Horror Movie poster (Post production) MATTHEW BROWN
Original Image This is the original Image that I chose for my Horror movie poster, I chose this one as it shows the hand print clearly and the text at the bottom while still having room to put more text in when editing. This photo has not yet been edited.
This is the finished poster of my horror movie, as you can see this photo has been edited in photo shop. The First thing I did to the photo was increase the Vibrancy of the image in order to make the colour in the photo more notice able I also increased the brightness as well to balance it out so parts of the image where not too dark and unclear. After that I experimented with the saturation in order to make the colour red in then image more deep and noticeable and to make it look more bloody over all, I did this as it is a horror movie poster and having blood makes it more recognisable as one. The final thing I did was add the text in, The text I used for the title is called HazeLightDemo, I used this as it fits in well with the horror theme of the poster I also made the text black to both make it more noticeable and because it fits with the title “The Darkness”. The second font I used is called TallFilmsFine and I used it for the bottom text that is on most film posters, I added the text to make the image look more like an official poster which is also the reason why I chose the font, I made the bottom text white so it does not distract people from the main image and the title as they need to have more priority towards them. For this whole image all I did was change the colour the I image, add text and crop no other photo editing has been used. Finished Poster