Attainment, Health and Wellbeing through Physical Activity, Physical Education & Sport Sue WilkinsonAli Oliver Strategic LeadCEO Association for Physical EducationYouth Sport Trust
Closing the ‘gap’ Teaching is the greatest act of optimism Meet Hope.....
State of the Nation Primary - PE & Sport Premium - Sustainable Impact ? - Coaching vs Teaching, Sport vs PE Secondary - Transition - Declining curriculum time - Positioning & relevance ?
The big issues
PE, Physical Activity and School Sport contributes to.... PHYSICAL EDUCATION Health & Wellbeing Competitive School Sport SCHOOL STANDARDS Behaviour, Attendance, Ethos, Aspirations, Parental/community engagement, X-curricular learning PUPIL ACHIEVEMENT Thinking ME Social ME Physical ME Healthy ME ‘Access to Learning’
PE, Physical Activity and School Sport contributes to.... Wellbeing Behaviour & Attendance ‘Access to learning’ School Ethos British Values & Character Community / Parental Engagement
Biggest barrier to achievement is declining pupil wellbeing
curiosity, resourceful, critical thinking, innovative thinking, entrepreneurial spirit IMAGINE
hope, optimism, ambition, humility, personal responsibility BELIEVE
perseverance, confidence to take risks, courage, conviction TRY
relationships, respect, tolerance, compassion FEEL
High Quality Physical Education
What is wrong with our message? Education through the physical. Mathematics English Science History Concepts – Creativity Communication Outcomes for Pupils
Indications of outstanding outcomes: All pupils progress well from their different starting points (prior learning) Pupils achieve or exceed standards expected nationally (end of Key Stage attainment targets or within the school’s own curriculum) Most weight is given to pupils’ progress giving consideration to breadth and depth of knowledge, understanding and skills Outcomes for Pupils
Teachers should: Have met the teachers’ standards Have consistently high expectations Have the relevant subject knowledge Be clear from assessment information what pupils already know, understand and can do Use assessment information to plan appropriately to ensure good progress and achievement Give useful and effective feedback Communicate and engage with parents/carers Ensure there is equality of opportunity in all areas Outstanding teaching
VISION: All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. OBJECTIVE To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools NEW DfE GUIDANCE - Swimming - PPA Primary PE and Sport Premium
INDICATORS OF IMPROVEMENT The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - kick- starting healthy active lifestyles The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Increased participation in competitive sport Primary PE and Sport Premium
National Partner Support
Policy update
Our shared agenda The place of PE, Physical Activity & Sport at the heart of a young person’s education The quality of provision Every child right to physical literacy, health & wellbeing
Thank you How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world