Konference Transformace a deinstitucionalizace sociálních služeb a Hradec Králové Národní centrum podpory transformace sociálních služeb je součástí individuálního projektu Podpora transformace sociálních služeb.
2 Conference on “Transformation and deinstitutionalization of social services” Hradec Králové, 28 February 2011 De-institutionalisation in EU What is the role of EU funding? Carsten Rasmussen Deputy Head of Unit, DG Regional Policy I.2 Bulgaria
3 EU competence in social policy Globally speaking the EU has limited competence within the area of social policy Most social policy issues are the direct competence of the EU Member States
4 Is de-institutionalisation a policy? Community integrated care is a concept, an approach De-institutionalisation is a process This process can be seen as a policy or simply as an overall approach to care United Nations, Council of Europe advocate community based living
5 Does the EU have a de- institutionalisation policy? (I) No, this is essentially an issue for each Member State However, the EU has over the past years fostered and promoted deinstitutionalisation The Leros exercise in Greece (ESF, as from 1980’s) The DI of Romanian orphanages (Phare , more than 40 million €) The report of the Spidla ad hoc group (2009)
6 Does the EU have a de- institutionalisation policy? (II) The Bulgarian Action Plan on De- institutionalisation 2010 (ESF-ERDF), presently 93 Mio Euro Studies –De-Institutionalising and Transforming Children's Services A Guide to Good Practice, 2010 –Deinstitutionalisation and community living – outcomes and costs (Mansell, Knapp, Beadle- Brown, Beecham), 2007
7 Is de-institutionalisation best practice? Some European Governments Council of Europe resolutions Court of Human Rights case law UN General Assembly DI guidelines (2010) UNICEF UN Human Rights representative (conference 2010) NGOs, NGO umbrella organisations Foundations …all finance or advocate DI and community integrated care
8 De-institutionalisation and EU funding Context: ERDF allocation of 16 billion € to social infrastructure ( ) Overall requirement: Efficiency and sustainability of investments
9 Risks related to EU funding of social infrastructure Investment sporadic, unconnected, uncoordinated National and local level Infrastructure and services ERDF and ESF White elephants Investments out of line with best practice
10 Should we promote DI in the context of EU funding? Member State decision to have or not to have a DI policy or approach But European Commission remains responsible for sound financial management: sustainability cost-efficiency In European funding, best practice should be applied, if available
11 If we address DI, what are the key requirements Explicit rationale for intervention (e.g. a strategy) Systemic cooperation between all stakeholders Systemic cooperation between ESF and ERDF Systematic consultation of NGOs
12 If we address DI, what are the key requirements Most of the time the Operational Programme is not a sufficient basis for DI (too overall) Often a national strategy is not sufficiently clear A specific action plan for DI can be practical as a basis for concrete action, specifying: Actions, actors, time and budget
13 De-Institutionalisation process EC activities: –Close monitoring by desk officer (we often attend their meetings, regular feedback from international NGOs, from MA) –Close cooperation DG REGIO - DG EMPL –Attendance of Spidla Ad hoc Expert Group meetings –Training ‘Would you call this home’ (April and Oct 2010)
14 Conference on “Transformation and deinstitutionalization of social services” Hradec Králové, 28 February 2011 Combining ESF and ERDF efforts on de- institutionalization. The Case of Bulgaria. Kiril Kiryakov, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Jana Trost, DG Regional Policy
15 De-Institutionalisation process In Bulgaria In 2007, a call for project to municipalities under Social Infrastructure 125 Mio Euro –Only 3 projects received for renovation of orphanage institution –Mogilino case, questions from EP DG Regio proposed to the Managing Authority for the OP Regional Development to ring fence 20 Mio Euro for orphanages
16 De-Institutionalisation process In Bulgaria Putting responsible actors together Working group formed with all actors involved in order to decide how to spend 20 Mio Euro –Managing Authority (Ministry for Regional Development), Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Health, Child Protection Agency, Agency for Social Protection, National Association of Municipalities
17 De-Institutionalisation process In Bulgaria Discussions from ‘which institution should be renovated’ to De-Institutionalisation (DI) process Visit to orphanage institutions in Bulgaria Discussion with DG Employment Meetings with NGOs to get ideas
18 De-Institutionalisation process In Bulgaria DG Employment – Commissioner’s Spidla Group for people with disabilities ('Report of the Ad Hoc Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care' September 2009) –Sub-group established only to follow the DI process in Bulgaria EU leading NGOs Assistance to Bulgaria
19 De-Institutionalisation process In Bulgaria New government in Summer 2009 –Bansko Workshop, September 2009 –Strong commitment by Government: by 2020 – No institutions in Bulgaria February 2010: National Strategy “Vision for Deinstitutionalization of Child Care in Bulgaria –2 groups formed: Working group of deputy minsters, (political support) Expert group (include representatives from NGOs) –Preparing Action plan (finalised in November 2010)
20 Supporting points in the process: Inviting Bulgarian deputy ministers and key players to Brussels to the meeting to the Spidla group Taking part in most of the meetings on DI in Bulgaria (at least in the begin of the process) Connecting BG with international NGOs which provided help Stressing importance on DI on all EC high level meetings between Bulgaria and EC
21 Bulgarian DI Action Plan (1) The philosophy of the action plan is based on the need to: ensure well-being of all children and protect children rights develop family support services to prevent child abandonment develop a modern approach to health care ensure adequate access to education for all groups of children develop a child protection system distinct from the overall social assistance system introduce a new approach to financing of child care: resources for services supporting specific needs
22 Bulgarian DI Action Plan (2) Develop the legal and regulatory framework supporting the transition to family and community-based care Develop a system of family and community-based services on the entire territory of the country so as to eradicate the need for existence of specialized “institutions” for children Gradually close all classic types of “institutions” for children in Bulgaria and ensure long or short-term provision of family-type care for every child Improve the effectiveness of the overall care for vulnerable children and their families
23 Bulgarian DI Action Plan (3) 10 year perspective; comprehensive scope Closing down 137 institutions and replacing them with community based services Actions for all actors involved with timeframe (central government, municipalities, children, parents, foster parents...) Plan for each child (7716 children) Financial implications for state
24 Bulgarian DI Action Plan (4) Based on best practice in Europe In close cooperation with all actors (including children and parents) Actions for children from 0 – 3 included (stop the entry to institutions – 3000 children per year!) Establishment of community-based services for children with disabilities ESF funds for social services and training! ERDF funds for transformation of institutions!
25 Bulgarian DI Action Plan (5) Lead by the Child Protection Agency (CPA) Involvement of NGOs (local and international) Close cooperation ESF & ERDF Administrative capacity of CPA crucial
26 EU structural funds supporting the DI Action Plan (1) (around €100 million from the programming period) 1) De-institutionalization of children with disabilities (June 2010): * Individual child assessment; development of community-based services for 1800 children from 24 institutions * Creation of 149 new small group homes and accompanying services in 37 day care centers for children with disabilities, 34 centers for social rehabilitation and integration and 36 sheltered homes * Existing institutions will be closed by 2015 when the full capacity of new services will be reached. €€2 * ESF - €14 million for services; ERDF – €20 million for infrastructure
27 EU structural funds supporting the DI Action Plan (2) 2) De-institutionalization of children from the infant (0-3 age) homes for medical and social care (2011): * Develop early intervention models for family support; priority focus on prevention of child abandonment; develop alternative family care models and integrated community-based medical and social services; * The process will continue until 2017 €€ * ESF - €8.3 million for services; ERDF - €5 million for infrastructure 3) De-institutionalization of parentless children (2011): * Transition to new models of community-based services and development of small group homes * The process will continue until 2020 €€ * ESF - €14.5 million for services; ERDF - €16 million
28 EU structural funds supporting the DI Action Plan (3) 4) Developing Foster Care (2011): * Extend the current scope of foster care; Specialization of professional foster families; Develop services supporting foster parents * The project will continue until 2013 € * ESF - €7.5 million 5) Career Development of Social Workers (2011): * Strengthen the capacity of social workers from the Agency for Social Assistance * The project will continue until 2014 € * ESF - €5 million
29 EU structural funds supporting the DI Action Plan (4) 6) Regional Planning of Social Services (2011): * Improve the overall effectiveness of the system of planning and delivery of social services at regional level * The project will continue until 2013 € * ESF - €3.3 million
30 De-Institutionalisation process Future?
31 Thank you for your attention!