GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Territorial Acknowledgement & Lighting of the Christ Candle Call to Worship Hymn: Lift E’vry Voice and Sing WORD Scripture Readings Hymn: VU 612 “There is a Balm in Gilead” Sermon: “The Weight of Telling” Prayers of the People TABLE Invitation and Peace Presentation Hymn: MV 192 “We Come Now To Your Table Lord” Communion Preparation of Ashes Concluding Prayer GOING FORTH Hymn: VU 626 “I Heard the Voice of Jesus” Blessing & Sending Forth
Territorial Acknowledgement Emmanuel College, 2015
Lighting of the Christ Candle Darkness is a wonder to be explored, full of Holy Mystery. In the dark, we can find comfort and rest. In the night we are reminded of how a candle is a small and mighty flicker of resilience. We gather today to worship the One who surprises us with wonder, who challenges our comfort, and who supports our resilience. We follow the One who says, “I am the light” – always. Amen.
Call to Worship: The Lord is here right now God’s here with us. Lift up your hearts to God. We lift them up. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Oh yes, it is right to give our thanks and praise.
Hymn: “Lift E’vry Voice and Sing” (words & music on handout) Source: Emmanuel College Mosaic
WORD Psalm 51: VU p. 776 (Refrain 1) Scripture: Isaiah 58:3-9a The Word of God. Thanks be to God. Hymn: VU 612 “There is a Balm in Gilead”
Sermon: “The Weight of Telling”
... silent reflection...
Prayers of the People[VU 400] Lord, Listen to your children praying, Lord, send you Spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us power, send us grace.
TABLE Invitation & Peace
Presentation Hymn: MV 192 “We Come Now to your Table Lord”
Sanctus: [VU 951] Santo, Santo, Santo! Mi corazón te adora! Mi corazón te sabe decir: Santo eres Dios! Holy, holy, holy! Hosanna in the highest! Let all creation praise and pray: Save us, Holy God!
Memorial Acclamation: Christ has died, is risen, will come again to meet us, and walks with us the Way of love. Holy kindom, come!
Great Amen: Holy, holy, holy! “Amen!” we pray, with longing. Let all creation cry “Amen!” Holy kindom, come!
Preparation of Ashes: Prayer Our best intentions, our worst thoughts, our deepest hatreds, our greatest sadness, on this we meditate silence...
Music during Communion: VU 480 Let us break bread together on our knees, let us break bread together on our knees, When I fall down on my knees with my face to the rising sun. Oh, Lord, have mercy on me.... Let us drink wine together Let us praise God together...
Music during Communion: MV 118 Me alone, me alone in-a the wilderness. Forty days and forty nights in-a the wilderness. Forty days and forty nights in-a the wilderness.
Concluding Prayer: Christ, you have fed us at your table and called us to take up your cross to bear witness to your work in the world. Fed and nourished, may we leave from here ready to be peace-keepers, God-bearers and kindom builders. Amen.
GOING FORTH Hymn: VU 626 “I Heard the Voice of Jesus” Blessing & Sending Forth
Next week is Reading Week! All material used with permission under A Coming up Wed. Feb. 24, 1:30 pm Musical Leadership with Dan Damon minister, hymn-writer, jazz musician