Virtual Spaces: Digital Technologies and Communications in Early Childhood Education Brian Puerling M.S.,NBCT Director of Education Technology Catherine Cook School Chicago, IL USA
National Board Certified Teacher Director of Education TechnologyBoard of Directors for Chicago Metro AEYCFormer preschool teacher, Chicago Public SchoolsTechnology Initiatives with Erikson Institute’s TEC Center and Columbia CollegeNAEYC Tech & YC Interest ForumSesame Street Teacher CouncilPBS Innovative Educator Award, & PBS Teacher’s Choice Award, 2010
...most recently, a father
Packing my suitcases 50 pound weight limit?
Technologies in Classrooms today...
Future of Early Childhood... videos:
How and Why Philosophy Classroom sets, 1:1, carts, labs What does it provide our children, families, and the greater school community Implementation Equipment, devices, applications, software, programs Goals, objectives, child development
Position Statement on TechnologyMarch 6, 2012
Big Ideas Enhance learning, development, interactions, communication, and collaboration Educators need to be knowledgeable on how to select, use, integrate, and evaluate technology Selecting technology should be done similar to choosing any other material or equipment Technology can be used to measure, assess, record, plan, and share
Big Ideas Access to technology should not diminish any other classroom classroom experiences Provide an individualized experience Lack of knowledge can lead to inappropriate use Teachers need to observe how children engage and interact with technology
“Book handling skills”, similar to “tech handling skills” Another outlet to demonstrate creativity and learning Prepare children for life-long technology use Big Ideas
consumption creation VS.
Sharing Learning Publication ebooks podcasts e-newsletters Presentation Video-conference QR codes Creative use of images and video
Enhancing Communication Anytime, anywhere “I wonder...”
Subject/ Discipline Science Language Social Studies Mathematics Art Music Health Literacy/Reading Technology
Science Concept: The ocean is a sorts of living things, big and small. Learning Experience Field trip to beach Water table Light table with ocean life x-rays Children ’ s books: Fiction and Nonfiction Dramatic Play Observe shells under a document camera Painting pictures/sculptures with clay Write/draw stories Guests: in-person and video-conference Sing songs
Materials: Water table, paper, pencils, clay, paint, people, document camera, puppets, costumes, light table
Communication Images Artwork Audio recordings Video messages Video-conference Co-creation
Communication Interviews Skype/Google+/Fac eTime Using others as resources
Social Media Awareness of ways to communicate “Try out” and experience these means of communication
Social Media Providing safe venues to “try out” social media Practice, discuss, and, explore some more Media Literacy
Tweets from the Rug Share an exciting moment from the day Share something learned that day Discuss audience Rotate “tweeters” on top of the spontaneous tweets
E-Pals Classroom connections Relationships Cultural study Literacy skills Inquiry
Support Identity Development Mathematicians Meteorologists Researchers Scientists Artists Illustrators Authors
Author Studies Connections Identity Motivation Literacy Social-emotional development
Circle Time Goals of “Weather” Recognize characteristics of weather Introduction to weather patterns Meaning of temperature Discuss and use vocabulary related to meteorology Make predictions
Circle Time Typical experiences to carry our goals Look outside Go outside Graph weather observations Make predictions for following day
Circle Time Experiences to enhance “weather” Discuss weather patterns not experienced your area Watch and discuss video clips of weather characteristics Use iPad apps to: Check changes in weather throughout the day Check accuracy of predictions Cross check resources to explore possible differences
Assessment and Documentation Streamline your systems Gather and integrate children's work samples with their reflections Enhance Parent- Teacher Conferences
E-Portfolios Portability Simple Share with other teachers/professionals/fa milies Integrate notes, audio recordings, photos, work samples, and videos
What else are children learning... Keen observers Genuine curiosity People have conversations through blogging, , e-chats, video-conference, etc Information is easily accessible Various ways to share information Explore creativity
Use and integrate different resources Developing creativity and critical thinking necessary to continue to advance our fields What does this mean for their future?
Parents and Families Help families create a Family Tech Plan What does “good” technology use at home look like? Explicit about tech integration
iPads can be used to... View and create photos and videos Communicate with others Enjoy a book Create a book View a map Play an instrument
Moving Forward Now what...
Components to Successful Technology Integration Program Elements Professional Development Reflection and conversation Media Literacy IT Support/Device Management Philosophical Commitment Integration Support Vision/Plan for the future Family Support & PBS Studios
Brian Puerling, M.S., NBCT Director of Education TechnologyCatherine Cook School,