Bedfordshire CCG - Our Story Health and Wellbeing Stakeholder Event 1 February 2013 John Rooke, Chief Operating Officer 1
Establishing BCCG Who we are? Membership organisation led and run by local clinicians 55 GP practices/300 GPs Commissioning healthcare for 430,000 Bedfordshire residents £430 million budget Our vision: “ To ensure, through innovative, responsive and effective clinical commissioning, that our population has access to the highest quality health care providing the best experience possible within available resources” 2
What’s new? Work in partnership With our member practices and localities, with the Health and Wellbeing Board, patients and the public, and with other healthcare providers Use clinical leaders To challenge and champion, and to develop new ways of providing care outside hospitals Focus on outcomes By using our purchasing power to improve the co-ordination of patient care and make services more joined up Authorised first in the country, statutory body since December
Quality, first Listening to the whispers – effective system for monitoring and reporting patient experience Early warning patient safety and risk management processes Primary Care Quality Framework 5
Our Plan for Patients Developed through engagement with partners, providers, patients and the public Subject to finalisation by end of March
Improved Services Care right now Introduce ‘111’ service Review ‘direct access’ services Expand End of Life services Improve falls prevention Care into the future Launch integrated Musculoskeletal service Implement Mental Health Strategy Care when it’s not that simple Implement Community Bed Review recommendations Develop multi-agency primary health care teams based on general practice Implement personal health budgets for adults and children/young people with special educational needs 7
Working in partnership 8
Collaboration 9
Current thinking “We save the NHS by changing it. We risk its long-term future by resisting change now.” David Cameron, 2010
Current thinking “Today I want to talk about one such problem, perhaps the biggest problem of all facing the NHS. The crisis in standards of care that exist in parts of the health and social care system.” Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, 2012
Current thinking Our response to the Francis report is one of the greatest leadership challenges and opportunities many of us will ever face. Dean Royles is head of NHS Employers 12
Challenges and Opportunities 2013/14 Implement Francis Report recommendations Provide leadership and support to: – System transformation – Resilience in local services – Bedford Hospital Foundation Trust’s application Achieve financial efficiencies of £19 million Improve quality while working with providers and partners to manage their own financial pressures Deliver tangible outcomes from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Significant steps forward in integrating services 13