Examples & ideas for Girls in ICT Day activities
Open days at ICT- companies, research facilities, universities, government institutions…. Listening to female role models… …and much more! Contests & quizzes…. ICT-skill trainings….
Mobile app building In Myanmar, girls participated in hands-on ICT trainings related to Mobile apps and how to use them, Bus mobile apps (Yangon Bus) mobile apps like period tracker, pregnancy tracker –May May and many others In Barcelona, a workshop was organized for girls on mobile applications, where they were able to design a game of alien invasion and another drawing application type screen Some platforms for mobile app building: Appshed AppInventor Ratcher LiveCode
Programming In Mexico, girls were actively involved in workshops to design a prototype of a sustainable city in 3D and Augmented Reality, Programming and robotics, a workshop for Creating a digital newspaper. In Kenya the Youth for Technology Foundation hosted 20 girls who learnt how to use Raspberry Pi and Arduino technologies. Use Arduino or Raspberry Pi boards & create your own robot!
Experiencing with 3D printing In Nigeria, during the event organized by Youth for Technology Foundation, over 50 girls from 6 secondary schools across Lagos participated in a showcase of 3D printing technology. In the UK, the GSMA hosted an interactive 3D printing and “upcycling” technology workshop to celebrate Girls in ICT Day in which girls were taken on a journey from designing 3D shapes and concepts to seeing them become a reality using a 3D printer, laser cutting and milling;
Coding camps In Poland girls participated in free practical workshops conducted by professionals from leading ICT companies on different topics including basics of software development or “Make yourself a Wi-Fi” Online resources Code.org CodeAcademy Khan Academy Made with Code CoderDojo In the Czech Republic, girls visited the Avast “virus laboratory”, where they saw how the Avast anti-virus program is catching the viruses and how to program an anti-virus. Participate in the “Hour of Code”!
Creating animated stories and games In the event organized by Youth Initiative for Sustainable Human Development In Africa (YiSHDA) in Nigeria, girls created their own interactive stories through Scratch using animations, music, and art. In Oracle Academy (BGS National Public School) Bangalore (India) girls had a wonderful hands on experience creating an interactive game using ALICE, a 3D programming environment. Free online platforms to create games/animations: Scratch Alice Kodu Game Lab
Blogging In Nigeria, girls participated in two competitions: Blogging and Quiz Competitions. The girls were made to create their own blogs and came up with fantastic blogs. The Quiz competition was focused on STEM subjects. Prizes were presented to the first three winners of both the quiz and blogging competitions. In Germany, Berlin, Cologne and Munich offered speed dating style sessions where girls had the opportunity to meet with female role models involved in game design and blogging. Blogging platforms to start with Wordpress Tumblr
Showcase your event as part of the global movement Involve girls in hands-on workshops Use technology and social media – Web or video conferencing – Active promotion on social media with #GirlsinICT Attract and retain partners and sponsors Get feedback from the participants Tips to make your event a success!
“I love the programme because it has helped to widen my knowledge about ICT and my future” -Women’s Technology Empowerment Centre, Nigeria 2015 “I have learnt how make animations through the Scratch Programming which is something that is not very common in Nigeria.” - YiSHDA, Nigeria 2015 “Through this workshop, we learnt that girls shouldn’t back out of IT. We are supposed to grab each and every opportunity.” - Oracle Academy, India 2015
Online platforms Appshed AppInventor Ratcher LiveCode Scratch Alice Kodu Game Lab Wordpress Tumblr Hardware Arduino Raspberry Pi Lego Mindstorms LittleBits Online resources Code.org CodeAcademy Khan Academy Made with Code CoderDojo Hour of Code GEMS Club
Thank you! # GirlsinICT ITU Girls in ICT More links and examples available at: toolkit toolkit