“Making Goldfish into Elephants” How to make learning stick using AfL To understand how to develop reflective students using a range of mini review techniques To be able to: 1. Adapt and use strategies within your own classroom 2. Plan how to share, prioritise and develop the next steps within your own school.
Mini whiteboards - (games, competition) Fingers to show which answer linked to a flipchart millionaire Randometer Cards No hands up (phone a friend, 50 50, ask the audience) Further questions, with holding judgements “Is that correct?” – basketball questions Question cards Students lead the review Road to success and parking lot Getting involved
Harlequin This is a discussion tool to use with students Yellow Yellow – check the students know what they are learning Have they got the learning objective (use throughout the lesson) Green Green – link to the big picture. Where is the purpose? Red Red – where can this be used else where? Apply this skill or knowledge to other topic areas. Blue Blue – Move the symbols to focus on the learning methods used. Extend to get students to think about what they haven’t first considered
One set of Activote pods have been trialled by MFL which take responses from every child. These promote competition, pace and discussion of incorrect answers The pods
Came from primary (but we changed the fairy wand to be a thought cloud) This has been used it in self and peer assessment. It also helps you to focus verbal and written feedback. Star, star wish It is a very powerful tool to get students focussed on the next step The responses can be very shallow from students and this takes a lot of work developing language of learning
The CUBE Careful questions placed in the cube can promote discussion and recap the learning from the lesson. Easy to differentiate the questions too. Examples Used in Technology to match the symbols for recycling to names and descriptions Used in Maths to make whole class games more exciting Used in English to learn literature quotes. Who said...., quote something by the character you have thrown etc Used in Humanities to recap Fact or Opinion So far we have given out over 20 cubes to be used in all curriculum areas.
How we have shared our work with staff Learning matters – magazine Whole school inset AfL area on our network AfL strategy group Curriculum area inset & AST support Whole school show case Focus of the curriculum area health check
What have we learnt? Mini review: Why have we learnt it? How have we learnt it?How can we use it?