The Republic An inquiry into justice. 2 principal themes What is justice? Education
What Is Justice? Versions offered in discussion: Telling the truth & repaying debts? Benefitting friends & harming enemies? Whatever is in the interest of the stronger? –Might Makes Right???
Justice (cont’d.) Socrates’ response: –Justice is righteousness Virtuousness or “right conduct.” This is “prescriptive,” not “descriptive.” –How people should act, not how they do act. –Very idealistic, and it’s this idealism that shows up throughout Plato’s Republic. Explained by the Theory of the Tripartite Soul
Theory of the Tripartite Soul Each soul is comprised of 3 parts Reason Passion Appetite The city, because it’s a collection of individuals, has all three as well (a collective soul).
Reason What’s reason? The capacity for logical, rational, analytic thought; intelligence. Reason comes via logos
Passion What is passion? Spirit, emotion, feeling.
Appetite What is appetite? Desire, hunger. Materialism. The accumulation of “things”.
Analogy of the Charioteer Plato compares justice to the charioteer The horses represent passion and appetite. The driver represents reason. Passion and appetite must be controlled by reason or they run wild If reason is in control, the soul has achieved justice. If reason is not in control, the soul is in chaos.
Justice (cont’d.) An individual is just if the elements of his own soul are rightly ordered and arranged. So justice depends on the balance of the properties of the soul. How is justice achieved in relation to others?
Justice (cont’d.) Man achieves justice by staying in his own station—living the kind of life he was meant to live.
Justice & the State How does society achieve justice? Who in society are governed by their reason? Philosophers!!! They should lead. Who in society are governed by their passions? The soldiers and cops! They should protect. Who in society are governed by their appetites? The middle class and the mob (democrats). They are in conflict over resources.
Plato’s State What is Plato suggesting? A rigid class structure
How Plato’s State Can Achieve Justice SOULINTERESTCLASSVIRTUE Reason KnowledgePhilosophers Wisdom Passion (spirit) HonorWarriorsCourage Appetite (desire) PleasuresCommonersTemperance
The “Noble” Lie Plato’s problem: How to convince the people to go along with his state based on class divisions?? Solution: The Myth of the Metals—the “noble” lie
The Myth of the Metals The people (for their own good) are to be told they have either gold, silver, or bronze coursing through their systems. Those made of gold?? Philosophers Those made of silver?? Soldiers Those made of bronze?? Democrats
What’s the Point of Tripartite Soul and Myth of the Metals If justice is the premise of society, and society is organic, then all members are in it together--nobody can be ignored. The democrats must be kept in line. The philosophers must become kings.