IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology For this task, students will review order of operations on Quizlet and then participate in a discussion about it in a forum on Blackboard. -Solve equations applying the order of operations. -Check the work of peers -Blackboard -Quizlet Use the order of operations to solve numerical expressions and to create a numerical expression. If given a word problem use the order of operations to create a digital story. -Use the order of operations to solve numerical expressions. -Make a numerical expression if given a word problem. - Laptop - Internet - Calculator - PowerPoint Students will use the iPads to play a group Kahoot to review order of operations. -Restate the basic rules for order of operations. -Recognize the need for such rules in mathematics. -Evaluate arithmetic expressions using the order of operations. -Apply order of operations to solve equations during the Kahoot game. -iPads -Kahoot This task has students creating a PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate their knowledge of order of operations. Solve simple expressions by following the order of operations. Learn that calculating in the wrong order can result in a wrong answer. -Laptop -Internet -PowerPoint Louisiana Math Standard (include description):6.EE.A Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions. Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents. Order of Operations and Evaluating Expressions, Real Numbers, and Number Line Properties of Real Numbers. Teacher: Mrs. Fifer MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement
Order of Operations 1.Define the methods discussed in class that are be used to evaluate an expression when applying the rules of order of operations. 2.List each step in order be sure to note which step is done first and in which direction to start (Ex. Working from left to right). 3.Evaluate: 3+4X2 then perform the operation of addition first, circle your answer. Evaluate 3+4X2 again, perform the operation of multiplication first, then circle the answer. 4.Create a PowerPoint that consist of no more than three slides that contains the following: – Explain the first method used to evaluate the arithmetic expression be sure to include an example – Explain the second method used to evaluate the arithmetic expression be sure to include an example – Explain why when performing arithmetic operations there can be only one correct answer. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Solve simple expressions by following the order of operations. Learn that calculating in the wrong order can result in a wrong answer. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Create a PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate their knowledge of order of operations.
1. Check an iPad out from the teacher. 2. Click on the Kahoot icon, log in using the game pin given by the teacher, create a user ID (handle) which will be an appropriate name for your group. (the teacher will launch the Order of Operations Kahoot found at this link: eId=56b bba-422a-ae56-492bd6c4b87d#quiz/a8e4c064-dcab-45fe- a fffad) eId=56b bba-422a-ae56-492bd6c4b87d#quiz/a8e4c064-dcab-45fe- a fffad 3. Solve each equation using the order of operations and click on the correct response or shape. 4. Remember the group that arrives at the correct response first gets the most points This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Restate the basic rules for order of operations. -Recognize the need for such rules in mathematics. -Evaluate arithmetic expressions using the order of operation -Apply order of operations to solve equations during the Kahoot game. A Augmentation Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, With functional improvement Use the iPads to play a group Kahoot to review order of operations. Order of Operations: In Kahoots with a Group
Use the order of operations to solve numerical expressions and to create a numerical expression. If given a word problem use the order of operations to create a digital story. Work in pairs. Each group will get a word problem from the folder. For example: Joe buys 2 shirts at $8.00 each. He also buys a pair of jeans for $20.00 that gets a $3.00 discount. – Each pair will write a numerical expression and solve. – Use clipart and pictures from the internet that relate to your numerical expression and your real world word problem – After finding appropriate pictures, create step-by-step instructions on how you made your numerical expression. Use PowerPoint to help organize the steps by slide. My Exampl2 shirts + jeans – discount = cost e: (2 x $8 shirts) + ($20 jeans – $3 discount) = X dollars total cost (2 x 8) + (20 – 3) = = $33 Note: This assignment will result in different word problems in digital story form; each story should contain pictures and numerical expressions. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Use the order of operations to solve numerical expressions. Make a numerical expression if given a word problem. M Modification Technology allows significant task redesign Order of Operations Digital Story
This task uses: Learning Objective(s): Solve equations applying the order of operations. Check the work of peers R Redefinition Technology allows new tasks that would not be possible without it Order of Operations Quizlet Peer Review 1.On, type in: solve using the order of operations – Mrs. Fifer 2.You’ll see that the scatter quiz is composed of equations to evaluate and the proper steps in order that can be used to arrive at the correct answers. Put the equation and the steps together. 3.Next, go to the discussion forum on Blackboard to create a thread that includes one of the problems from the quiz along with the answer you’ve gotten. 4.Read one of your classmate’s posts, check their answer, and leave a comment on it. If it’s correct, write it. If it’s wrong, explain to them what they did wrong. Review order of operations on Quizlet and then participate in a discussion about it in a forum on Blackboard.