Year 10 GCSE Focus Evening
Most recent cohort…… GCSE Results This year… 82% achieved 5+ A*-C 71% achieved 5 + A*-C (including English and Maths) 100% achieved 1 A*-G 45% English Baccalaureate 26% entries achieved A*-A 56% entries achieved A*-B August 2017…..?
Year 10 Key Stage Four Support for your child Extra–Curricular Opportunities Key Dates 3 rd -6 th MayYear 10 Exam Week 7th July 2016 Parents Evening
GCSE Examinations New GCSE Courses for English Language, English Literature and Mathematics (new 9-1 Grades) All GCSE Course are assessed by Linear exams (end of course) No modular Exams Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) will be assessed in English Literature, History, Geography and RS.
Student Targets Student targets are displayed in all reports Challenge students and teachers for high performance FFT Fischer Family Trust - Charity Organisation Based upon the probability of achieving the grades based upon previous progress.
Target Setting Factors: Prior attainment KS2 results Variations between subjects Gender Month of birth School Context Expected Progress
If only life were this simple! Target Year 6Year 11 Attainment
It’s more like this: Year 6Year 11 Attainment Target
Controlled Assessment Replaced coursework Assessment calendar will be available on the school website Conducted throughout the academic year Priorities Full attendance in lessons Maximise effort to achieve the highest marks No resits – no second chances
Raising Participation Age (RPA) Government has increased the age at which all young people are required to continue in education. They will have to continue until at least their 18 th Birthday. Options to participate include: Full-time education, Apprenticeship or part-time education/ training in employment.
Year 10 Mathematics GCSE Focus Evening
New GCSE Grading Structure for Year 9 and Year 10 mathematics students Sets 1 to 3 will take the Higher paper (grades 9 - 4) Sets 4 and 5 will take the Foundation paper (grades 5 – 1)
New GCSE Examination Structure for Year 9 and Year 10 mathematics students
Formulae that students will need to know
How can you help your child? (Clue 1)
How can you help your child? (Clue 2)
How can you help your child? (Clue 3)
How can you help your child? (Clue 4)
What qualification will the courses lead to? Science set Courses followed Qualification Set 1 triple (10 TS1) GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Physics 3 separate GCSE grades Sets 1 – 4 double (10 sx1, sx2, sx3, sx4) GCSE Science A and GCSE Additional Science 2 separate GCSE grades Set 1 single (10 Sc1) GCSE Science A 1 GCSE grade
Assessment Structure Qualification obtained Assessment Mark allocation Science A (Core Science) One GCSE grade B1 – Structured Answer paper C1 – Structured Answer paper P1 – Structured Answer paper Controlled Assessment 25%25%25%25%
Assessment Structure Qualification obtained Assessment Mark allocation Additional Science One GCSE grade B2 – Structured Answer paper C2 – Structured Answer paper P2 – Structured Answer paper Controlled Assessment 25%25%25%25%
Qualification obtained Assessment Mark allocation Biology One GCSE grade B1 – Structured Answer paper B2 – Structured Answer paper B3 – Structured Answer paper Controlled Assessment 25%25%25%25% Chemistry One GCSE grade C1 – Structured Answer paper C2 – Structured Answer paper C3 – Structured Answer paper Controlled Assessment 25%25%25%25% Physics One GCSE grade P1 – Structured Answer paper P2 – Structured Answer paper P3 – Structured Answer paper Controlled Assessment 25%25%25%25%
Exam Current ClassExams 10 Sc1June 2017 (Science A) 10 Sx1, 2, 3, 4June 2017 (Science A & Additional Science) 10 TS1June 2017 (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)
Support Science interactive E-book will be available to all GCSE students ( centre number: 14860, password: student GCSE Pod This is accessible on the Internet from home and school VLE (FROG) will contain a range of learning resources Revision guides are also available for purchase from the school via the Mayflower website AQA website
Ebook Login: JohnSmith Password: student Online text book with PowerPoints & animations
GCSE Pod Accessible through the Mayflower website or Clear & concise presentations tailored for the AQA curriculum
BBC Bitesize Great online animations and guides including mini tests.
FROG Many useful revision resources such as past exam papers and revision sheets uploaded by teachers for pupils to access
Revision Guides Available through the Mayflower website (Parent pay). £4.50 each
AQA Website Specification & past papers with markschemes
What jobs and careers will these courses lead to? Further study – AS, A2 and degree level Vocational college courses – e.g. Btec Forensics Liked by employers due to its rigour and the transferable skills gained
Who can the students talk to? Class teacher Mrs Mason, Mr Griffiths Parents
GCSE English: fact and fiction Mrs J Emeny Head of English Faculty Mr B Fletcher Deputy Head of English and Key Stage 4 English Co-ordinator
Summer 2015 results English Language: 80% achieved grades A* to C 16% achieved grades A* and A English Literature: 85% achieved grades A* to C 23% achieved grades A* and A
Past GCSE students’ comments My teacher has inspired me to enjoy English in different ways. English has been one of my favourite lessons and I have liked the books we've studied. My time in English has been a very pleasurable one and I'd like to thank my teacher for creating a very controlled working environment. I have learnt so much this year and I’m very confident for my exams.
What happens in GCSE English? Two qualifications – GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature Two examinations for each subject, taken in Year 11 Reading comprehension, writing, literary study, response to unseen poetry No controlled assessment No copies of set texts in Literature exams Exam board – AQA
New grading system 9 = above A* 8 = A* 7 = A 6 = B 5 = B/C – new national standard 4 = C 3 = D 2 = E 1 = F/G
Speaking and Listening Students are required to be assessed giving a presentation in a formal context. They will need to respond appropriately to questions and to feedback. The assessment will focus on their use of Standard English. A separate grade will be recorded for Speaking and Listening on the exam certificate.
What happens over the next two years? LITERATURELANGUAGE Year 10 Autumn term An Inspector Calls Unseen poetry Reading comprehension: non-fiction texts Descriptive and narrative writing Year 10 Spring term Poetry anthology Macbeth Writing to explain a point of view Year 10 Summer term Macbeth Spoken Language assessment Reading comprehension: literary fiction YEAR 10 MOCK EXAM: Paper 2 Year 11 Autumn term A Christmas Carol Descriptive and narrative writing YEAR 11 MOCK EXAM: Paper 1 Year 11 Spring and Summer terms Revision of all set texts Exam practice Revision Exam practice
What’s happening right now? STILL FOR SALE!
The things students might say… I’ve got a high target grade so I don’t need to worry. I did really well in the mock so won’t need to revise for the real thing. I only need to work hard in the week before the exam. You can’t revise for English. I haven’t got any homework. Spelling and punctuation don’t matter. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
The things students might say… I’ve got a revision guide so everything will be OK. I don’t need to buy a copy of the text. My class aren’t working towards the higher grades. I don’t need to re-read the book because we’ve read it in class. English is boring.
CGP revision guides
York Notes for GCSE 9 – 1
Year 10 GCSE Focus Evening