Types of Maps
Choropleth Statistics Thematic Dot Distribution Proportional Arrows or Circles Political Relief Cartograms Density
Political Map
Physical Map (Relief)
Dot Distribution Map
Advantage : Dot maps give a better representation of the distribution of the population Disadvantage : Almost impossible to get actual values of population or population density from it.
Choropleth Map
Choropleth Map Population Density
Disadvantages Although choropleths give a good visual impression of change over space there are certain disadvantages to using them: Although choropleths give a good visual impression of change over space there are certain disadvantages to using them: They give a false impression of abrupt change at the boundaries of shaded units. They give a false impression of abrupt change at the boundaries of shaded units. Choropleths are often not suitable for showing total values. Proportional symbols overlays are one solution to this problem. Choropleths are often not suitable for showing total values. Proportional symbols overlays are one solution to this problem. It can be difficult to distinguish between different shades. It can be difficult to distinguish between different shades. Variations within map units are hidden, and for this reason smaller units are better than large ones. Variations within map units are hidden, and for this reason smaller units are better than large ones.
Isoline Map contours
Isoline Map Temperature
Isoline Map - Sea level Air Pressure
Statistics Map Proportional Circles & Pie Graphs
Statistics Map
Proportional Arrows
Cartogram of ?
Types of Map Scales (Linear or Bar Scale) (RF)
Map Scales large - small
Large Scale Small Scale
1 : 10,000 Town Plan (large scale)
Political map of world Relief Map of Canada Population distribution Population change map Palestinian map: Kurds map Air pressure map Temperature map of Australia Contour lines and relief shading Contour lines Adoptees map Choropleth map Whites in US
Choropleth map adoptees Cartogram of flights Cartogram ofchild mortality Population density map India Proportional Arrow Map Map scales Goreham Map scales Atlanta gr/scale.jpg gr/scale.jpg Types of scales Bennekom map