CalEPA Interagency Partnership for Site Cleanup & Reuse in LA County Big Tent Celebration: Connecting Circles for Equitable, Healthy, and Resilient Communities Thursday, September 3, 2015 Maryam Tasnif-Abbasi, Department of Toxic Substances Control Lynda Arakelian, U.S.EPA Contractor (Redhorse Corporation) Brownfields 2015 – Sustainable Communities Start Here
Evolution of Collaboration I-710 Corridor EJ Initiative Cities, local and state regulators, U.S. EPA Brownfields to Healthfields in LA River Watershed Urban Waters Initiative, U.S. EPA, Federal Reserve Bank, health- focused nonprofits
Alondra Landfill Park Project (Compton) Collaboration b/w State and City 14-acre former landfill in residential neighborhood Transit/freeway accessible Park planned with following features: Community garden Walking/running trails Exercise Farmer’s market Junior park ranger program
State, City & Community Collaboration Community groups involved in park design State provided resources for environmental assessments and guidance on safe redevelopment City funds focused on design and construction Blighted property will be brought to productive reuse
Brownfields to Healthfields Alondra LandfillAlondra Park
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
Converting two-story parking structure to a 4-story pediatric department Oxygen Storage facility Relocation of the entrance Realignment of roads, walkways, parking and landscaping Expansion – Plans
Expansion area historically used for the disposal of oil waste Construction involved placement of buildings over contamination Former petroleum production wells Expansion - Problems
Miller Children’s Hospital – 2005
Miller Children’s Hospital
Approximately 58,000 tons of soil removed Methane barrier and methane mitigation system installed Land Use Covenant limits the property to hospital use Cleanup
Pediatric department constructed Miller Children’s NICU is the largest in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties Currently houses 24 private NICU bays—promoting a healing environment and providing privacy to parents and family members. Outcomes
Miller Children’s Hospital - Today
Healthfields Mapping Tool Based around CalEnviroScreen Data Source: CalEPA, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool (CalEnviroScreen 2.0 or CES). CES is a methodology to identify communities disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution. Only top 10% of CES scores are shown (90%-100%)
Data Compiled in Mapping Tool 1. Abandoned Underground Storage Tank (UST) Site 2. Water Board Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Site 3. Water Board LUST Site – Eligible for Closure 4. Other Water Board Cleanup Site 5. Other Water Board Cleanup Site – Inactive 6. DTSC Cleanup Site – North 7. DTSC Cleanup Site – South 8. EPA Brownfields Cleanups in My Community 9. Publicly-Owned Open Acres – North 10. Publicly Owned Open Acres – South 11. CalEnviroScreen EJ Screen – Linguistically Isolated 13. EJ Screen – Minority Populations 14. Areas Underserved by Community Health Services 15. Community Health Clinics 16. County Mental Health Provider 1-Mile Buffer Note: Bold layers are presented on screenshot.
Data Compiled (cont.) 17. Public Parks ½-Mile Buffer 18. LANLT Parks & Gardens 19. Bike Paths & Lanes 20. Low Income and Low [Food] Access at ½-Mile to 10-Miles 21. LA River Watershed Boundary 22. Southern LA River ½-Mile Buffer 23. LA City Council District 24. U.S. Congressional District 25. Service Planning Areas (SPA) 26. City Boundary 27. LA County Boundary 28. LA Promise Zone 29. Existing Bus Lines 30. Existing Rail Lines 31. Planned Rail Lines 32. ArcGIS Online Basemaps (Streets, and other options)
Types of Properties Displayed Abandoned UST Site Water Board LUST Site Other Water Board Cleanup Site DTSC Cleanup Site EPA Brownfields Cleanups in My Community Publicly-Owned Open Acres Does NOT include all possible sites that may need environmental assessment prior to redevelopment
Key Healthfields Mapping Partners U.S. Environmental Protection Agency CalEPA City and County of LA Urban Waters Initiative Federal Reserve Bank LA Promise Zone Community Clinic Association of LA County LA Neighborhood Land Trust LA County Economic Development Corporation LA Metropolitan Transit Authority Community Health Councils
Next Steps Identifying specific sites for healthy reuse projects Transitioning the beta mapping tool to website of a partner agency that can maintain and update based on new data/feedback on improvements Outreach to partner organization to provide training on how to use mapping tool and match sites with funding for site assessment, cleanup, and facility construction/operation
Contact Info Maryam Tasnif-Abbasi Department of Toxic Substances Control 5796 Corporate Ave Cypress, CA Phone: Lynda Arakelian U.S. EPA Contractor supporting California UST Program (Redhorse Corporation) 600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1460 Los Angeles, CA Phone: / Cell: