LO: To revise the key characters, themes and ideas in LOTF.
I have blue eyes and freckles I like to be in control I have red hair I am arrogant and a bully I had chapter chorister and head boy. I am a hunter and want to kill something JACK
I am a hard-working person I listen to other people and I do as they ask I am intelligent and I wear glasses I am bullied PIGGY
I have an imposing presence I do not always think before I speak or act People listen to me I have fair hair I am a leader and a chief RALPH
I am liked by the other boys I am clever I am a hard worker I can be sly and don’t always tell people what I am doing SIMON
Themes video: nglish_literature/proselordflies/proselordfliest hemesact.shtml
Leadership Savagery Order Darkness and Death Nature Innocence/Experience
Symbolism a thing that represents or stands for something else. The process of doing something.
When an object, person, or situation has another meaning other than its literal meaning. The actions of a character, word, action, or event that have a deeper meaning in the context of the whole story.
The conch Fire Piggy’s glasses Physical appearance- hair, tribal paint etc. The beast The lord of the flies
Nagini Lord Voldemort
power corruption time
Using chapter ten as a basis, what might Piggy’s glasses symbolise in the novel?
Why did Golding set Lord of the Flies on an island?
This is an island. Nobody don’t know we’re here. (9) Until the grown-ups come to fetch us we’ll have fun. (33)
This belongs to us. (26) All ours. (27) This is our island. It’s a good island. (33)
The unfriendly side of the mountain (43) As if it wasn’t a good island. (53) They were used now to stomach-aches. (61)
Unknown indigo of infinite possibility (94) The world outside the shelter was impossibly dangerous (108) The horrors of the island (175)
This was the divide, the barrier. (121) The conch doesn’t count at this end of the island (166) Jack towards the Castle Rock and Ralph on the outside towards the island (196)
On the other side of the island […] one might dream of rescue. (121) But here […] one was helpless, one was condemned. (121)
Thunder went off like a gun (152) Up in the cloud the canyons boomed again (155) Between the flashes of lightning the air was dark and terrible (167)
The forest further down shook as with the passage of an enraged monster. (25) Already its blood was staining the sand (169) Awful things have been done on this island (188)
Lord of the Flies Answer part (i) and either part (ii) or part (iii). You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on part (i), and about 40 minutes on part (ii) or part (iii). (i)Read the extract on the opposite page. Then answer the following question: Show how William Golding creates mood and atmosphere here. Make close reference to the extract in your answer. (10)
(ii) ‘Violence is always present in Lord of the Flies.’ How much do you agree with this statement? [20 + 4] Marks for spelling, punctuation and the accurate use of grammar are allocated to this question.
(iii) What do you think of Ralph and the way he is presented in Lord of the Flies? [20 + 4] Marks for spelling, punctuation and the accurate use of grammar are allocated to this question.
0 marks Nothing written, or nothing worthy of credit. 1 mark Brief responses, with simple comments on what is happening in the extract. 2-4 marks Answers will be dependent on reorganisation, with some discussion/awareness, probably of the boys and the way they speak and behave for marks Discussion will be more focused and supported by apt detail and, for 7, will be thorough and thoughtful marks Answers will be closely read, assured and evaluative, revealing a sensitive appreciation of the extract. Points at this level may include Jack’s dominance and how it is exercised, as well as the imagery of the sun towards the end of the extract, and the impact of the final line.
‘Violence is always present in Lord of the Flies.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement? [20+4] As with all such questions, there is no “right answer” (although there should be plenty of violent episodes to support the statement) so be flexible in judging what is offered, and use the guidelines for fine tuning marks Answers will be more selective and focused, with apt use of the text to support judgements, and for will be thorough and thoughtful marks Discussion will be increasingly assured and evaluative at this level, with apt reference to events from throughout the novel (and, perhaps, in the wider world) to support judgements. “To what extent” is more likely to be addressed with some success at this level.
*(iii) What do you think of Ralph and the way he is presented in Lord of the Flies? marks Answers will reveal a sound knowledge of the text, with apt detail to support judgements of Ralph and for will be thorough and thoughtful. Presentation will probably be addressed only implicitly at this level marks Answers will be confidently evaluative with a clear sense of overview. At the top of the band the issue of presentation will be addressed with some success.
Intermediate Performance 2 – 3 marks Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with considerable accuracy and general control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a good range of specialist terms with facility. High performance 4 marks Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with consistent accuracy and effective control of meaning in the context of the demands of the question. Where required, they use a wide range of specialist terms adeptly and with precision.
In pairs each take the role of partner A or B. First task: Sitting back to back, partner A is to read out the first page of chapter nine (or any other extract). Partner B: based on what you hear being described, draw a quick series of sketches of the images you hear. Second task: Now swap with partner B reading the second page of the chapter (Or another extract).
Skim through chapter nine and select 5/6 keys events. These should be supported by quotes from the text. Revision note: You can apply this to any chapter
Event 1Event 2Event 3Event 4 A graph to show tension in chapter 9 Now plot your events o the tension graph like the one below, 0 is least tense and 5 is the most.