The foundation of the strategic framework Lamin Faye, Martin Furth
Introduction to 'the foundation' of our strategy 2 At the heart of our strategy sits our 'Foundation' It consists of People, Behaviour, HSE and Processes We will focus strongly on it as it is critical for our ability to deliver on our strategy The ambition level for each of the elements is to build a team and drive a performance that can allow us to 'lead the industry' Today we will focus on People, Behaviour and Health & Safety BA Wind Management Conference 2015 | Foundation | Lamin Faye & Martin Furth Confidentiality - Medium (C2)
People || We face three key challenges in building a winning team 3 We must grow and develop the team to lead the industry 1. ATTRACT The talent market in Wind industry is very competitive in most countries where we are active and access to the right competence and talent is limited Strengthening the Employer Brand Implementing a long-term and proactive recruitment strategy Ensuring the right compensation models 2. DEVELOP Our business is continuously growing and so is the need for the right competence. People are motivated by continuous learning and advancement which we must deliver in an partially uncertain business where many have joined us at the same time Creating a long-term picture of our competence and capacity need Clarifying individual development paths Ensuring support is available for own development 3. ENGAGE & PERFORM Our people and business engage and perform best when working together as a team on a shared mission which they stand behind and know clearly how they contribute to Driving engagement on the BA Wind direction Enabling managers (to drive engagement and performance) Enabling our ability cooperate and 'to perform better together' BA Wind Management Conference 2015 | Foundation | Lamin Faye & Martin Furth Confidentiality - Medium (C2)
People || We have identified an initial list of 30 initiatives that will form the backbone of the 'People road-map' for the coming years 4 PROCESS 1.Long-list of +40 initiatives developed by HR 2.MT has short-listed 30 initiatives 3.Over the coming weeks, HR is firming these up (scoping) and putting them into a road-map – further prioritisation is likely The highest rated of these initiatives are … 1. ATTRACT Create employer value proposition (internal and external) Develop employer branding strategy (internal and external) Map long-term recruitment needs Implement proactive recruitment Review compensation (incentives + fair & transparent) 2. DEVELOP Maintain and broaden job architecture from BUR to whole BA Create long-term picture of team configuration (linked to the above) Tailor talent management program to BA Wind Train managers (assess performance, give feedback, make plans) 3. ENGAGE AND PERFORM Create a strategy roll-out program Crate basic skills leadership program for all leaders Strengthen focus on leadership evaluation in the PM process Create clarity around BA Wind interfaces Establish regular employee events in BA Wind BA Wind Management Conference 2015 | Foundation | Lamin Faye & Martin Furth Confidentiality - Medium (C2)
Behaviour || Vattenfall's five principles will guide our behaviour 5 Why work with values and behavior? If used correctly it is a powerful tool to: Distinguish us to our competitors Provide clarity to our employees Attract and motivate employees Help to make clear/focused decisions The 'but'… Only if engrained and implemented in the organisation, it will make us stand out from competition – hence: We will invest significant time & resources 'People' & 'Values' overlap a lot so we will link the execution very closely We are still at the very early stages of defining our approach What will guide our behavior? The 5 Vattenfall principles 1.Everything starts with the customer 2.Great people make all the difference 3.Continuous learning is key to success 4.Today’s actions determine the future 5.We deliver on our promises Leadership principles Be visible, be courageous, be clear Vattenfall values Co-operation, Performance, Safety BA Wind Management Conference 2015 | Foundation | Lamin Faye & Martin Furth Confidentiality - Medium (C2)
Health & Safety || We want to keep incidents to a zero through a proactive mindset and personality responsibility 6 GROUP POLICY We believe that all injuries and occupational illnesses […] are preventable BA WIND We are strongly committed to keeping HSE incidents to a 0 […] We need to ensure that we do not understand safety merely as following guidelines, but as a proactive mindset and a personal responsibility We do it because 1) we care about our people and 2) we believe it can be a competitive edge 1. Non-compliant 2. Compliance 3. Skill 4. Operational Excellence 5. World class Level Year 3.2 Renewables Group 2020 SAFETY LEVEL TARGETS Our 2020 target is at least Operational Excellence Safety level is assessed for 14 elements across 3 categories: 1) Organisation, 2) Leadership and 3) Operational control BA Wind Management Conference 2015 | Foundation | Lamin Faye & Martin Furth Confidentiality - Medium (C2)
Health & Safety || We have defined a set of initiatives for the coming years that will ensure a strong lift in performance 7 ORGANISATION CHALLENGES 1.Lack certain competencies 2.Operationally focused 3.Unbalanced country split INITIATIVES 1.Define HSE competence needs and close gaps (training or hiring) 2.Proper manpower planning and people allocation (both H&S and line organisation) LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES 1.Different mgr. behaviours 2.Current average safety level not fully known 3.No health ambition defined INITIATIVES 1.Continue with H&S Leadership programme 2.Conduct 3 Nordic safety assessments in Develop BA Wind Health Programme OPERATIONAL CONTROL CHALLENGES 1.HS Standards ('duplicates' & 'white spots') 2.Inconsistent HS processes 3.Contractor safety levels INITIATIVES 1.Develop and implement BA Wind HSE Mgmt. System 2.Review & reorganise HSE support 3.Update and unify HSE Employer's requirements On two of the most critical initiatives we are 'born with' good solutions that we will improve and roll-out across BA Wind BA Wind Management Conference 2015 | Foundation | Lamin Faye & Martin Furth Confidentiality - Medium (C2)