Euroguidance – Conference Prague, 04/12/2007 Marketing – Chancen und Herausforderungen für die BA Mobility Counselling – Services Provided to Migrants within the International Placement Office of the German Federal Employment Agency (ZAV) Sofia Tornikidou International Placement Services Nürnberg
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 Contents Mobility Counselling – Services Provided to Migrants within the International Placement Office of the German Federal Employment Agency (ZAV) The International Placement Office (ZAV) Service Provision Mobility Counselling - Service Provision - Evaluation: Outcomes Questions
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 A specialised department within the German Federal Employment Agency Head office in Bonn with branches in Frankfurt Berlin Hamburg Munich Leipzig etc. The International Placement Office (ZAV) (Bundesagentur für Arbeit - BA)
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 International Placement Services Executive Placement Services Placement Services for the Performing Arts Placements in Development Co-operation (CIM) Placements in International Organisations (BFIO) Labour Migration and Work Permits The International Placement Office (ZAV) A specialised employment agency providing
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 Overview: Counselling for Migrants provided by the BA International Placement Services non EU countries Counselling for migrants: „Mobility Counselling“ re-integration re-re-integration 3rd country neutral open results voluntary Counselling in placement agencies integration
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 The ZAV provides services for migrants: „Mobility Counselling“ „Mobility Counselling“ – founded by law in 1983 Historical background: Guest workers in Germany Changes in overall conditions The ZAV provides services aimed at reintegrating citizens from devoloping countries. The following service provisions are included:
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 aimed at individuals wishing to return to their country of origin and institutions whose objectives include the assistance of citizens of these countries (→ Arbeitnehmer → Rückkehrer) by means of workshops and seminars organised and staged by AGEF (Arbeitsgruppe Entwicklung und Fachkräfte), Berlin WUS (World University Service Germany), Wiesbaden 1. Information
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 2. Individual Advisory Services On demand the ZAV can advise individuals by telephone by letter by appointment
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 3. Job Placement The ZAV has contacts with other Public Employment Services, private companies, public institutions, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) in many countries The ZAV helps job-seekers to find jobs worldwide Current job offers and job-seekers‘ CVs can be found on the ZAV‘s reintegration-homepage at: (In English!) (→ JOBBÖRSE → Weiter zur JOBBÖRSE → Stellenangebote suchen → Suchkriterien hinzufügen → Land ändern)
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 4. Financial Support Under certain conditions the ZAV can provide financial support to those wishing to return to their country of origin including vocational (re-)integration. This funding includes: Subsidies for travel expenses and freight costs Monthly subsidies for taking up employment in the home country Subsidies for workplace equipment
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 Means of Support Financial support is sourced from the budget of the Federal Ministry of Development and Economic Co-operation (BMZ - Bildungsministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung). This is managed by the ZAV and is used to fill positions important to the economic development of the country concerned whilst being taylored to meet requirements for qualified personnel in developing countries. The ZAV works closely with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) to examine the political impact of individual workplaces in terms of economic development. This joint venture is called „Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung“ (CIM).CIM
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 ZAV – Spezialised Placement Services Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung (CIM) Centre for International Migration and Development Target group: a)Highly skilled workers in all sectors b)Skilled workers and those who have completed their training who are living in Germany and wish to return to their country of origin Our functions and services: a)Placements in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe (transfer of know-how, capacity building) b)- Advisory and placement services - Grants awarded by the German Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development to assist with travel and freight costs, induction periods and salaries or equipment required at work (In English!)
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 Requirements for financial support Citizenship of a developing country Valid residence permit and permanent address in Germany Successful completion of further education (e.g. university) and/or professional experience of two years or more Willingness to return to country of origin permanently and not only for a limited period
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 Professional Literature Every returnee supported can procure professional literature from WUS Seminars AGEF und WUS organise regular seminars in the country of origin on behalf of the ZAV to which returnees are invited to attend. Returnee-Organisations AGEF und WUS support local returnee organisations in a number of countries on behalf of the ZAV. 5. Follow-up Contacts and Activities
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 „Mobility Counselling“ - Service for Migrants Evaluation in Structure - Sensitive subject: personal – social – economical – political aspects - Need for „Mobility Counselling“ - Degree of uptake
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 „Mobility Counselling“ - Service for Migrants: Outcomes Supporting personal decision processes Supporting integration into the labour market - Placements/ Job vacancies - Networks Labour market: brain drain – brain gain effects - Leonardo Da Vinci-Transfer of Innovation (TOI) Project „Brain Drain – Brain Gain“ (8 Partner: DE, UK, PL, LU, SK, BG, TR, DE) Role of Counsellors - The role of a counsellor is not to tell the client how to run his or her life. Good counsellors listen, support and challenge, so that clients are able to come up with their own solutions Keynote/ Main aim: - The counsellor gives confidential support and advice about the services provided
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 Counselling activities information management individual counselling networking and placement working with groups (families, peer groups) marketing Training needs special information management specific ethical guidelines specific profiling methods intercultural competence communications skills coaching marketing instruments follow up strategies Are common counselling theories sufficient? Are common training methods/ modules sufficient? Questions Are Counsellors ready for multicultural counselling? NO! (For Germany)
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 Thank you very much for your attention! International Placement Services (ZAV) How to get in contact with the ZAV(coordinating centre): German Federal Employment Agency International Placement Services (ZAV) Reintegration Villemombler Str. 76 D Bonn Info-Center:0049 /228 / (Monday-Friday between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.) Fax: 0049/ 228/ Internet: > Arbeitnehmer > Rückkehrer (Only in German)
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 Handouts Handout Presentation (Printed version with space to take notes) Flyer “Reintegration Services” [International Placement Services (ZAV)] ! Sorry, only in German !
Seite Mobility Counselling - Services provided to Migrants within the ZAV of the German Federal Employment Agency, Prague, 04/12/07 The End