How to remember the NHPAS MAD COMIC Mental health Obesity Cardiovascular disease musculoskeletal conditions Cancer - Bowel,skin,breast,prostate,lung,cervical Diabetes Asthma injury
Protective factors Exercise fruit, vegetables,whole grains (fibre) Hard tissue nutrients – calcium Fluoride Vitamin D Vitamin A Vitamin C A healthy weight range
There are a number of health promotion initiatives that aim to reduce the NHPAS – they fit into the Ottawa Charter. You need to know why each initiative is needed, what it does and how does it do it.
NHPAS Cancer control,Diabetes mellitus, musculoskeletal and arthritis conditions Initiatives: quit or sunsmart –cancer council The National Diabetes Action program National diabetes register The government has developed a National Action plan for Arthritis and Osteoporosis Comes under Build healthy public policy
Injury prevention and control Asthma work-safe programs, Arrive alive The Asthma friendly schools program Comes under Create supportive environments – improving health by taking care of one another and our environment:
Mental Health Strengthen community action Strengthen community action – communities working together to promote health e.g. self help groups, community groups and the media promoting mental health Schools working with mental health organisations to raise awareness Beyond Blue Mindmatters Head space Kids Help Line, Life Line Australia
Obesity Develop personal skills – providing opportunities for people to develop knowledge and skills that give them greater control over their health; e.g. health education in schools, information brochures in doctors’ surgeries and parenting courses that promote initiatives such as Go for your live A healthy active Australia
Cancer control, Cardiovascular health -Early detection initiatives – Breast screen Australia -doctors incorporating dietary advice and exercise programs in their treatment for high blood pressure Comes under Re- orient health services – moving away from the focus on curative services (quick fix approach) to services that focus on prevention and health promotion