Interoperating Heterogenous C4I Systems (with emphasis on C2 and simulation systems) J. Mark Pullen George Mason University C 4 I Center Fairfax, Virginia, USA KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Concerns and Prospects of Integrating Heterogeneous C4I Systems Need for integration of heterogeneous systems Challenges and concerns of interoperability Architecture frameworks Communication challenges Prospects of Cloud Services in C4I System Case study: C2-Simulation Interoperation Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Need for Integration Various C4I systems are far more powerful when integrated They can share information synergistically And unify information in a single display to ease cognitive burden on humans Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Challenges and Concerns of Interoperation Interfacing systems effectively Differences in system semantics Time resolution issues Stressing supporting communications Ability to modify existing systems Resulting "system of systems" can be hard to analyze and manage KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Architecture Frameworks Examples: DoDAF, MoDAF, NAF Motivation: shared understanding of what the system is supposed to do Issue: Accuracy vs Understandability Powerful tool: Abstraction KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Communication Challenges Shared protocols Shared message paradigm Shared semantics Adequacy of network capacity Impact of latency Impact of Quality of Service KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Cloud Computing Prospects Emphasis of commercial cloud computing is on cost savings –And to lesser extent on performance/reliability –Requires large fixed facilities and networks Military C4I systems generally can't be tethered to a fixed facility –And may need to be separate from commercial clouds to meet security concerns KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Case Study: Command and Control-Simulation Interoperation (C2SIM) Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Vision We are working toward a day when the members of a coalition interconnect their networks, command and control (C2) systems, and simulations simply by turning everything on and authenticating, in a standards-based environment. Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
C2SIM Purpose and Operation Exchange of Orders and reports in standard format Current architecture uses a repository service to hold state submitted by client C2 and Simulation systems –Web service with XML input – Network Centric –Real-time database enables schema translation Mechanism for shared initialization of all systems required Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Evolving C2SIM Architecture Command and Control Systems Simulation Systems real-time database BML Messages (Orders, Reports, etc.) BML Web Services + Initialization and Synchronization Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
C2SIM in NATO Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Roots of C2SIM “Train as you fight” requires using operational C2 systems as interface to simulations –Implemented with human “puckster” or “stove pipe” computer interface US Army SIMCI conducted a successful experiment "Battle Management Language" (BML) to remove ambiguity at the C2SIM interface by replacing the free text of military orders and reports with a standardized vocabulary US Defense M&S Office supported a broad effort in Web technologies for interoperation France DGA developed separate C2SIM capability Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
SIMCI Experimental BML Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
NATO MSG-048 US-France BML prototype stimulated a multinational effort to show technical feasibility of Coalition BML (C-BML) –Ten nations participated –Goal: establish coherence between C2 and M&S –New open, system-independent, community standards and protocols. Work areas: –Establish requirements for the C-BML standard –Assess usefulness and applicability of C-BML in support of coalition –Educate and inform the C-BML stakeholders Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
MSG Architecture
MSG-048 Example: French COA Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
NATO MSG-085 Follow-on to support standardization and show operational relevance –Added two new nations and operational military expertise Recognized need to add Military Scenario Definition Language for systems initialization –Which in turn showed MSDL/C-BML incompatibility Concluded with major demonstration at Fort Leavenworth Kansas –Established military utility of C2SIM –Focused on distributed/collaborative mission planning Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
MSG-085 Final Demonstration Architecture Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
C2SIM Standards Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Simulation Standards Interoperability Organization (SISO) Open Standards Development Organization established 1996 Developed IEEE military simulation standards –Distributed interactive Simulation (DIS) –High Level Architecture for M&S Non-IEEE standards for C2SIM –MSDL approved 2009 –C-BML approved 2014 –Having two versions of C-BML schema problematic Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Second Generation SISO C2SIM MSG-085 showed that MSDL and C-BML could work together effectively, but with some difficulty –They should be converged/harmonized Experience with C-BML “Full” schema indicates it is cumbersome to use –Yet it only covers maneuver warfare – not all operations MSG-085 technical work indicated that the approach taken by Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) is more useful –Define data to be exchanged as data model, expressed as UML (not XML schema) –Extend data model to new domains as needed Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
C2SIM Systems Clients, Servers, Schemata Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
24 MSG-085 Coalition C2SIM Simulation systems possibly federated using HLA or DIS Simulation systems possibly federated using HLA or DIS C2 Systems possibly linked using JC3IEDM C2 Systems possibly linked using JC3IEDM Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Publish/Subscribe for Web Services Data interchange uses XML C2SIM message must go to all interested systems Standard approach (polling by clients) inefficient Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) adopted for distribution Systems subscribe for Topics of interest STOMP server copies each message to subscribing systems Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
XML Example Report <BMLReport xmlns:jc3iedm="urn:int:nato:standard:mip:jc3iedm:3.1a:oo:2.0" xmlns:bml=" xmlns:msdl=" StatusReport GeneralStatusReport 1-22 FR 1-22 Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
MOPS HUMINT A RPTFCT XML Example Report conclusion Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
28 Interfacing C2 Systems C2 systems produce Orders, consume Reports To enable C2SIM, add an interface module that follows the agreed schema so the C2 system can: Send the server an XML document for each Order Subscribe to Reports distributed by the server and present them as situational awareness Clearly identify when running in simulated mode Support start/stop of simulated operation Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
29 Interfacing Simulation Systems Simulation systems accept Orders, produce Reports To enable C2SIM, add an interface module that follows the agreed schema so the simulation system can: Send the server an XML document for each status change that requires a Report Subscribe to Orders distributed by the server and follow the directions they contain Start/pause/stop simulation operation under coalition control Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) During development it is very useful to have a generic way to generate and inspect BML documents Create an Order, Report, Request etc. and introduce it to server Accept and display Order, Report, etc. from client system or server Edit either of the above The GUI can serve as a limited/surrogate C2 system for experimentation 30 Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
BML GUI Functions Editing a C-BML or MSDL document Merging MSDL documents Serialization of document Grammar validation of document Schema validation of XML document Auto-configuration to schema 31 Pulling a document Pushing a document Subscription to server Topics Retrieving latest reports C2 capability Displaying maps with overlays Geolocation entry from maps Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
BML C2 GUI Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Server Functions Accept Push/Post of XML documents and store C-BML Orders and Reports; MSDL scenario files Accept Subscriptions by Topic e.g. all General Status Reports Publish documents to subscribers as they arrive And respond to Get/Pull for them Message logging/Replay Schema translation Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
MSG-085 Linked Server Architecture Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security
Conclusions Interoperating C4I systems as system-of-systems offers both major advantages and challenges For example NATO and SISO have continued progress toward the day when military coalitions will be able to “plug in” their C2 and simulation systems to interoperate Required overcoming many challenges And much remains to be accomplished: –Engage the operational military community as users –Expand the compatibility and scope of MSDL and C-BML in second generation SISO C2SIM Pullen - KSU C4I and Cyber Security