The required textbook for this course is Investigating Chemistry A Forensic Science Perspective by Matthew E. Johll (©2007, W.H. Freeman & Company) Welcome to Chemistry
Case Studies Provide real-life crime story related to the chapter Worked Examples Detailed, step-by-step walkthroughs of the processes in the text, with accompanying practice problems. Mathematics Sections Explain math skills needed to solve some problems Study Aids in the Text
A FREE Web site accompanies the book. The site is a good way to get help with the course content.
You can use: online quizzing flashcards animations videos These resources help visualize and check your understanding of the material
Forensic Case Scenarios View and interact with the step-by-step process of a forensic investigation, learning about chemistry along the way.
Additional Learning Resources If you’d like more help in the course, ask the bookstore about: Student Solutions Manual Contains detailed solutions and explanations to the odd-numbered problems in the textbook.
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