Read the complete presentation at, an-on-demand-taxi-booking-app-like-uber an-on-demand-taxi-booking-app-like-uber
Taxi Booking Industry Something as traditional as a “Vehicle Rental Service” took a revolutionary turn in the recent years and has given us all a completely different angle to view it from. The key reason for succeeding enormously in such a vast market space was the ability to offer a streamlined approach to the booking service, which was not so structured in the past. Taxi booking apps predicted the demand and were able to match it with the perfect needs.
Successful Taxing Booking Apps The product and it's market are the two nuclear components of any business. Successful players will tell you that the product is the most dominant part as it fulfills the needs of a market. An average product can be a huge success in a market where the need for that product is huge. But, something phenomenal is created when a great product matches a even greater market.
Few of such success stories in the taxi booking industries.... Uber The frontrunner for all taxi booking apps, Uber was able to serve to all the customer segments throughout the world. They have their services in around 400 cities around the globe. The company is valued around $51 billion. Lyft Lyft is considered as the biggest competitor for Uber in the United States. It has its coverage over 60 cities and fares better in response time and safety when compared to Uber.
Hailo Hailo is one of the fast-growing taxi booking service based in the United Kingdom. Hailo is active in eight cities across five different countries. Didi Dache Serving to the highest populated country in the world, Didi Dache has established as one of the best taxi hailing service in China. With services spanning across 300 cities, Didi Dache records an estimated 3 million rides on any given day.
The Reason for their Success Uber and many other taxi booking apps have their own unique selling points that made them have a grip on the market, sustain and differentiate from each other. But on further decrypting their success formulas, one can find out that they had common core factors that actually determined their success. A Strong Market Research Set of Clear Goals and Target Segmentation
Usage Of The Best Technologies Proper Alliance strategies with the Drivers Multiple Customer Acquisition Strategies Selecting The Proper Channels for Marketing And Growth Value propositions for Customers and Drivers Simple and Efficient Revenue Model
Want to be a Success Story Like Uber? After being declared a sensation, Uber was the base and inspiration for many start-ups and entrepreneurs to try and replicate it's success. They soon realized that building up an app similar to Uber was not considered cost-effective and moved their attentions towards Uber clone scripts.
Agriya's Taxi Pickr, A Uber Clone app Selecting the readily available Uber clone scripts maybe an easy option, but selecting the right one goes a long way in determining your success. Agriya an established name among mobile application and clone script development companies, has always been a step ahead in understanding the needs of the business. Agriya's ready-made uber clone script, Taxi Pickr has understood the whole concept of Uber and has created features that help you in creating the best taxi booking service venture similar to Uber.ready-made uber clone script
Taxi Pickr And It's Enhanced Features Being an entrepreneur, Taxi Pickr helps you to start running your customized taxi booking app as soon as possible. The user-friendly interface enables your customers to browse the app and book from the various type of cab services with ease. The two versions of it, one for IOS and the Android help you to reach out to maximum customers. Taxi Pickr is SEO-friendly and helps you have a unique presence in the social media platforms.
Created using the finest technologies available, this clone app offers features that benefits both you as the venture owner and your users. A few highlighting features are, Unique Sign Up process Taxi Pickr allows you to screen drivers who are willing to work with you. A thorough background check enables a safer functioning of the business.
Easy Booking Process The whole process of booking a ride has been enhanced and is customer-friendly. Starting with a flexible login option, a customer has the luxury to browse through the types of car before selecting one, request for a specific car for future bookings and modify or delete the selection. Every ride offers a fair estimation to the customer well in advance.
Proven Revenue Generation Model Making money out of Taxi Pickr, is an easy and automated process once the app is live and operational. As the App owner, you can decide the commission fee for each and every ride completed. Demo of uber clone – watch?v=vrqQix4PZEo watch?v=vrqQix4PZEo
Read the complete Presentation about developing an on-demand taxi booking app like uber at, develop-an-on-demand-taxi-booking-app-like- uber develop-an-on-demand-taxi-booking-app-like- uber