WELCOME to September 21, 2015 ISLN! Building capacity for instructional leadership in the KVEC region
Today’s Resources located on Log on the holler. If you have not done so, join the holler and create a user name and password. 2.From the home page locate the horizontal listing of options (directly below your name). 3.Click on RESOURCES. 4.Locate and click on the ISLN folder. 5.Click on the September 21, 2015 folder to find all of the tools and resources used in today’s presentation.
ISLN Facilitation Team Stacy Noah, Effectiveness Coach Jennifer Carroll, Project Director/Appalachian Leadership Lab Carole Mullins, ELA Instructional Specialist Chris Bentley, Science Consultant Leslie Moyer, PLEE Katrina Slone, STEM Kim Sergent, Social Studies Abbie Combs, ARI Educator Effectiveness
ISLN Meeting Dates ISLN KVEC Training Room 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Contact: Jennifer Carroll September 21, 2015 October 19, 2015 November 20, 2015 January 26, 2016 ** Note the change February 15, 2016 March 18, 2016
ISLN Site Norms Start and end on time Cell phones on vibrate Rule of two feet Calls – phone and nature Contribute…YOU are ISLN. Others?
7 Norms of Collaboration Norms to create a positive team Complete your personal norm inventory
Thinking about the Norms What is your greatest strength? Which norm did you identify as an opportunity for growth? Highlight the norm you identified as an area for growth With your table partner: Identify the norm you rated as an opportunity for growth. Reflect together on how you can improve in that area.
Reflection Identifying Identifying strengths and weaknesses individually and as a team One useful approach is to select one skill at a time on which to work. Concentrate on only one or two norms at a time. As a Team Norms influence the success of the group Creating shared meaning Impacting the decisions and actions of the group
Four Pillars of ISLN and TLN Meetings Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning/KY Framework for Teaching Assessment Literacy Leadership
Each school and district in KY has a knowledgeable and cohesive leadership team that guides the professional learning and practice of all administrators, teachers and staff so that every student experiences highly effective teaching, learning, and assessment practices based on rigorous, college and career ready standards in every classroom, every day. VISIONMISSION Build the capacity of each district leadership team (teacher, school, and district leaders that participate in the Leadership Networks) to effectively implement new standards within the context of highly effective teaching, learning (learning for adults AND students), and assessment practices.
Network Year-at-a-Glance COLLECTIVE District Leadership Team’s Capacity Development Systemic Plan for sustaining highly effective teaching, learning and assessment practices around our KAS. ISLN
Some of the specific processes/skills TEACHER LEADERS, SCHOOL LEADERS, AND DISTRICT LEADERS (I.E. DISTRICT LEADERSHIP TEAMS –DLTs) will be expected to learn and products they will be asked to eventually produce (collectively) include: Reaching consensus with colleagues on the meaning of the standards/performance expectations in terms of expected depth and breadth and the related progressions, (by engaging in/modeling processes to deconstruct KAS into clear learning targets). Planning and reflecting on your own/others’ teaching using the CHETL and FfT as a guide. Utilizing data effectively to improve teaching and learning by designing/selecting/implementing high- quality classroom/local assessments. Planning/selecting rigorous and congruent (i.e., completely aligned) learning experiences for instruction. Working collaboratively within and across networks to curate/create high quality resources. Utilizing provided resources, tools, protocols, and other network products in your own and your district's’ schools to facilitate growth as part of your district’s leadership team (DLT). Working with your district leadership team (DLT) in supporting other educators as they move toward full implementation of these same processes/strategies in their own classrooms. Ensuring the DLT has the capacity and understanding to implement processes/protocols to model, design and systemically gauge effectiveness of professional learning. Network Year-at-a-Glance
Complete your District Info. Be sure to submit!
Takeaways from the Video Enabling process where organization can AND do things differently How they behave Not what they know Capacity Development Initiatives – Teamwork – Shared responsibility – Strategic planning – Partnering with others
September 2015 Learning Targets Enhance understanding of capacity building Explore capacity building strategies and plan for sustainability Analyze the effectiveness of District Leadership Teams in supporting capacity development around KAS, effective teaching and learning, and assessment literacy.
As you read, notate evidence in the article to support the following questions: 1.How is professional learning used to build capacity? 2.How is progress monitoring of learning used to build capacity? 3.How does Hastings’ central office staff create the conditions for change to occur? Hastings (Nebraska) Public Schools Count off 1-3 at your table. Read through the “lens” of your question number.
IC Map: District Reflection How might your district grow in Component 2? How can the District Leadership Team be utilized to support growth and enable change?
How effective are these teams? How effective is your DLT?
How can you capitalize on the STRENGTHS of your DLT and overcome weaknesses? What is working? What tells you that? What do you want/need to accomplish that you haven’t yet? What will you do? How effective is your DLT?
Can you depend on your team members???
How is the DLT functioning? Complete the Teamwork Questionnaire to determine how your team functions. (Sheet 5.8) Use the Worksheet – Team Development Score Sheet –to analyze your responses. Where is your team? Do we have performing teams?
How is the DLT functioning? Match your team to the indicators of the Stages of Team Development (Sheet 5.7). Discuss the challenges facing your team when it functions at this level of development. Discuss strategies for overcoming these challenges.
Refining the DLT The case study of Kentucky River Middle School. A.Analyzing the Case Step 1: Read the Case (10 min) Step 2: Establish the Facts of the Case (10 min) Step 3: Case Analysis Questions (20 min)
Refining the DLT B. Reflect and Connect 1.How does the shared leadership between the principal and teacher leaders at KRMS compare to shared leadership in your district? 2.What could be gained from replicating this curriculum activity in your school/district? 3.Consider the challenges you might experience before, during, and after.
Connections Considering the Kentucky River Middle School case study and the 4 domains of the FfT (Planning & Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities), in what ways are they connected? What specific case study evidence can you cite that illustrates the endeavors of the staff to improve performance in each domain? Be ready to share with the room.
Refining the DLT C.What do we do now? 1.What does your team wish to accomplish? 2.Project into the Future 3.Look “back” from your projected endeavor and describe how this initiative looked when it started. 4.Next steps
Science and Social Studies Updates
Needs Assessment The learning that has and will take place around NGSS implementation Self assessment of knowledge and skill 1=limited; 4=expert Note your strengths and weaknesses Choose an area of need based on the headings: i.e. standard orientation, or standard deconstruction, etc.
Needs Assessment Form groups based on need Discuss in groups: “I think I can do __________ well, but I’ll need help with __________.” Discuss in groups: “_________ is the most crucial piece of learning needed to implement NGSS successfully.” Reach consensus. Group share out.
Study Team The teachers in your group have similar needs. Establish a goal for improvement by October. Ex. Our team will learn more about “ ” by the next meeting. Collect resources to share with your team next month. Websites, articles, lessons, etc. Each month we will devote some STLN time to these study teams and improvement goals. Would this work in your PLC meetings?
District PLC Agenda Planning Template Completing the template Target/DeliverableMode of PresentationQuestions/IdeasResources/Equipment Learning your district teachers will need to implement NGSS & KAS standards successfully Think about the best method to deliver the learning you experienced at STLN What new ideas came up or what questions were uncovered during STLN? What items will you need to facilitate this learning in your district? Target/DeliverableMode of PresentationQuestions/IdeasResources/Equipment Needs Assessment Survey , Guided practice during PLC, Distribute in mail boxes, etc. ??????? What came up? How can we use this? Copy of Needs Assessment survey and Directions Complete the first target: Needs Assessment Survey
Mode of Presentation
Please Complete New Evaluation