Lightly Active X 30% or.30 Moderately Active X 40% or.40 Very Physically Active X 50% or.50
How to calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) BMR is the number of calories your body needs to support the ongoing, unconscious body (e.g. your heart beating, breathing, maintaining body temperature.) This is 60% of your daily energy needs.
Nutrient Functions Fats: Supply Energy (long Lasting) Proteins: Supply Energy, Growth and Repair Vitamins and Minerals: Regulating how body tissue grows and the process of using energy. Carbohydrates: Supply Energy Water: Transports nutrients and waste, Aids in digestion, and Helps to regulate body temperature. NOTE: Not eating enough fats and carbohydrates protein will be used for energy. Not eating enough calcium could develop weak bones in later life.
Reteaching Section 2-3 FATS AND CHOLESTEROL FATS: GOOD EFFECTS Carry Vitamins (1) A,D,E,K to wherever they are needed in the body for healthy skin and for normal (2) growth. Moves through the (3) Digestive system slowly and thus help you feel fuller longer. FATS: BAD EFFECTS High levels increase the risk of heart disease and (4) Cancer. High levels can cause a person to become (5) Overweight or obese and thus increase his or risk for other health problems.
CHOLESTEROL TWO TYPES (6) LDL, also known as “BAD” or “LOUSY” cholesterol; build up in blood stream increases risk for heart disease or (7) STROKE. (8) HDL, also known as “GOOD” or “HEALTHY” cholesterol; picks up excess cholesterol and takes it back to the liver. Sources: Made in the body found in foods from (9) MEATS, ANIMAL sources.
SATURATED FATTY ACIDS Solid at Room Temperature Special Problems: Raise the level of LDL cholesterol in the (10) BODY’S bloodstream Sources: Meat, (11) POULTRY skin (12) TROPICAL oils, including coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil,
MONOUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS Special Benefits: Appears to lower LDL “BAD” cholesterol levels and may help raise levels of HDL Sources: Olives, (14) OLIVE OIL, avocados, peanuts, peanut oil, and canola oil.