Final Progress Review Meeting of RCA/UNDP Project on Promoting and Accelerating Nuclear SPECT/PET Imaging Technologies in the Region Nov 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal Dr. Tin Swe Consultant, Nuclear Medicine Physician Department of Nuclear Medicine Yangon General Hospital Yangon, Myanmar
Participating Country: REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR 1) Area:676,552 sq km 2) Population: About 60 Millions 3) Capital:Naypyitaw Naypyitaw *
National Project Coordinator Dr. Tin Swe Consultant Department of Nuclear Medicine Yangon General Hospital, Yangon Ministry of Health, Myanmar Tel:
National Project Team(NPT) National Project Team(NPT) NameTitleOrganization Prof:Dr Pe Thet Khin Patron of NPT, MinisterMinistry of Dr Tin Swe NPC, ConsultantMinistry of Dr Kyin Myint Prof / Senior ConsultantMinistry of Dr War2 Wan MaungConsultantMinistry of Dr Soe Myat WinConsultantMinistry of Health Dr Tin Naing MinConsultantMinistry of Dr Su Thet OoConsultantMinistry of
Period Covered Period Covered May 2011 to December 2013
Analyze the achievements of national activities implemented In 2011, five National Activities conducted 107 Males & 257 Femal es total of 364 attendances. In 2012, fourteen National Activities conducted 168 Males & 233 Females total of 401 attendances. In 2013, sixteen National Activities conducted 845 Males & 1218 Females total of 2063 attendances. Preparation works for SPECT-CT and PET-CT installation in Yang on General Hospital and SPECT-CT for Mandalay General Hospital Two M.Sc Nuclear Medicine students already trained, three candidat es are attending in first year and another three students are selected. Sharing our knowledge of Nuclear Medicine in monthly CME program, seminar and symposium of particular departments.
Total no. of treated or diagnosed patients in 2011 No. of treated or diagnosed patientsNumber No. of Female6891 No. of Male2057 No. of Children65 Total9013
Total no. of treated or diagnosed patients in 2012 No. of treated or diagnosed patientsNumber No. of Female35980 No. of Male983 No. of Children59 Total36022
Total no. of treated or diagnosed patients in 2013 No. of treated or diagnosed patientsNumber No. of Female58690 No. of Male1302 No. of Children483 Total60475
Successful stories A 52 years old lady named Ms Khin Mar Cho complaints unable to do sitting and walking without attendant for four months. She had invasive ductal carcinoma left breast for five years ago and treated with total mastectomy left breast, radiation therapy and complete six cycle chemotherapy Her spine and pelvis X’ray showed no abnormality Bone scan showed multiple extensive skeletal metastases in ribs, throughout the spine and pelvis. She took radiotherapy and chemotherapy again. Now she feels better and better.
X’ray Thoraco lumbar spine X’ray Pelvis Whole Body Bone Scan
Publication of the success story -Health forun in the media led by Prof Kyin Myint -Actively promoting “Nuclear Medicine services in Myanmar” through sky net TV & Myitzima daily news paper.
Accomplished national work plan Successfully accomplished most of the work plans of 2013 Unfortunately RIA laboratory in 1000 Bedded General Hospital in Naypyitaw was still going But all equipments of RIA lab are received and men power needed. It will be installed near soon.
Immediate benefits of national activities Improved knowledge of Nuclear Medicine procedur e among non Nuclear Medicine Physicians. Increased number of referral patients. Get early diagnosis and cost effective treatment for the patients. New technology of Nuclear Medicine procedures ar e very much improved for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Improve awareness of Nuclear Medicine services in public.
Long term benefits of national activities Increased number of well trained personals Narrow the gap of Nuclear Medicine facilities betw een Myanmar and neighboring countries. Augment the SPECT and PET imaging science and technologies Improved services both in diagnostic and therapeuti c Nuclear Medicine. Knowledge and experiences transfer Improve awareness in advantages of SPECT and PET capabilities among public.
Sustainability Continue regular training, workshop, conferences Standardized protocol for all Nuclear Medicine Procedures Well designed development Work Plan Good collaboration with Government as well as IAEA and RCA member states
unexpected difficulties/problems Nuclear Medicine specialist doctors and technologis ts are a few numbers in Myanmar. Non Nuclear Medicine doctors are not well known a bout what Nuclear Medicine is and why Nuclear sca n is needed. Budgetary constraint is major barrier to purchase ne w product camera, Radioisotope and radiopharmace utical kits. Poor maintenance services of infrastructure.
Actions taken to solve the Problems Giving Nuclear Medicine lectures to pre & post grad uate medical students training courses. Continue regular activities among Nuclear Medicine doctors and non Nuclear Medicine doctors by partici pating in monthly CME program, seminars and sym posium Increase Government financial support. Advise higher authority to purchase new product with service contract.
lesson learned and Conclusion Improvement of knowledge and skill capability of Nuclear Medicine personals Regular training, work shop and conferences of local and international Well designed development work plan is essential. Applying in Neurological imaging in Myanmar is still scanty. Upgrade Nuclear Medicine facilities including equipment and men power This project is very precious for Myanmar and fulfilled the advanced SPECT and PET imaging technologies. We’d like to continue this proj ect for another three years. Nuclear Medicine facilities in Myanmar will be fruitfully promoted very soon
2013 Work Plan of National Project Team 2013 Work Plan of National Project Team Activity nameObjectivesWhenWhereContext Continue training two new and plan four candidates of NM Physicians To raise number of professional man po wer Q1, Q2 Q3, Q4 Yangon General Hospital (YGH) Curriculums of MSc Nuclear Medicine Organize awarene ss lectures among non-NM doctors a t General Hospital s in To improve awarene ss & augmented ref erral of patients to t he N Medicine proc edures Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YGH MGH NOGH NGH Nuclear Medicine diagnosti c knowledge of SPECT/PE T imaging and therapeutic management Participate to the RCA/UNDP Proje ct Basic & On-site training course To improved and m aximized nuclear m edicine applications in health services Q3Seoul, Korea Basic and advanced course train the trainers who are accountable for national capacity development Distance Assisted Training program for technologists To understand the principles of organ imaging Q1,Q2, Q3,Q4 Yangon General Hospital Radiopharmaceuticals, organ imaging, SPECT& PET imaging technologies
Activity nameObjectivesWhenWhereContext Establish in-vitro laboratory To expand RIA ap plication Q2Naypyitaw General Hospital Fully equipped RIA & IRMA laboratory, cold kits Participate in the R TCs organized by I AEA/RCA RAS RAS RAS Trainers who are a ccountable for the national capacity development will b e trained Q1 Q2 Q3 Yangon General Hospital Yangon Lectures & practical applications of SPECT/PET imaging technologies Conduct Nuclear imaging in MMA Conference Cancer Society Me eting Radiology Society Conference Neurology Society Meeting Enhance Nuclear i maging knowledge and SPECT faciliti es among General doctors, Cardiolog ist, Oncologist, Ne urologist and Radi ologist Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 MMA YGH Yangon To realize safety, cost effectiveness, early diagnosis, assessment of treatment response regarding NM imaging Final Annual Revie w Meeting Final Annual Proj ect Report to the RCARO Q4Kathmand u, Nepal Project efficacy and out come of National Project Team
RAS , IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course
National Symposium on Nuclear Medicine in Routine Clinical Practice; 10 March 2013 Yangon, Myanmar
CME Program Role of Nuclear Medicine in Thyroid Disorder Asia Royal Hospital Yangon 10/8/2013
16 th Medical Specialties Conference Oct, 2013 Yangon, Myanmar (1) PET/CT in clinical practice (2) Role of Nuclear Medic ine in Personalized Medicine
2 nd Myanmar Medical Radiation Technologists Meeting Yangon, Myanmar “PET/CT and Personalized Medicine”