Sparrow Report Pupil premium focus students this week will be those with poor attendance – between 85-95%.
1.Where did you go to primary school? 2.Who do you live with and whose is in your family? 3.What lessons do you like/dislike. 4.What is your favourite lesson and what is the lesson you find most difficult? 5.What interests do you have both inside and outside of school? 6.What clubs do you belong to? 7.Is there anything you would like help and support with, either in or out of school? 8.Do you feel that you are on target to achieve your full potential at school? INTERVIEW QUESTIONS
YEAR 7 I went to Southville Junior school. I was okay there but found some lessons difficult. I did not like it when the Headteacher said to me one day “don’t turn out like your brother“. I live with my Mum, Jak 9 yrs, Jamie 15 yrs and Aaron 26yrs (who moved back home recently as he has a son who is 4 yrs old). I also have two older sisters who have their own homes Jade 25yrs and Kelly 29yrs, who has 3 girls and 1 boy. So I am an auntie. I like maths because I love adding and subtracting. I like English as I enjoy writing stories. I find CS difficult because I feel I am struggling in this lesson to understand. I had a bad experience recently in science where I was picked to be a leader during an experiment. I found it difficult to lead and other students started to complain, it made me feel upset. I attend the local youth club its called Yellow Brick on a Friday. I take my brother Jak with me to the Disco. I enjoy playing football with family members. I would like to play football here but when I ask to join in I feel like I am not wanted and they make comments like “oh are you guys linking“. I would prefer to hang out with boys but they think I like them as in a boyfriend, its so annoying. I find some lessons hard and I wish I could have a teaching assistant to help me. At home my brother Jamie gets angry very quickly and I feel he gets his own way too much compared to me. I don’t think I am doing very well. I get too many detentions for not giving in my homework and my attendance is dropping because I have been unwell and had time off to help my mum when she is not feeling well. I worry about my mum when she is ill.
YEAR 8 I went to Forge Lane nursery and Southville Primary. I hardly went to school, not because I didn’t like it but my Mum let me stay at home, I was an only child at the time. I used to live with my Mum and now I live with my Dad. He works hard. Sometimes he collects my two year old sister and takes her to Nan’s and then goes back to work. She doesn’t live with us as such but Mum, can’t be bothered at times, “she’s finding her true self”. I see Nanny and Grandad often (Dad’s parents), they foster a boy and he is so rude! I don’t like Art. I enjoy Dance, Drama, Science, CS and Geography a bit. I don’t like to read out loud in class as I’m not good at reading. My handwriting is awful, too big and my hand goes funny and messes up. Sometimes the teachers write for me. I don’t like being called dumb or dopey. I play PS4. I like fishing but Dad and I don’t get the time to do it very often. We are going on a “lads holiday” in the summer, probably to Majorca. We went before and I enjoyed it. I went to Benidorm with my Nan, we saw a show in the Benidorm Palace which was awesome! What do I need support in? “Life!” Dad wants me to attend school regularly.
YEAR 9 I went to Heathfield Junior school, which I really enjoyed. I live with my Mum, Dad and four sisters, I have another older sister but she is at university in Brighton. My younger sister who is nine can be annoying at times as she can be so loud. My dad is Arabic and he has taught me some words to say. We have a cat called Romadi, he is called this because in Arabic this word means great. I also have some fish. I really like Maths and Science. I enjoy solving algebra equations, but not so keen on probability. In science chemistry is my favourite. I find English boring at times, as I don’t enjoy all the writing we have to do. I find Geography hard and confusing, I don’t understand the different types of waves. I really enjoy playing rugby with the school and table tennis during break and lunch times. Outside of school I really enjoy playing squash and belong to a group where I play five times a week as well as playing football. I really enjoy participating in lots of different sports. I also enjoy going to the cinema with my sisters and my favourite Disney film is the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I also enjoy action movies too. I do not feel that I need any support or help in or out of school at the moment. I feel I am doing well in school and reaching all my targets and I always try to do my best. In ICT I am showing as dark green which is really good, I enjoy this subject as I think Mr Cadogan is a great teacher. I have the occasional day off as I suffer with impetigo, which makes my mouth come up in sores and is infectious.
YEAR 10 I went to Beavers Primary school. I was only there for a bit of Year 6 as we moved over from White City. I live near Hounslow Heath with Mum, my brother Ryan and two younger sisters. I have other family but they have left home. (Did not want to talk about Dad) I really enjoy Motor Vehicles, the lesson is not so structured. I liked English with Mr Daley but he doesn't teach me anymore. English can be difficult, I do not enjoy writing because I don’t think I am good at it. I like being with friends in and outside of school. I used to play football but I’m not interested anymore. Other than English I think I am doing well at school, I don’t need support with anything. Sometimes I miss school because I'm ill, occasionally I tell mum I’m ill when I am not. I have had some time off for a funeral but my attendance is getting better.
YEAR 11 I went to Sparrow Farm Primary School – I really enjoyed going to school there and had lots of friends and really liked the teachers. I live with my Mum, Dad, younger brother who is 11 and younger sister who is 7 who I get on ok with – I do have lots of banter with my brother. We have just recently moved address and seemed to have settled ok. I really enjoy Geography, I find it really easy and feel that I will succeed in this subject. I like Maths because I just enjoy number work. Resistant Materials I feel I will do well in and I like designing and making things. I love playing sport especially Football. I find the Chemistry part of Science difficult and really struggle with the bonding word equations. I don’t belong to any clubs in school but really love and enjoy playing football outside of school. I play for CB Hounslow and I’m hoping to join the under 18 team next season. I don’t think I need any help or support with anything. I think its down to me to study and revise much more and to focus in my lessons. I feel that I am reaching my targets in most subjects, but I know that I can do better and need to not get distracted. I also know that if I want to get the grades that I need I will have to focus and put more effort on my studying as I’m only doing extra at the moment because of the Mock Exams. I realise that my attendance is quite low mainly because of a family holiday at the beginning of the school and I have also had a couple of days sick from a cold I got while playing football in the rain.