Essay Guidelines:
Thesis : Narrows your subject to a single central idea that you want the readers to gain from your essay Narrows your subject to a single central idea that you want the readers to gain from your essay Claims something specific and significant about your subject Claims something specific and significant about your subject Conveys your purpose Conveys your purpose Often concisely previews the arrangement of ideas in which case it can also help you organize your essay Often concisely previews the arrangement of ideas in which case it can also help you organize your essay
Organization: Spatial description moves through space from a starting point to features from top to bottom or left to right or other spatial means Spatial description moves through space from a starting point to features from top to bottom or left to right or other spatial means General to specific- begins with overall discussion of the subject, then fills in details and specific to general – provides support and then draws conclusions General to specific- begins with overall discussion of the subject, then fills in details and specific to general – provides support and then draws conclusions Climactic – Arrange ideas in order of increasing importance to your thesis and reader’s interest Climactic – Arrange ideas in order of increasing importance to your thesis and reader’s interest Problem- Solution – Suggests a problem, then provides a solution Problem- Solution – Suggests a problem, then provides a solution
Introductions: Focuses attention on topic and arouses curiosity Focuses attention on topic and arouses curiosity Specifies your subject and implies attitude Specifies your subject and implies attitude Includes thesis statement Includes thesis statement Is concise and sincere Is concise and sincere
Introductions: Ask a question. Ask a question. Relate an incident Relate an incident Use a vivid quotation. Use a vivid quotation. Create a visual image that represents your subject Create a visual image that represents your subject Offer a surprising statistic or other fact. Offer a surprising statistic or other fact. Provide background. State an opinion related to your thesis. Provide background. State an opinion related to your thesis.
Introductions : State an opinion related to your thesis. State an opinion related to your thesis. Outline the argument your thesis refutes. Outline the argument your thesis refutes. Make a historical comparison or contrast. Make a historical comparison or contrast. Outline a problem or dilemma. Outline a problem or dilemma. Define a word central to your subject. Define a word central to your subject. In some business or technical writing, simply state your idea. In some business or technical writing, simply state your idea.
Avoid: A vague generality or truth A vague generality or truth A flat announcement A flat announcement An apology An apology
Conclusions: Recommend a course of action. Recommend a course of action. Summarize. Summarize. Restate your thesis and reflect on its implications. Restate your thesis and reflect on its implications. Strike a note of hope or despair. Strike a note of hope or despair. Give a symbolic or powerful fact or other detail. Give a symbolic or powerful fact or other detail. Give an especially compelling example. Give an especially compelling example. Create an image that represents your subject. Create an image that represents your subject. Use a quotation. Use a quotation.
Avoid: An exact repeat of the introduction in the conclusion. Mirror the introduction in a general way. An exact repeat of the introduction in the conclusion. Mirror the introduction in a general way. Do not introduce a subject different from the one your essay has been about. Do not introduce a subject different from the one your essay has been about. A Sweeping Generalization- Do not conclude more than you reasonably can from the evidence you have presented. A Sweeping Generalization- Do not conclude more than you reasonably can from the evidence you have presented. No apologies. No apologies.
Guidelines: Avoid contractions Avoid contractions Follow the conventions of standard American English for grammar and usage. Follow the conventions of standard American English for grammar and usage. No slang or regional dialect or shortened spellings or texting speech. No slang or regional dialect or shortened spellings or texting speech. Use language that is authoritative and neutral. Use language that is authoritative and neutral. Avoid first person. Avoid first person. Use formal language, not conversational speech. Use formal language, not conversational speech.
Documentation: Use the MLA documentation style outlined in your texts Use the MLA documentation style outlined in your texts Make sure to use appropriate in-text citations ( Kennedy 25). Make sure to use appropriate in-text citations ( Kennedy 25). Place your sources on the “ Works Cited” page. Place your sources on the “ Works Cited” page. Use the appropriate format for page numbers, your name, the class name, the instructor, Etc. Use the appropriate format for page numbers, your name, the class name, the instructor, Etc.
Source: Aaron, Jane E., The Little Brown Compact Handbook, New York: Pearson, 2010.