Sweet Problem Based Learning Reverse engineering Custom Cupcakes
What is Reverse Engineering to disassemble and examine or analyze in detail (as a product or device) to discover the concepts involved in manufacture usually in order to produce something similar.
Why Reverse Engineer Products To understand it better To see inside to satisfy your curiosity: How does it work? To examine the structure, function, operation To duplicate or improve it: Reduce the cost, improve the materials, reduce environmental impact, etc. Increase its efficiency and reliability, add features and usefulness, etc.
Why Use The APB
Activities: Activity 1 - Measurement: Ruler Reading Caliper Reading Activity 2 - Sectioning Half, Full, Offset Section Activity 3 - Visual Analysis Activity 4 - Functional Analysis Project: -Sweet RE Custom Cupcake Creation -Reverse Engineer C.C.C. -Create it - buffet style -Measure it - caliper / ruler -Document it in engineering notebook Problem: -Innovate C.C.C. -Create CAD Models -3D Print New C.C.C.
Why Cupcakes?
Select and build a custom Cupcake creation
Photograph your CCC (AKA prototype)
Sketch your Cupcake
Orthographic Projection
Measure Your Cupcake
Dial Calipers Rulers
Cut the Cupcake What’s Inside?
Section Views
Create a CAD Model
3D Print Your CCC
teaching should be: C C C -Creative -Current -Cooperative