International educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals dedicated to providing high quality public works goods and services. 64 Chapters & approximately 28,000+ members in US & Canada Mission: The American Public Works Association exists to develop and support the people, agencies, and organizations that plan, build, maintain, and improve our communities. Working together, APWA and its membership contribute to a higher and sustainable quality of life. AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION
Board of Directors Created APWA Center for Sustainability in 2008 Enable APWA to become the driving force for sustainability in public works management. Create an integrated vision for the future, sustainable public works management. Build an APWA structure that motivates and enables public works practitioners to act more sustainability. Develop the next generation of public works leaders with strong sustainability credentials and commitment SUSTAINABILITY & APWA
It is no longer enough that infrastructure work, that it be constructed on time and within budget, or even that it last. Now is must be sustainable. WHY SUSTAINABILITY IS CRITICAL
We are building 2050 today The realities of the world in which we live require sustainable approaches Diminishing resources Population growth Extreme events WHY SUSTAINABILITY IS CRITICAL
Mission The APWA Center for Sustainability builds the skills, knowledge, and tools for its members to exercise sustainable leadership in their communities Vision The APWA Center for Sustainability positions APWA and its members to build relationships based on trust and respect to jointly create vibrant, healthy places that enrich all life. COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION
DEFINED SUSTAINABILITY IN PUBLIC WORKS Sustainability in Public Works means Seeking a balanced approach For a vibrant community today & tomorrow, and It is accomplished by the efficient delivery of infrastructure & services In an environmentally and socially responsible way that Ensures the best economic choice in the long term.
In order to create the next generation of public works innovators and leaders, public works professionals need a specific set of skills to use as they lead their communities to create a sustainable future. Adopt System Thinking Keep it Simple Be Innovative Exercise Leadership Foster Teamwork Foster Trust through Transparency Practice Efficiency NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS
APWA Framework for Sustainable Communities Designed to recognize system and prompts broader thinking about projects or programs. DEVELOP TOOLS TO FOSTER CHANGE
Designed to help identify actions to integrated the concepts of sustainability into their operations, projects, expenditures or policies. The principles help to ensure that the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability are well integrated and will endure over time. PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINABILITY
Education Sessions at APWA Conferences Congress, Snow & Sustainability in Public Works Chapter & Partner Workshops & Conferences Click, Listen & Learn How to write a SAP? How to use the APWA Framework for Sustainable Communities Small Projects, Big Results Sustainability & Emergency Management Introduction to Envision TM Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System Coordination with APWA Donald C. Stone Center Coordination with APWA Accreditation Program May issue of the APWA Reporter magazine Peer to Peer Networking & Sharing Network of Chapter Liaisons, Sustainability infoNOW community Sustainability Works Blog bility bility PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
NARC FHWA Livability Grant Mid-America Regional Council Sustainable Communities Grant National Complete Streets Coalition Sustainable Urban Forest Coalition AGC Earth Day Event & Green Construction Conference Greenroads Foundation Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) PARTNERSHIPS
Envision™ was developed in joint collaboration between the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure. The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure is a not-for-profit education and research organization founded by the American Public Works Association, the American Council of Engineering Companies and the American Society of Civil Engineers. ISI & Envision TM
WHAT IS ENVISION™? Envision™ is a tool, which itself is part of a larger system, developed to help evaluate the sustainability of civil infrastructure. This system includes: A self assessment checklist The Envision™ Rating Tool A credential program for individuals A Project Evaluation and Verification Program A Recognition Program for Sustainable Infrastructure
It applies to civil infrastructure It includes design, planning, construction and maintenance elements It is applicable at any point in an infrastructure project's life cycle It speaks to the triple bottom line: social, economic and environmental goals It is designed to keep pace with a changing concept of sustainability WHAT MAKES ENVISION™ UNIQUE?
WHAT TYPES OF INFRASTRUCTURE CAN ENVISION™ RATE? ENERGY Geothermal Hydroelectric Nuclear Coal Natural Gas Oil/Refinery Wind Solar Biomass WATER Potable water distribution Capture/Storage Water Reuse Storm Water Management Flood Control WASTE Solid waste Recycling Hazardous Waste Collection & Transfer TRANSPORT Airports Roads Highways Bikes Pedestrians Railways Public Transit Ports Waterways LANDSCAPE Public Realm Parks Ecosystem Services INFORMATION Telecommunications Internet Phones Satellites Data Centers Sensors
1 PURPOSE QL1.1 Improve Community Quality of Life QL1.2 Stimulate Sustainable Growth and Development QL1.3 Develop Local Skills and Capabilities 2 WELLBEING QL2.1 Enhance Public Health and Safety QL2.2 Minimize Noise and Vibration QL2.3 Minimize Light Pollution QL2.4 Improve Community Mobility and Access QL2.5 Encourage Alternative Modes of Transportation QL2.6 Improve Accessibility, Safety & Wayfinding 3 COMMUNITY QL3.1 Preserve Historic and Cultural Resources QL3.2 Preserve Views and Local Character QL3.3 Enhance Public Space QL0.0 Innovate or Exceed Credit Requirements
HOW TO GET INVOLVED Visit Sign up as a member! Remember it’s free for government agencies Volunteer for a committee Get certified as an ENV SP! Use Envision TM on your projects
New Strategic Plan Developed in 2013 Key Strategy Elements Goals Actions STRATEGIC PLAN
Examples : 1.Develop a sustainability assessment and operations plan for APWA National 2.Develop a marketing and outreach strategy to better communicate outcomes 3.Compile and promote case studies and success stories 4.Support integration of sustainability components into APWA professional development activities 5.Collaborate with APWA Technical Committees 6.Highlight the role of Envision in meeting community sustainability goals 7.Partner with key federal, provincial, international organizations and departments. 8.Develop Network of Chapter Liaisons STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION
This is a good place for you to add your own information related to sustainability. Highlight an example of a sustainability program or initiative that your community, company or Chapter is working on Present a short case study Etc. If you do not want to add any local information – just delete this slide.
ADD YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Julia Anastasio, APWA Director of Sustainability QUESTIONS?