Adding a Picture in ArcGIS
Getting Started Open ArcMap in ArcGIS Add shape files Find pictures on the web save in folder with shape files you added to ArcMap Next right click shape file and open attribute table
Add a Field to the Attribute Table
Add attribute name: picture Change Type to TEXT Give yourself enough characters for file of JPG file name
1. Move attribute table to the bottom of the screen 2.In your ArcGIS page use your selection tool to select the point you want to add your picture to
1. You can also select the particular polygon in the attribute table in case you don’t know what point or polygon it is on the map 2. Find the row and right click to select
Click on the Editor Tool Bar at the top of the page Click on Editor and start editing
Pick the shape file you are adding the picture to then click ok
1.Once there open up the folder in a new window where your JPEG file is stored. 2.We need the file extension of the JPEG, you will place this in the picture field for the selected attribute. 3. Copy the file name.
1.Now, Go to the attribute table in the column you added (picture). 2. Go to the picture column and find the selected attribute and highlight this particular cell.
Move back to ArcGIS and paste the file name into your picture field for the selected attribute(it will be highlighted!)
Click off of the selected picture cell Close the Editor tool bar by re-clicking on Editor, click on stop editing
YES, Save Edits!!!
Right click the shape file open properties and go to display field
Save file to the same location as the shape file folder that you are working with
1. The lightening bolt should be lit and your selected area may be highlighted now! 2. Click on the lightening bolt and then click on your point/polygon you added your picture to!