Class of th Grade Course Selection Administration Mr. Mellin- Principal Mrs. Hohenthaner- Assistant Principal School Counselor Ms. Carroll Mrs. Colon- Career Specialist 11 th grade Graduation Coach Ms. Campbell
Agenda for today Go over course ACE worksheets Identify and select what courses you need to take next year to fulfill graduation requirements Follow me on twitter:
Core Courses Courses 24 English4 Mathematics (students must take and pass Algebra I End of Course Exam) (students must take Geometry End of Course Exam) 4 Science (Students must take Biology End of Course Exam End that will count for 30% of their final grade) 3 Social Studies (Students will take US History End of course exam that will count for 30% of their final grade) 3 Fine Art1 Health Opportunities in Physical Education1 Online/Blended Course1 Course Electives8
Course Selection Course selections for next year will take into account: Your selection Your current and past grades Your performance on state assessments Teacher recommendations At the conclusion of today, you should have 6 X’s on your course selection sheet and 3 alternative choices (A1, A2, A3)
Choose an English Course 4 Required 10 th English II English IIIEnglish III Honors 10 th English II Honors English III Honors Dual Enrollment 1101/1102 AP Language & Composition
Choose a Math Course 4 Required Liberal Arts IGeometry Algebra II Liberal Arts Math II Geometry Honors Algebra II Honors Algebra II Liberal Arts Math II Algebra II
Choose a Math Course 4 Required Algebra II Pre-Calculus Honors Advanced Math Topics Probability and Statistics Honors Algebra II Honors Pre-Calculus Honors Advanced Math Topics Probability and Statistics Honors Pre-Calculus Honors AP CalculusAP Statistics
Choose a Social Studies Course 3 Required World HistoryUS HistoryUS History HonorsWorld History HonorsUS History HonorsAP US HistoryAP World HistoryUS History HonorsAP US History
Choose a Science Course 3 Required Biology/Physical Science ChemistryMarine ScienceEnvironmental Science Biology (H)/Physical Science (H) Chemistry (H)Marine Science (H) Environmental Science (AP) Anatomy & Physiology (H) ChemistryMarine Science (H) Environmental Science (AP) AP BiologyAP ChemistryAP Physics Marine/Environmental (H/AP) Marine Science (H) Environmental Science (AP) Anatomy & Physiology* *We are also offering Forensic Science but does not count as a science lab course – only take as an elective
Check Your Selections At this time you should have an X in the following areas: English Mathematics Social Studies Science Please do not move ahead! We will go over all electives before selecting (Unless you need to take a Fine Art or HOPE class)
Required Electives Have you met your fine art requirement? – If not select a Fine Art Have you met your HOPE requirement? – If not select HOPE Have you completed your online requirement? – If not, select a course that meets the online requirement OR speak to me about options
Courses that meet fine art requirement Fine Art Art 2D Band Chorus Acting 1 Fine Art Equivalent Introduction to Information Technology Digital Design Journalism
Choose Physical Education Requirement During School Day HOPE- currently meets online requirement if taken after 2013/14 Online Online Summer /Pasco Eschool/FLVS Online prior to 2016/17 school year Personal Fitness and additional Pasco eSchool PE course (Outdoor Education or Fitness Lifestyle Design) prior to 2016/17 school year
You will have up to 2 electives Academic World Languages Social StudiesLanguage Arts Academy CulinaryAgriculture Program Digital DesignTechnical DesignEarly ChildhoodOJT
Academic Electives World Languages SpanishFrenchAmerican Sign Language Social Studies/Science Law Studies/Legal Systems Sociology/Contemporary History Psychology I/IIAP Psychology Language Arts Creative Writing I/II Literature in the Media Honors Journalism I-IV
Academy and Program Progression Culinary Culinary 2Culinary 3Culinary 4 Agritechnology Biotech 2Biotech 3 Animal or Plant Biotech Early Childhood Early Childhood 2 Early Childhood 3 Early Childhood 4
PE choose 2 not already taken Basketball Team Sports 1/2 Weightlifting 1/2/3 Care and Prevention/ Sports Officiating * YOU CANNOT REPEAT PE CLASSES
Leadership Skills Peering in the media center, student services office, front office, and Coach King’s students 6
Check Your Selections At this time you should have 6 X’s and three Alternative choices
Changes to Selections? Please bring your yellow copy to the student services office Ask Mrs. Rayborn to make a copy of your changes Make sure to include the date of your request and an Keep one copy for your records and turn the copy into Mrs. Rayborn
Marchman Technical College Must complete application online at the Marchman Technical College Website Two letters of recommendation required Pick up a letter of recommendation form today
Dual Enrollment Get your application in! Pick up a packet today Turn in application to PHSC admissions office Will need your GPA 519 screen printed Sign up to take the PERT PHSC must have all sections on file (Math/Writing/Reading) We are offering it here March 30 th & 31 st Can take it as many times with us (when offered) Can take it at PHSC campus (must have application in) Can only take it at PHSC twice in 2 years
Dual Enrollment If you pass all sections of the PERT You can take up to 16 college hours at PHSC in the fall and spring semester You can take up to 7 college hours at PHSC in the summer If you pass the writing and reading sections but not the math You can take up to 12 college hours cumulatively over Junior & Senior year
Dual Enrollment PHSC Courses will be up on the PHSC website the week after Spring Break (tentative) When selecting courses think about the classes required for an Associates Degree Equivalency list posted on my twitter account PHSC students pick classes first, so you may not get your first choice section Summer Session B Course registration is in April *around the 15 th* Please see me before to sign course registration card Fall Course registration is over the summer Please have course registration card to be me by May 20 th
Dual Enrollment Commitment College level course means college level student responsibility College professors and PHSC are not required to communicate with parents. You have to give permission and will have to work together. Must maintain a 2.0 in dual enrollment classes If I drop below a 2.0, I know I can no longer take any more dual enrollment classes As a dual enrollment student, I realize all classes I take will permanently go on my college transcript
What if I am Off-Track? If you are behind in credits: Credit recovery during extended school day Summer School (morning/afternoon sessions for 10 days) Retake class on FLVS or Pasco eSchool If it was an elective, you can replace any elective with another elective Credit recovery class next year instead of an elective
What if I am Off-Track? My GPA is below a 2.0: Push for the higher grade; A’s and B’s are your best friend D’s are just as harmful to your GPA as an F is You can replace any D on FLVS or Pasco eSchool Only take if you know you can get an A or B, if you receive a D a second time it will count against you twice Recover all F’s through credit recovery or virtually Attendance! If you are not here it is hard to make the higher grade
What if I am Off-Track? I have not passed the Algebra EOC: Prepare and practice Some great online resources include: