Senior Year Is Just Around The Corner!
What Classes Should I Take????? Graduation Requirements Plans After High School Interest Areas to Explore Challenge but Balance! Senior Year is a Busy Time!
Graduation Requirements Credit Summary 1 credit per semester class English8.00 Science 6.00 Mathematics6.00 US History2.00 Civics1.00 Social Science3.00 Core Elective 6.00 World Language 2.00 Physical Education3.00 Health1.00 Fine Arts1.00 Unrestricted Electives TOTAL (minimum)
District #20 Graduation Requirements DO NOT Always = 4 Year College/University Requirements! TAKE 4 YEARS OF MATH and Other Core Subjects!
Register For ….. Next Level In Each Core Area – –English –Math –Social Science – Civics or AP Gov –Science –World Language (reach level 2 or 3 for colleges) Electives of Interest or for Pathway Certificates Other credits needed for graduation? Study Hall or Partial???!
You MUST Register for one of the following: Comp & Literature 4 Honors Senior Composition and Literature Requires teacher recommendation & summer reading (check website) AP English Literature and Composition Requires teacher recommendation & summer reading (check website) English
Science Lots of Options - Year Long Chemistry-- (need Algebra 2) Honors Chemistry-- (need Honors Algebra 2) Physics/H Physics (must have had Algebra 2/FST or higher for Honors) AP Chem (need Chem or H Chem) AP Physics (need Physics or Honors Physics and enrolled in Calculus) Forensic Science 1/Forensic Science 2 Science Olympiad AP Env Science, AP Bio, Anatomy & Physiology……. Semester Long – Core Electives Astronomy 1 -- (Algebra 1) Astronomy 2-- (Need Astronomy 1 & Concurrent Enrollment in Alg 2 or higher) Environmental Science Organic Chem – NEW Course – Need AP Chem!
Math Make sure you completed Algebra 1 and Geometry/Applied Geometry! Take Algebra 2/H Algebra 2 for College Prep See Flow Chart in Curriculum Guide Talk to Your Current Math Teacher Consider Math Lab for support AP Calculus BC – Register for class – Extended Studies – Advanced Math Learners
Social Science Sign up for Civics (1 semester) or AP Gov (year long) Make sure you completed US History (year long) Pick year-long or semester courses in area of interest AP European History20 th Century Am History Street Law Sociology Psychology/Advanced Psychology Multi-Cultural America Colorado History Economics International Relations
World Language Talk to current World Language teacher Achieve to level 2 or 3 of the SAME language for college admission –French I, II, III, Honors IV & V –German I, II, III, Honors IV –Spanish I, II, III, IV, AP Spanish Language AP Spanish Literature - American Sign Language I, II, III, IV
How Many AP/Honors Classes????? No one right answer! Consider workload, balance and teacher recommendation Talk with your teachers about the workload! Are you likely to earn A and B grades in advanced classes? Challenge yourself in areas of strength and interest! Many of our students overcommit! It may be hard to drop AP classes!
Honors & AP Courses All Students Signing Up for Honors/AP Courses: Get teacher signatures on Registration Form You may be required to take a test for honors math placement – see your math teacher
Collegiate and Career Pathways Business, Marketing and Technology Pathway Digital Media Pathways (6 credits) Engineering Technology Pathway: “Project Lead The Way” Consult Your Course Curriculum Guide or teacher for eligibility regarding Pathways Certificates!
Concurrent Enrollment Options These courses are designed for students who have exceeded our curriculum OR who want to take a class we do not offer. Students take classes at either PPCC or UCCS. Listen for CEPA (Concurrent Enrollment Program Act) meeting with Dr. Beers in March or April. Application due May 15th. Your parents pay for the course and if you earn a C or better, D20 pays for the community college tuition rate. Students are still responsible for textbook and other fees as well as unreimbursed tuition costs. You won’t sign up for CEPA until the fall; sign up for a partial or an elective that can be dropped.
Student Assistants/TA’s Student Assistants are similar to TA but more like a peer tutor. One full credit for Student Assistant Don’t register now for TA or Student Assistant
How can I make-up credits? Retake classes Online Credit Recovery – see me! Academy Online School – not for classes that you have failed previously Summer School Correspondence Courses (BYU) Some of these options will need to be paid for by you or your family!!
Partials Seniors may take up to two partials – one on blue, one on silver day Partials are offered B/S 1 Block, 3 & 4, B/S 5 Students are not allowed on campus during a partial Must be approved by counselor, parent and principal Schedules are not re-arranged for partials Partials are NOT Approved if students… –Are not on track to graduate on time –Failed classes junior year –Have truancy or related attendance/behavior violations To sign up for a partial you must designate an AM partial for the morning or a PM partial for last block.
Partials If you would like two partials you must sign up for a “partial” and also an “attendance waiver”. The system will not allow you to sign up for two partials otherwise A - Attendance Waiver for first semester AM (morning) B - Attendance Waiver for first semester PM (afternoon) A - Attendance Waiver for second semester AM B - Attendance Waiver for second semester PM If you would like a partial for 3 rd /4 th block we will have to include that after schedules are built
Registration Timeline February 9 th –Registration materials given in Konnections February 9 th – February 22 nd –Research Classes (COURSE CURRICULUM GUIDE) –Talk to parents, teachers –Research college requirements –Get necessary signatures (registration form) –Input course selections into IC February 23 rd –Registration Form and Print of IC Course Requests due to Konnections teacher
Registration Process You should input 8 classes per semester (16 total) PLUS 4 alternates in order of preference!!! For Year-Long classes make sure there is a course number with an “A” and a “B” Print your REQUEST SUMMARY from Infinite Campus once you’ve registered Double check your request sheet for accuracy – whatever you put in IC will be requested! Get parent/teacher parent signatures!! Have parent sign back of form for approval for partial (good idea even if not sure you want partial)
Arena Scheduling Fall Arena – during August Check-In Students may change classes/schedules during Arena Specific Arena dates will be announced Schedules will be on-line prior to summer If you don’t submit your registration on time you will not be able to go through arena.
QUESTIONS? See Mrs. Powell! GO Class of 2016!