Giant Pandas
Giant Panda’s Structural Adaptations One structural adaptation of the Giant Panda is having “six toes” which is important it helps the Giant Panda hold the bamboo it eats and helps it pull the shoots and leaves off the bamboo stems. A second structural adaptation is having a specialized digestive system which is important it helps them swallow the hard, tough bamboo. A third structural adaptation is strong, muscular legs. This helps the Panda outrun predators and helps them get twenty to forty pounds of bamboo a day which they need to survive. A fourth structural adaptation of a Giant Panda is a large head. This is important because bamboo is very strong and pandas need a larger head than other animals in the Ursidae family because again bamboo is a hard tough plant and they need larger, and stronger jaw muscles. A fifth adaptation of a Giant Panda is strong, smooth molars. This is important because the Giant Panda needs strong smooth molars to eat the tough bamboo even though most bears eat meat and use their canine teeth.