OAGi Smart Manufacturing Working Group Nenad Ivezic, NIST Serm Kulvatunyou, NIST Miroslav Ljubicic, NIST 1 Update Scott Nieman, Land O’ Lakes Conrad Leiva iBASEt Denis Gagne, Trisotech
Agenda 2016 NIST/OAGi Workshop: Drilling Down on Smart Manufacturing – Enabling Composable Apps 2016 Model-based Messaging Standards Development Session Business Process Cataloging and Classification/Contextualization System 2
NIST/OAGi 2016 Workshop: Overall Vision To Enable Agile, Cost Effective, Usage and Provision of Cloud-based Services to enable Smart Manufacturing Systems
A Manufacturer’s Strategic Vision: Cloud, Land O’ Lakes 4
A Vendor’s Vision: Cloud-Enabled Manufacturing Supply Chain 5
First Workshop NIST/OAGi Open Cloud Architecture for Smart Manufacturing [Workshop Report NISTIR 8124]*[Workshop Report NISTIR 8124] Identified critical issues Inadequate standards development processes Inadequate standards development processes Difficult to use standards Overlapped and unclear standard capabilities Limited standard adoptions Additional standards needed New architecture needed *
This Workshop Model-based messaging standards development Smart manufacturing marketplace Smart manufacturing systems characterization Crowdsourcing of manufacturing knowledge Standards capability analysis 7
2016 Model-based Messaging Standards Development Session - Motivation Numerous legacy systems and processes Large, complex, imprecise messaging specs The lack of a common, syntax-independent integration specification The lack of means for managing usage information of messaging specifications 8
Key Concept Usage information of a messaging specification is a –customized messaging specification and –context for customized messaging specification, which is about: integration goal, business environment (industry sector, geo- location, etc.), means (use of standard codes, etc.), and other aspects essential for effective, repeatable, and traceable use of the specification 9
New Idea Develop necessary measurement science, in the form of –reference models, –methods, –software tools, and –a knowledge base, enabling life-cycle management of usage information of messaging specifications 10
Objectives NIST and OAGi are engaged in enabling two new tools –Messaging Standard Semantic Refinement Tool (MSSRT) and –Business Process Cataloging and Classification/Contextualization System (BPCCS) 11
Messaging Standard Semantic Refinement Tool (MSSRT) A web-based SaaS application Life-cycle management of customized messaging specifications The POC software tool will validate –the multi-tenant methods and –meta-models for life-cycle management of customized messaging specifications To be extended and commercialized by industry 12
Business Process Cataloging and Classification System (BPCCS) A web-based SaaS application Life-cycle management of context for customized messaging specifications The prototype software will validate –meta-model for life-cycle management of context for customized messaging specifications (that drive the evolution of the core messaging standard) To be extended and commercialized by industry 13
14 Session Deliverable 1: Analysis of Messaging Standard (BOD) Subsetting Process Review Business Requirements Review Detailed Business Process(es) Determine if Canonical Pattern applies Determine if Noun is available Determine Verbs based on BPMN Activities Identify Application API options Data Mapping Canonical to/from API Create BOD Subset in GEFEG
Session Deliverable 2: Towards a Roadmap 15 Barrier: Business process life-cycle management systems that meets: (1) Business-process-first as opposed to data-first integration method; (2) Top-down & bottom-up processes; (3) Component-level standard life-cycle management; (4) Context classification schemes ; (5) Business context management Approach: Business Process Cataloging and Classification/Contextualization System Roadmap Action PlanMilestonesTarget/Capabilities 1-2 Year s Analyze candidate Smart Manufacturing use cases for BPCCS requirements Analyze existing classification and contextualization schemes for SM business processes Develop BPCCS meta-model and prototype BPCCS Model SDO SM scenarios as BP models Validate BPCCS in cooperation with SDO SM Use Cases analysis Classification/Contextualiza tion Scheme Proposed Catalog of SM Business Processes Prototyped OAGIS Mfg. Scenarios standardized as Business Process Models OAGIS-validated BPCCS 3+ Mfg. use cases analyzed for requirements 80%+ priority requirements met 80%+ OAGIS Mfg. Scenarios Validated on the 3+ Mfg. use cases 3-5 Year s Train an SDO membership for BPCSS use and adoption Organize for BPCCS collaborative development Re-design and prototype BPCCS as a cloud- enabled solution Develop collaborative processes for top-down and bottom-up business process modeling Catalog of SM Business Processes Populated BPCCS adopted at SDO for collaborative development 80% of OAGIS BP models populated in the BPCCS At least 1 SM standard business process developed with SDO 5+ Year s Design and deploy BPCCS for use at SDO BPCCS implementation deployed at SDO 1+ SDO deployment
Session Deliverable 2: Road-mapping Basis 16 Session TitleSM Model-Based Standards Development and Implementation VisionDevelop new methods and tools to make messaging standard development and usage more convenient, traceable, repeatable, consistent, and agile Business Problems Inconsistent integration methodologies Obtaining business buy-in to value proposition of standards-based integrations Difficulty changing culture (essential to standards-based integrations) Perceived long standards development cycle Large, cumbersome messaging standards Increased cost and reduced agility through duplication of effort (vs common services) Increased costs due to lack of understanding why traditional integrations break Vendor lock-in due to proprietary solutions (APIs, integration methods) Technical problem & Needed technical capabilities Lack of a commonly accepted process to develop standard-based, service-oriented integrations Lack of tools to support collaborative, traceable standards development Implementation guidelines are rarely shared, poorly documented such that others can learn Lack of common tools and shared knowledge to support standards development lifecycle Inadequate meta-data repositories and supporting tools to enable standards and integration development and reuse Hard to educate technical resources about the value proposition of canonical pattern Software development tools cannot handle implementing the large standards Code-first APIs that are often too chatty Overly generic/vague APIs Managing semantics of standards New standards and technology needs (N) Barriers (B), and Approaches (SR, BPCCS) A standardized process for developing and maintaining standard-based, service-oriented integrations (N) [B] Assure business-process-first as opposed to data-first integration method (BPCCS) [B] Enable middle-out, top-down & bottom-up processes (SR, BPCCS) [B] Process that fits the small and large enterprise needs and constraints A collaborative tool to support collaborative and traceable standards development lifecycle (N) [B] Accessible (e.g., SaaS-based) repository of messaging standards and implementation guides (SR) [B] Component-level standards life-cycle management (SR, BPCCS) [B]Consistent, and common integration requirements and feedbacks (?) A collaborative tool to share, document, and discover standard usage experiences (N) Cloud-based standards usage repository (SR) Context classification schemes (SR, BPCCS) Business context management (BPCCS) Priority Actions Formalize a process for better standard development and usage life-cycle management with and without (new) supporting tools. Capture tool requirements in support of the process Capture information from use cases for standard development and usage life cycle Design the wizard-like tool Validate the proposed standards development lifecycle (SDLC) meta-model Develop proof-of-concept that implements the meta-model
BPCCS – Enabling Model-Based Messaging Standards (BD) 17 Model-Based Messaging Standards Development Activity Model-Based Messaging Standards Development Activity Model-Based Development KB Integrated Business Process (Use Case) Context for Customized Messaging Spec. To-Be BOD Deploy. Process + Tools BPCCS Meta-Model Customized Messaging Spec.
18 Example Input: A Business Process
Output: Context for Message Exchange in Support of BOD Subsetting
To-Be BOD Deployment Process + Tools
BPCCS Meta Model
Next Steps: Addressing Priority Items Formalize a process for better standard development and usage life-cycle management with and without (new) supporting tools. Capture tool requirements in support of the process Capture information from use cases for standard development and usage life cycle Design the wizard-like tool Validate the proposed standards development lifecycle (SDLC) meta-model Develop proof-of-concept that implements the meta- model 22