Ailurus Fulgens The scientific name means five colored cat Has 12 alternate rings on its tail
The Red Panda Live in bamboo forest Eat bamboo, vegetation, young leaves, and fruit roots
Only about left because of the loss of habitat, fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding depression. They have a limited amount of space and food.
Biotic Abiotic Bamboo Trees Other animals Insects Birds Temperature Water Oxygen Soil Sunlight
Short relationship Breed every year In the stomach for about 135 days
Related to the giant panda Bamboo has high fiber so it is hard for them to poop Also know as firefox or lesser panda
Nothing eats it dies from not limited food/space Sometimes eat other animals eggs Sometimes eat insects 2 nd level consumer
Can’t adapt because only eat certain food and lives in certain climate. It’s a butterfly species if it died off then there would be way too much bamboo.
Bibliography Image from Tambako the Jaguar on Flickr "Red Panda Network." About the Red Panda. N.p.. Web. 31 Jan Wang, X., Choudhury, A., Yonzon, P., Wozencraft, C. & Than Zaw Ailurus fulgens. In: IUCN IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version Downloaded on 31 January 2013.