Grammar (Parts of Speech) & TODAY: Grammar (Parts of Speech) & Finish “The Lottery” (Elements of Fiction)
Homework: Homework: Vocabulary Chapter 1 (Due TUESDAY) DIRECTIONS DIRECTIONS: On notebook paper, write the word, its definition, and a sentence using the word. Example Example: Word = antithesis Definition = An antithesis is used when two opposites are introduced in the same sentence. Sentence = A common example of an antithesis is “Give me liberty or give me death.” Chapter 1 Words Chapter 1 Words: acknowledge, alternative, anecdote, appropriate, avert, candid, compel, comply, concise, drastic
Name_________Block_________Date_________ Vocabulary Chapter 1 1.Word: acknowledge Definition: Definition: Sentence: Sentence: 2.Word: alternative Definition: Definition: Sentence: Sentence: 3.Word: anecdote Definition: Definition: Sentence: Sentence: 4. Word: avert Definition: Definition: Sentence: Sentence:
ARTICLES COMMON NOUN's Three little words you often see Are ARTICLES: a, an, and the. A COMMON NOUN's the name of anything, As: school or garden, toy, or swing. PRONOUN ADJECTIVES VERBS ADVERBS A PRONOUN replaces any noun: / he, she, it, and you are found. ADJECTIVES tell what kind of noun, As: great, small, pretty, white, or brown. VERBS tell of something being done: To read, write, count, sing, jump, or run. How things are done the ADVERBS tell, As: slowly, quickly, badly, well. CONJUNCTIONS PREPOSITION PROPER NOUN PARTS of SPEECH CONJUNCTIONS join the words together, As: men and women, wind or weather. The PREPOSITION stands before A noun as: in or through a door. A PROPER NOUN gives a proper name such as: Michael Jordan of basketball fame. The whole of these are the PARTS of SPEECH, Which reading, writing, and speaking teach. “Like, the Parts of Speech, Man…” (A Poem)
Group Activity: Group Activity: Epic Parts of Speech Poem There once was a hero named ________, and he (or she) was the bravest warrior in the land. There was also a monster killing all of the people, so the hero, _____, had to make a stand.
Warm Up: Warm Up: Finish Epic Poems 1.Read 1.Read what your group wrote during the last class. 2.Finish 2.Finish writing your story. a.Beginning Who is the hero? Who is the monster? b.Middle How do they fight? (swords? Lasers?) c.End Who wins? Why? 3.Share 3.Share your stories out loud.
Grammar Lesson: Grammar Lesson: Parts of Speech DIRECTIONS: 1.Write an epic poem as a group (WRITE YOUR NAMES ON TOP) 2.Exchange with another group (REVIEWED BY: YOUR NAMES) 3.Identify the parts of speech (with a RED pen): verbs, b.underline nouns once, adverbs twice, d.underline pronouns twice, e.Underline proper nouns three times a star above prepositions 4.Return to the writer group (do you agree with the reviewers?) 5.Turn the assignment in to the basket up front
Grammar Lesson: Grammar Lesson: Parts of Speech Definition Definition: The parts of speech are the basic types of words that most languages have. Examples Examples: Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, and conjunctions. Activity Activity: 1) write a group poem and annotate the parts of speech, 2) complete an individual worksheet
Lesson: Lesson: The Elements of Fiction Definition Definition: The elements of fiction are those parts of a story that are the same across stories, even if different people wrote them. Examples Examples: All stories have characters, settings, themes, a point of view, and a structure to the plot Plot structure = expository (background), rising action, climax, falling action, resolution (ending) Activity Activity: While we read “The Lottery”, take notes and identify the different elements of fiction in the story
Elements of Fiction Notes: Analyzing Literature ELEMENTS OF FICTION 1.CHARACTERS a.PROTAGONIST (good guy) b.ANTAGONIST (bad guy) 2.SETTING a.PLACE b.TIME PERIOD 3.THEME (CENTRAL MESSAGE) 4.PLOT a.EXPOSITION (background) b.RISING ACTION (events) c.CLIMAX (major turning point) d.FALLING ACTION (events) e.RESOLUTION (ending) EXAMPLES IN “The Lottery” 1._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 2._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 3._________________________ 4._________________________ a.______________________ b.______________________ c.______________________ d.______________________ e.______________________ EXAMPLES IN Your Book 1._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 2._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 3._________________________ 4._________________________ a.______________________ b.______________________ c.______________________ d.______________________ e.______________________
Next Time: Next Time: Grammar & Vocab 1.Subject / verb agreement 2.Fixing sentence fragments 3.Vocabulary & word analysis
Video Notes: Video Notes: The Parts of Speech 1.One part of speech discussed was a COMMON NOUN, which is _______________________________. 2.Another part of speech discussed was a PROPER NOUN, which is ___________________________. 3.Another part of speech discussed was a ______, which is _______________. 4. Another part of speech discussed was a ______, which is _______________. 5.Another part of speech discussed was a ______, which is _______________.
Unit 1:Narrative Structure End Goal well-structured paragraph summarizingmain idea and supporting details plot literary terms Write a well-structured paragraph summarizing the main idea and supporting details of a text and explaining the plot using literary terms.