Starting High School How do you feel about starting High School? nervous? anxious? happy? excited? scared? expectant? optimistic?
Watch the following video about students on their first day in High School video
The girl thinks that being in High School "doesn't mean you have to get lost in the crowd". What does she mean? Do you agree with her? Which of the subjects mentioned in the video would you like to have that you don't have at ORT? What extra curricular activities are you planning to take at ORT?
You will read a text about a boy telling his experience on his first days at school: Pink Bow Tie Well, here I am again, sitting outside the Principal's office. And I've only been at the school for two days. Two lots of trouble in two days! Yesterday I got punished for nothing. Nothing at all. I see this bloke walking along the street wearing a pink bow tie. It looks like a great pink butterfly attacking his neck. It is the silliest bow tie I have ever seen. '’What are you staring at, lad?' says the bloke. He is in a bad mood. 'Your bow tie,' I tell him. 'It is ridiculous. It looks like a pink vampire.' It is so funny that I start to laugh my head off. Nobody tells me that this bloke is Old Splodge, the Principal of the school. He doesn't see the joke and he decides to punish me. Life is very unfair. Now I am in trouble again. I am sitting here outside Old Splodge's office waiting for him to call me in.
How does the story finish? What adjectives would you use to describe the boy's experience? Recall your days in primary school, has anything like this ever happened to you? What were the consequences?