INFO NIGHTS FOR PARENTS & STUDENTS Future Senior Night: Tues. Feb. 24, Theater, 5:30 p.m. Future Junior Night: Tues. Mar. 10, Theater, 5:30 p.m. Future Sophomore Night: Tues. March 24, Theater, 5:30 p.m.
Review your transcript on Q Pre-register for D/F repeats with your counselor. Remedial courses are offered in-class only Go-ahead courses offered for a fee Registration via the internet will be held march , 2015 Go ahead courses are offered online or in-class Courses are held at TOHS Semester 1: June 16-July 2 Semester 2: July 6- July 23 TRANSCRIPTS AND SUMMER SCHOOL
DISCOVER THE WIT ACADEMY EXPERIENCE WESTLAKE INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY Sequenced courses completed over 3 years Students join as a cohort in 10th grade. Students may enter in the 11th grade English CP, Social Science CP and Technology Elective classes are restricted to Academy students Learn by doing approach-Group Projects Engaging and Interactive Curriculum is relevant to Media Arts & Technology career focus Collaboration with local business and industry-Job Shadows-Mentors-Internships Industry and employment certification-Microsoft Office and Adobe
JOIN ONE OF THE EXCITING NEW CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION PATHWAYS BEGINNING IN THE SCHOOL YEAR! Sequenced courses completed over 3 years Learn by doing approach Engaging and Interactive Field Trips-Guest Speakers-Job Shadows-Internships Curriculum is relevant to career focus Collaboration with local business and industry Industry and employment certification Biotechnology Research & Development Pathway Computer Science & Design Pathway Health Services Pathway
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS SUBJECTRequiredCREDITS English4 years40 Health1 semester5 Mathematics (must include Algebra 1) 3 years30 Physical Education2 years20 Phys. Science (Geosci or Chemistry) 1 year10 Biology1 year10 World Hist/Geography1 year10 US History1 year10 United States Government 1 semester5 Economics1 semester5 Visual/Perf. Art, World Lang or CTE 1 year 10 Electives 75 credits above and beyond required courses 75 CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) PASSING SCORE ON ENGLISH AND MATH230 Classes worth 5 credits per semester Must earn a D- or better to receive credits Must earn C or better for university admissions Log-in to Q to view your transcript and graduation requirements status
High School Graduation Four years of English College/University, a.k.a. “A-G” : Four years of college prep (CP) level or higher. Must pass with grade of “C” or better. ENGLISH REQUIREMENT Choose next level of English based on current placement.
High School Graduation Three years of mathematics (equivalent of 30 credits) One of the three years must meet or exceed Algebra 1. Note: Algebra 1 taken in grade 8 will not count towards the 3 year HS graduation requirement, therefore you must take 3 years above and beyond Algebra 1. A-G Reqt: Three years of CP level or higher. Must pass with a grade of “C” or better. REQUIRED Algebra 1 CP / H Geometry CP / H Algebra 2 CP / H 4 th year RECOMMENDED AP Statistics AP Calculus Functions Stats and Trig CP Math Analysis CP / H Statistics CP MATH REQUIREMENT WHS Math courses that will count towards the UC ELECTIVE reqt: AP Computer Science and Computer Programming CP Students petitioning into honors will take a placement exam Choose next level of math based on current grade and teacher input. Examples:Alg 1 or Alg 1B Geometry Algebra 2 Alg 2 FST or Math Analysis Stats Alg 2H Math Analysis H AP Calc or AP Stats
High School Graduation Each of the following 1 year World History (or AP Euro) 1 year US History 1 semester U.S. Government & Politics 1 semester Economics A-G Requirement: Must pass the following with a “C” or better 1 YEAR World History CP or AP European History 1 YEAR US History CP or AP US History 1 SEMESTER US Govt & Politics CP or AP US Govt & Politics 1 SEMESTER Economics CP or AP Microeconomics SOCIAL SCIENCE REQUIREMENT Gr. 10: World Hist CP or AP Euro Gr. 11: US Hist CP or AP Gr. 12: Govt/Econ CP or AP
High School Graduation 1 year of a Biological Science 1 year of a Physical Science (Geosciences or Chemistry) A-G Reqt: Two years of laboratory science. Must pass with “C” or better. 2 Years Required Biology CP / H Chemistry CP / H 3 rd Year Recommended Advanced Anatomy H (Teacher approval required) AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Physics Anatomy & Physiology CP Biotechnology CP Forensic Science CP Marine Science CP Physics CP Physiology H Scientific research SCIENCE REQUIREMENT Gr. 10: Geosci CP or Chem CP or H Gr : Your choice. Science will technically be an elective and you will write your choice(s) on your form.
For High School Graduation Only: 2 years of P.E. (or sport) 1 semester of Health PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS
High School Graduation 1 year, chosen from ONE of the following subject areas: Visual & Performing Art or World Language or Career Technical Education (CTE) course A-G Reqt: Must take BOTH a VPA and a World Language and pass with “C” or better: 1 year of a VPA and 2 years of the same World Language 3 years of language recommended VISUAL & PERFORMING ART, WORLD LANGUAGE, & CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION Remember: You must take a language AND an art in order to remain CSU/UC eligible. You have until the end of senior year to complete these requirements for college.
High School Graduation Every class taken above and beyond the previously listed graduation requirements will count towards the 75 credit elective requirement A-G Reqt: Must pass with “C” or better. 1 full year of a CP/H/AP level elective is required (above and beyond previously mentioned requirements) ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT We build the master schedule based on your choices, and for this reason, we cannot guarantee changes can be made once the next school year starts. Please choose your classes carefully and be sure to list alternates. See the back of your registration sheet for elective choices. Examples: Psychology; Environmental Science; Band; Teacher Aide; Stats; CEC courses…
STUDENT Link to Q STUDENT Connect from the WHS website: 1) Go to Website
2) Log-in Must log in with student password! Go to the counseling office at nutrition, lunch, or before or after school if you do not know your Q password.
5) Add/Delete Requests
6) Add courses 7) Exit
Online Registration: Juniors: 2/24-3/1 Sophomores: 3/10-15 Freshmen: 3/24-29 Courses must be entered online in order to meet with your counselor to discuss Meeting with Counselor thru English classes: Juniors: 2/25-3/6 Sophomores: 3/11-23 Freshmen: 3/35-4/2 Ask your English teacher for your specific date If your counselor is not able to see you on your designated day, please do a walk-in at lunch any day after your scheduled time REGISTRATION DATES You must enter your course requests on Q PRIOR to meeting with your counselor.
Juniors: Continue previous tasks Over the summer, complete your: Senior Brag Sheet Parent Brag Sheet Prospective College List Resume Print the instruction sheets from the document library on the Naviance homepage for more info regarding 12 th grade tasks Freshman: Personality Inventory Career Interest Inventory College research Begin resume Research summer options Sophomores: Continue college research Continue resume Research summer options NAVIANCE TASKS Link to Naviance from counseling website Username= address Password= student id See Mrs. Mertel in the CCC for Naviance assistance
IMPORTANT REMINDERS You are required to enter your classes online on Q. You must also fill-out and bring your registration form to your individual meeting. THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY A PARENT!!!!