Comprehensive Youth Services Assessment and Plan February 21, 2014
Review Plan and State and Local Changes that have occurred. Develop a common understanding of the framework for a Comprehensive Youth Services assessment and plan. Develop Core Principles for a regional youth serving system. Review and revise assessment components and timeline. Review Project Timeline Next Steps
Introductions Regional Background 2011 Plan and Priorities State and Local Changes since 2011 Framework for Change
Regional Plan since Initial Focus was Youth Plan Became Comprehensive Juvenile Services Plan used for Crime Commission Application Informal Agreement with Counties Completed every three years
Grant to conduct robust assessment and plan. Focus on a broad spectrum of youth services (Graduated Response ) specific to Juvenile Justice. Included Prevention Formal agreement with Counties Evidence Based Practices and Policies
Cross referenced other assessments and plans: Substance Use Prevention Public Health Child Well Being Service Array Assessment PPHHS team to provide oversight of plans and outcomes.
PRIORITY 1: Improve outcomes for youth and reduce recidivism in the Juvenile Justice system through a coordinated, effective Juvenile Justice System that reflects the Graduated Response assessment.
PRIORITY 2: Regional collaboration to plan, implement, evaluate and sustain quality, cost effective needed juvenile services. Priority 3: Maintain local and regional Prevention System activities to improve youth outcomes, maintain public safety and decrease entry into high end systems.
County use? State view?
Release of DMC document (state) Enhanced Professional Partners ( state) Probation Legislations (state) LB 216 DHHS Youth aging out of System (state) System of Care for Older Youth (SSRHY) (Panhandle) Public Private Partnerships Transitioning Youth (state) Children’s Commission sub Committee ( state) Society of Care Planning Children/Youth Mental Health System of Care Planning Substance Use Prevention ( state) Panhandle CHIP
What opportunities for youth in the State of Nebraska do we see from these changes? What impact do we desire for the youth of the Panhandle? How can the Panhandle Plan position our region to provide leadership and assure local systems for youth? What challenges do we see?
Models for Change: Improving the Effectiveness of Juvenile Justice Programs ( and systems) /284 Researched based guide to system planning
Community primary prevention programs oriented toward reducing risk and enhancing strengths for all youth Focused secondary prevention programs for youth in the community at greatest risk but not involved with the juvenile justice system or, perhaps, diverted from the juvenile justice system Intervention programs tailored to identified risk and need factors, if appropriate, for first-time minor delinquent offenders provided under minimal sanctions, e.g., diversion or administrative probation
Intervention programs tailored to identified risk and need factors for non-serious repeat offenders and moderately serious first-time offenders provided under intermediate sanctions, e.g., regular probation Intensive intervention programs tailored to identified risk and need factors for first-time serious or violent offenders provided under stringent sanctions, e.g., intensive probation supervision or residential facilities Multicomponent intensive intervention programs in secure correctional facilities for the most serious, violent, and chronic offenders Re-entry ( Transition Services)
Truly Comprehensive Plan for Youth Services in the Panhandle that integrates systems as a foundation for: Prevention System of Care Older Youth/Public Private Partnerships System of Care Children/Youth Mental Health Juvenile Justice What would be the benefit to the Panhandle?
System planning and implementation is not about what an individual or agency gets out of the work- but what they put in. How do we align agency resources with common plan? How we are accountable to each other for the use of public and private funds toward common outcomes? How do we assure and sustain a regional continuum of services that produce effective outcomes for the youth served? How are decisions driven at the community and regional levels?
What are the principles of the Panhandle Youth System?
child-centered, family focused, strengths-based, culturally competent provided in the least restrictive appropriate setting. In addition, the system should involve youth and families as full partners, include a comprehensive array of services, individualize to each youth and family, stress early identification and intervention, and coordinate among service providers and systems.
DATA 1. Regional Demographic Data 2. Child Well Being Indicators 3. Juvenile Services System Utilization Data (trend data) 4. Youth Service Array Assessment Additions? Who else needs to be at the table?
Based on Channeling Change categories. Challenge: Definitions across systems.
What is the role /function of the PPHHS infrastructure in the long term implementation and measurement of this work? Services provided to date: Assessment Written Plan Evaluation of Plan by Priority Area Preparation for Grants
Historically this work has been undertaken within the PPHHS Prevention Coalition?
March 21, :00- noon Data and Service Assessment Review Develop Priority Areas for Plan April 11, Draft Plan reviewed, revised and affirmed. May- June 2014 Plan taken to all 11 County Boards for written agreements. June 30, 2014 Plan submitted to Crime Commission