Directions: You and your friend ‘The Cloud’. Take a picture of you and your friend ‘The Cloud’, as well as flat Stanley. Put that picture into Slide 2 Change the title box to your “friend’s” name (the type of cloud) Give a brief explanation of the cloud and why you think it is that type in the bottom. Be sure to change the color of your text so that it stands out and is easy for someone to read this file, just slide 2 is fine, to Mr. Latimer (or contact me with ?’s)
Your Name & Cloud Type Here Give a detailed description of the weather conditions at the time of the picture (air temp, humidity, dew point, pressure, wind speed) – what are your sources? Give a description of the cloud. Explain why you think it is that type of cloud?
Rubric The picture contains you, a cloud, and a flat Stanley A detailed weather report is included with a source (the information from the weather channel). A cloud description is included. An accurate cloud identification needs to be included. The ONE slide is ed to me with your name and period in the as the file name. FYI – you will receive a response from me once your project is received and meets all of the criteria.
Flat Stanley Print out the following slide, decorate, accessorize, cut out, and include in the picture with you and your friend the cloud.